I’m Not Going to Be Bullied By a Girl

Chapter 307: An egg

According to the old man, the tricks of Chinese martial arts are actually only two tricks, one is "sports" and the other is "smart", which are used in attack and defense respectively. Because of the rules of ancestors, yin and yang should not be passed to me. Outsiders, I only taught me that "Chemical" does not teach me to "strengthen". According to the words of a monk, it is already a great blessing.

However, the human heart is not enough to swallow the elephant. I don’t study martial arts for the sake of defensiveness. I am good at it, and I still want to win others.

So when I saw the old man's posture and strangely supported the bench, I had the idea of ​​stealing.

However, it is too strange for the father to practice his posture today.

The old man lowered his head and held the bench. His shoulders were tight, his back was parallel to the ground, and he was squatting. He was motionless, his face was red, and his sweat was coming down.

This kind of magical power consumes so much power, it seems that the old man himself is a bit too much to eat.

Suspicion waiting for the old man to change the move, the result waited for nearly ten minutes, the father still does not move.

I suddenly realized it.

Ye Lin, Ye Lin, don't waste your father's painstaking efforts. Father is deliberately giving you a strong posture for you to steal.

At this time, I have already found the old man to practice boxing together. Although I am hiding in the back of the woods 20 steps away, the old man must have guessed that I have arrived.

I don't want to go against the ancestors' legacy training, and I hope that the yin and yang can't be handed down completely, so I will show it to me deliberately, let me steal it after I learned it.

What a noble behavior, a multi-minded lofty desire.

Father, you can rest assured, your heart has received me, I will open my eyes and keep my strong posture in my heart.

In other words, this position is a bit indecent.

It's a bit like, to be fart to others, so high, really help to kill the enemy.

No matter what, this is a good intention of the old man, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, I am still waiting for what to do, and learn immediately.

So I also helped the trunk and picked up my butt.

Um... a little shame, fortunately no one else saw it.

I tried it and kept this posture to force the trunk, but it felt quite awkward, so I couldn't even make it for three points.

This... I understand, this is not the posture when you are hitting, but the posture when you exercise. Just like the turtle fairy asks the apprentice to wear the tortoise shell, usually under the unfavorable conditions, the real force is played. Can be a hundred times more powerful.

Excited me, I swayed the trunk again, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t be like the old man, the blush was purple, and the sweat flowed into the beard along the corner, giving people a sense of tension.

It is said that when Yue Buqun practiced "Zi Xia Shen Gong", the dough is also purple. Is it necessary to practice the purple color like a father to be qualified?

I tried to change the color of the face by gnashing my teeth, but I didn't have to look in the mirror to know that it was futile.

The expression of constipation on the side of the squatting, the shame of this magical power rose again.

No, I can't be anxious. The old man must have been practicing hard for many years to have today's achievements. Only then can his face be purple and sweaty. I must persist and practice hard, and I can practice the gods to the highest level like the old man.

Don't look at my posture when it's ugly, I will reach out and the tree in front of me will fall down.

Hahahahaha, the world is invincible just around the corner, I will upgrade according to the line of "boxer → big boxer → giant boxer → super boxer → holy boxer → **** boxer".

It may be that my heart is too excited, and the movement of shaking the trunk is seen by the father.

It should have been seen, but the two pupils of the father were extremely focused, as if they were disturbed by the incompetent force in the body, even if they were facing me, they did not recognize me.

Good-hearted father, actually pretending not to notice me, it is easy to teach others to work hard this year.

Seeing that the gods are so powerful, I feel that my talents are too low. I don’t necessarily have to understand when I look at some time. So I went to the old man and asked him to take it, at least for a while.

The old man saw me coming slowly from behind the tree, and there was still a smile on his face. His face rose more purple, his eyes glanced and yelled at me:

"There are small slats in your SB. Since you have come early, you can't move me when you see me flashing. Why don't you help me?"

Hey,,, flash to the waist,, isn't it a magical power,,, isn't it that the face is flushed? Doesn't it mean that the internal force is so majestic?,, isn't the sweat on the face represent the airy days?,, I am white for a long time, white imitation Half a day, ah.

Helped the old man to change his position and let him lie on the bench. The father was relieved and his face was not purple and sweaty. He shouted:

"This old bone is really not working. It seems that I have buried half of the loess. Maybe I will be assaulted someday."

I am very respectful to the world-famous high-ranking man. In order not to look down at the old man, I am kneeling beside the bench and laughing:

"It's hard to do it. Father, you just accidentally flashed to the waist. With your physique, you will be able to make a difference."

Father took a sip on the ground.

"Jianghu, where the rivers and lakes, the older generation died almost the same, the new generation is not doing business, a door to work sooner or later have to lose."

I said in my heart, "Break a ring, give me the yin and yang hands completely, don't lose it." But I feel that the atmosphere in front of me is not right, I can't hold it.

The old man sighed in his back and sighed:

"I am 81 this year. At the age of 24, I just gave birth to a son when I was married..."

I got married at the age of 24, and of course I put it in the night. If I put it in the present, I will not even be qualified to become a magician.

"With my son, I will go out and go to the rivers and lakes, and go to the martial arts masters to learn martial arts..."

It is said that it is hard work, but it is hard to leave it.

"There are a lot of villains on the rivers and lakes. There are not many real masters. But I have a lot of competencies with those masters. I have a lot of insights, value, and the value of the 20 years of the rivers and lakes."

Twenty years, I haven’t been home for twenty years. What about the wife at home? The former woman is really awkward. If you change to a woman now, you will be on a business trip for two months. Maybe you will be out of the wall. what.

"Before the news was not well-informed, many folks thought that I was dead. After I came back, my family was not happy. I invited the troupe to celebrate the three days in the village. It was really lively..."

At this time, the old man looked deep and seemed to be immersed in the memories of the past.

"Later later, my wife added another daughter to me. Unfortunately, she didn't have a life of happiness. When she gave birth to her daughter, it took a long time to die."

"The master I met when I was in the rivers and lakes, the same Wu idiots like me, I have not been able to reach the end of my life. Some of the gullies were overturned under the hands of the villain, and they were mad at themselves; some practiced ignorance. Was killed by the Thunder; some were deceived by the cult to protect the law, and the result was given to the Fa-rectification by the People's Government; some prevented the Red Guard from hitting people in the essay, and was shot in vain; but the martial arts was the lowest, everyone The one who didn’t want to pay attention to him changed his name to the monk temple and became the abbot. Now it’s a good day to stock up on stocks...”

The old man sighed long:

"Hey, I want to come to my relatives and friends who live in the world, there is not much in the underworld, maybe I will call me soon."

This scene is a little sad, not suitable for your unfamiliar father, the first two days is not a good touch of porcelain.

So I can't take care of my legs and continue to scream and tell my father:


"Don't call my master." The old man blows his beard and blinks. "I didn't mean you can't accept you as an apprentice."

"Good." I changed my mouth. "Master, you have a great demeanor, and occasionally flashing a waist is a big deal. Young people like us, basketball often flashes to the waist, rest for two days, rest for two days." ""

"It's better than this. I will still come to Dongshan Lake for running these two days, but I won't practice punching with you. You can raise it at home... In fact, it is much more tired than practicing with you. I just stole two days of laziness... ..."

Father said: "Bastards, people who practice martial arts can't have lazy thoughts, I can rest, you can't rest."

Then I reached out and touched my hand and pulled out an egg for me.

I reached out and thanked the old man in a hurry:

"Master, you are so kind to me, actually buy me eggs and eat them early..."

"You are an SB." Father gave me a chestnut chisel. "This is a birth."

"Ah." I looked like a stupid, "The raw cockroach eats."

"It’s not for you to eat, it’s for you to practice.” The old man said with anger, "I feel that my waist is not strong when I come out in the morning, just take this with me... Listen, I have to rest for a few days, this time. In the case, whether you are going to school after school, eating and pulling, I will bring this raw egg to me, and I will not break it."

"Hey, put it in your trouser pocket."

"When you put it all, just put it in your trouser pocket. After two days, after I have a good waist, you have to return the egg intact."

"This...with an egg with you, how can you help with practicing yin and yang?"

Father looked at me with the gaze of "scorning you and shutting up", I dare not speak.

"I tell you that it is said that practicing martial arts and practicing martial arts is not a practice of martial arts. Instead, martial arts are practicing people. If you want to exercise your body to do whatever you want, you must develop the habit of automatically attacking your body without the brain. In short, this egg is good for you, treat me with care, if you break it..."

Oops, isn't this a common bridge in martial arts novels? I suddenly look worried.

"Oh, isn't it possible that if I break the egg, the yin and yang will not be able to practice again."

The old man gave me a look. "If you break the eggs, just... buy one and give it back to me. Now the eggs are four and seven pounds."