I’m Just a Kamen Rider from Heart

Chapter 1401

After seeing the excitement in the eyes of the three, Mei Zhen also smiled, because the previous Nether Demon was captured by Kun Zhong, which made the three armor warriors not feel the weight of their responsibility, but thought To get them to work hard to become stronger, Long can only find another way, and at present, this reward mechanism may not be bad.

Two days later, the three of them arrived at the wasteland at the time Long said, and here Long still fought with the three of them as ghosts.

However, after being beaten up, although the three of them had improved their mental abilities, none of them could be recognized by Long, but no one told them the specific reason.

This time the failure made the three people understand that Long's training is definitely not that simple, but how to get Long's approval requires thinking.

Without anyone reminding them, the three of them beat each other day after day. Although the mental energy was improving, Long still did not recognize any one of them. This made the three of them feel whether Long was going to regret it, after all. What Meizhen said that day was a bit too big.

After the three of them had been training for a month, Lufa's Nether Demon finally appeared again.

"Sir, do we still need to deal with it?"

Because of their existence in Kunzhong, Xiao Fei hesitated about whether the three of them needed to go to the scene.

"Nether Demon is your enemy, can it be said that you now want to delegate the responsibility you shoulder to others in order to get rewards from me?"

Xiao Fei asked this question, obviously Long did not think of it, but Xiao Fei, who has experienced many blows, is not surprised to ask such a question, after all, Kun Zhong had been arrested too fast before.

After a month of silence, Lu Fa was finally ready to start his plan to conceal the sky and cross the sea again, but this time he chose to let Croton cooperate with him, trying to make some tricks on the road to the scene, even if it could not be completely blocked, but also It must be delayed for a certain amount of time.

In this way, after Barcelona appeared on a tourist wheel, Kunzhong obviously encountered a lot of obstacles when they went out of the police, but they did not think much about the municipal problem of pipeline maintenance, but they had frequent car accidents. The traffic congestion caused by it still made Kunzhong think of something, so the helicopter was in place immediately.

However, just as they were blocked on the road in Kunzhong, three armored warriors appeared on the cruise ship at the same time.

Originally thought his mission was just to test a set of armors, but when Barcelona saw the three men moving out at the same time, he suddenly felt that these armored warriors were too worthy of him.

Lu Fa didn't expect that three sets of armor would appear at the same time.

Although there is no time limit for the transformation, if the power is exhausted now, if other ghost demons appear, what will the three of them do to stop it.

It's just that the current situation is like this. After the welcome said the other party can use the direction to escape, Xiaotian blocked it for the first time, and then just besieged it.

"Feiying legs!"

The fastest Xiao Fei took the lead, because after Long's heard Flute's words, Guremlin was also stunned. He didn't expect that the sage he had only met by all means would say this to himself. if.


Dimu released the shackles of the chains, and Guremlin fell directly to the ground, but he was not so normal in spirit, and he lay on the ground and laughed.

After dropping Guremlin there, Dimu didn’t intend to care about him. This guy, who was obviously different from other Phantoms, could do anything he wanted. Dang Long thought he had no value, so Long. He admitted that he would go back to deal with him, but Dimu would not deal with him personally.

Guremlin, who was ignored by Flute, immediately jumped from the ground after laughing for a while.

"Reggio was defeated by someone. It's really an interesting thing. Next, let me make this more interesting."

With a new idea, Guremlin walked out of this factory, but before leaving, he did not forget to leave a mark on the place where he was tortured.


The flames soared to the sky, and this abandoned factory was turned into a sea of ​​flames by Guremlin's attack.

After taking a rest, Haruto began to look for Reggie's whereabouts.

That guy is quite dangerous. If you don't get rid of him this morning, more people will be attacked.

However, Haruto didn't know, now Guremlin had found Reggie, who was hiding to recuperate, and the two had reached an intention to cooperate.

When Guremlin found Reggie, he was also taken aback. After all, when he released Reggie from the seal, he felt Reggio’s power, but now Reggie The abdomen wound, according to Reggio's description, was a dark green guy with a single blow.

Guremling knows very well that if he can cause this kind of injury to Reggio, it is estimated that hitting himself will have a similar effect.

Although he didn't believe Flute's words, Reggie's injuries now proved the existence of the hidden Kamen Riders, so Guremlin felt that his movements had better be restrained.

Now he is a weird person. If he is targeted by other knights like Region because of his arrogance, it is estimated that it will be difficult for him to escape.

"Our actions must be within a range. Only in this range, our enemy is the only wizard. If we exceed this range, we will be attacked by other people. I did not expect that it is no longer a human being, but it is still It’s ridiculous to follow the rules."

Guremling suddenly felt that there is no difference between being a weirdo and being a human being. Humans have human laws, and weirdos have to abide by some unspoken rules that belong to them, and they must be restricted at all times.

Reggie, who was leaning against the wall, was very violent at first, but after being educated, he now knows that he has calmed down.

Compared with Haruto’s burst of power, the absolute suppression shown by Ryoto is a real blow to Reggie. Moreover, Reggie fought with Haruto because Haruto had what he wanted. Something to be destroyed, but he couldn't see anything in Liang's body.

The kind of suppression that came from the soul made Reggie, a phantom who thought that there would be no emotion of fear, at this time, he was afraid of Ryo.

"Sure enough, fear does not mean that there is no salvation. Even those who lack feelings know what awe is. Although Ryo's power is not complete, the suppression at the level of life will still make the Phantom like this not. Beings born under normal circumstances understand their own insignificance."

At home, Long learned about the movements of Guremlin and Reggie through Flute, and he has no other opinion on these two phantoms. Reggie’s gate is an artist. After Zeon was born, there was no way to deal with all this. As for Guremlin, he said the same thing. When everything is over, it is time to settle the accounts.

"Qingren, I have left you with the opportunity to acquire infinite forms. Don't let me down after you finish. If your enlightenment can move me, then I will prepare a special ring for you. ."

At this time, there was a golden stone in front of Long, and the stone was much better, but soon the meteor was also sent over.

Seeing the shooting star covered with scars again, Kantaro knew that this would never happen if he stayed there, but if he didn't send Kengo over, no one knew what would happen.

"New, get ready to fight with me. Although there shouldn't be much gains, I think I will be able to persevere in the face of you who are full of energy."

After Kendaro and Shin returned, Takashi asked Shin to conduct separate training with him.

Hearing Takashi's words, Shin did not hesitate to follow Takashi upstairs. Although Kendaro also wanted to practice with Takashi, the main training aspect of Kendaro is to master the cosmic energy.

The star driver that Takashi made in other worlds has undergone a new change after it has been in contact with Kantaro’s No. 40 switch universe switch. This change not only affects the power of the final form of Fourze, but also Unknown changes have taken place in the Star Apprentice Drive now.

Long Hexin, who came to the training room, didn't say much, but changed his shape happily.

"New, your power is very powerful. I told you at the beginning to master your power, but now as your own power increases day by day, you have developed a fear of your own power, and this also makes you have no choice now. The reason for exerting all the power, although there is a reason for the core coin of Gidola, but I think you should also know that it is not the most core reason."

Although I haven't figured out how to let Xin grasp his own power as soon as possible, it is better to let Xin vent his own power first.

Adolescence, everyone will encounter some things that bother them very much during this period, and now the new parents are not by his side, so if you are an elder, you must take good care of him.

Long's words came to Xin's heart, and Xin didn't answer directly, but directly summoned his most powerful force now.

Gidola's armor was set on the new body, but the three dragon heads were still swaying behind the new body.

"New, power is a tool for us to achieve our goals. Don’t be afraid of power. Although Star Eater Gidola is terrifying, you must be clear that its existence in front of me is only illusory, and your own power is not afraid of it. It, after all, there is no way for the body of that guy to appear here, so the phantom you summoned at most contains only part of its concept. If you are afraid of the concept, then I don’t know how to enlighten you. Up."

Because Xin has never dared to fully explode his own power, he does not know where his power limit is, not to mention that now under the stimulation of the core coin of Gidola, the speed of mental power growth is faster. Without a clear reference, Xin certainly didn't know how far he was entangled in that.

Just after Long finished speaking, he saw that the phantom of Gidola behind Xin became more and more condensed.

"Yes, it's like this. Don't be afraid of anything. I am here to help you. You can attack as you want. Today is your day to vent your pressure."

Seeing a change in the new state, Long also entered the state.

Immediately after entering this special space, Long had already entered his strongest form, and with this power, Long would not be afraid of any enemy.

After Long finished speaking, beams of light burst out from the new side.

The terrifying, saturated ground-washing attack completely covered the one-kilometer diameter range where Ryu was located, and Ryu was just standing in place to withstand the new attack.

"Today's training plan is to allow Xin to understand his current upper limit, and then to let him vent the pressure in his heart. The next battle will create a robot, but the new power has become much stronger. It seems that at the beginning The consortium’s experiment is really powerful, but now that the data is out of the real place, there are no other records in the world."

When thinking about how to allow Xin to master his own power, Long did not forget to sigh with emotion about the final result of that experiment.

In the first two days, Zhen has completely completed his transformation. The original Kamen Rider Zhen has now become Kamen Rider Gaia, and Zhen has gained the ability to communicate with the earth, which has also led to the current earth. There is another person at the core who can enter it.

Long’s sparring is very effective, and the new inner self-confidence has disappeared, but he knows that the current state can only be used in front of Long. If it is someone else, under his attack, it is There is absolutely no chance that it will go down.

"Chairman, this is the list of the remaining people."

Although Hayami suffered damage that he shouldn't have suffered in the last battle, after receiving treatment, he continued to help the chairman find other star disciples.

With only Gemini, Pisces and Aquarius left, Hayami only took a week to find the other three candidates on campus, but how to turn them into star disciples is to make careful preparations. Things up.

Before, they were able to make Capricorn and Taurus complete their transformation almost at the same time by fighting with Kamen Riders, attracting the other's attention, and then cultivating newcomers.

"Is there still this little girl?"

After seeing Yuki's name, I looked interesting.

I have known the identities of Kendaro and the others for a long time, and I really want to see their performance after their companions become celestial disciples, and Yuki represents not a general constellation, but an extremely special Gemini.

After discovering I was interested in Yuuki, Hayami knew what to do, and the prom is a good choice.

It hasn’t been a long time since the school has had any major impact. Now it’s time to catch up with the high school students who are about to graduate. Then let Youmu complete the transformation on the day of the graduation prom is definitely a very good choice.

Although Hayami's performance is always unsatisfactory when facing Kamen Rider, as long as I hope to continue, Hayami will never slack off.

Kendaro and the others didn’t know, they were preparing for the prom for Miwa and Hayabusa.I’m just a heart The latest chapter address of Kamen Rider: https://lightnovelpub.net/book/106338.htmlI’m just a The full text of Kamen Rider of the Heart can be read at: https://lightnovelpub.net/read/106338/I’m just a slave Kamen Rider of the Heart txt download address: https://lightnovelpub.net/down/106338.htmlI’m just one Read from the Kamen Rider phone of the heart: https://m.lightnovelpub.net/read/106338/For convenience next time To read, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1401), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I'm Just a Kamen Rider from My Heart", please recommend it to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) This book, thank you for your support! (lightnovelpub.net)