I’m Not Going to Be Bullied By a Girl

Chapter 420: Two major wishes

"Even if Thailand can lose, what is special 1:5, I am **** you guys in China."

When I came to the vegetable market downstairs with her, I heard the roar from the shoe repair shop.

"Ye Lin, only the person I introduced, the uncle will sell the bugs to him." Xiao Qin said carefully. "But every time the Chinese team loses, he is in a bad mood, I am afraid today..."

As a person who is nominally a seclusion, the shoemaker’s uncle’s pain in the men’s football is indeed too much.

"Is it special to rush out of Asia and go to the world. In my life, I can't see the Chinese men's football entering the second round of the World Cup. I also said what realizes the Chinese dream and realizes the Chinese dream of shit. You know the stinking feet of sleepwalking. My father is white and dead at your feet."

"Ah." I was shocked and couldn't help but ask Xiaoqin: "Daddy of the shoemaker's uncle, did you look at the men's team members when you were eating at the restaurant, and they were kicked to death?"

"That didn't. I heard that this is the case. The shoemaker's father's myocardial infarction has just been rescued by the hospital. He went to see a World Cup budget game for the national football team, and then... then he was mad."

I rely on it, it really is to watch the ball to be cautious, cherish life, stay away from the national football, think of my grandfather before he died, grab my father's hand and tell him that he has two wishes, one is that he hopes to remarriage, the second is hope If one day the national football team scored the World Cup, they must burn the video to him.

The two wishes are not realized now. Although Dad’s remarriage has a bit of eyebrows, my son is also desperately trying to match Dad and Auntie, but I can’t do anything about the national football. Grandpa, you are in the Spirit of Heaven. Please don't blame the grandson, I can't do it for you to burn the video of the women's football.

"That, Ye Lin, you need a bug, who is going to eavesdrop on it." Xiao Qin said with concern, "Eavesdropping on others is a violation of the law..."

Only you are not qualified to say such things. Eavesdropping on someone I am embarrassed to hear is not you, not only hears my daily conversation with my dad, but even Amy is my sister, and I am also listening to you. Going.

Xiaoqin raised a small fist on his chest and said with confidence:

"I am eavesdropping on Ye Lin, it is not illegal, because this matter is allowed by Ye Lin."

"What, when will I allow you to eavesdrop on me."


"That's also asking me to marry me in my dreams. Don't come back to trouble me."

Xiaoqin suddenly lowered her head. I thought that I accidentally hurt her heart and looked carefully. She was a shy and blushing gesture.

"Actually, I have already married 100 years of marriage with Ye Lin in my dreams. Sometimes I dreamed in my dreams. I dreamt that I didn't marry Ye Lin, and I woke up..."

Dreaming of dreams, stealing dream space, don't like that I like to be so exaggerated.

"There was another dream that Ye Lin was turned into a short-legged dachshund by an alien, but that dream had a good ending..."

I have become a dog and there is a good ending. You want to... play with me, and why is it short-legged, I would rather become a husky, become Obama’s kind, and don’t want to become short-legged. Sausage, even the aliens should laugh at my short legs.

"There is a certain chance when I dream. I dreamt that I am a boy, and Ye Lin is a girl... The plot is generally shameful, I... I am so embarrassed to say it."

It’s already embarrassing to have this premise. What is the “a certain probability”? In the subconscious, you still can’t fix your gender as a woman.

"When I dreamed that Ye Lin was a girl, your face was a very delicate face. The most annoying thing is that the feminine Ye Lin classmates are often bigger than me..."

You are not saying that you are embarrassed to say the plot, who's chest is bigger than you, I am the chest muscles, the chest muscles you do not understand.

"I was dreaming of Ye Lin, who was like that last night. I saw that I had to catch up with the chest of the palace color. I wouldn’t be mad at it. I grabbed it with both hands and I was so shy. The anxious expression is so cute..."

If I didn't get it wrong, Xiaoqin seems to have swallowed it.

Nima, this is the subconscious mind that wants to avenge me, the part of your subconscious mind, because I pinched your chest yesterday and hated it, so I pinched me in my dreams, (although I didn’t) YY I am a woman's dream. I have been ruined like this. Even if I have a chest like a palace, I will not get married.

Uncle Shoemaker continued to squat in the shoe repair shop.

"I spend a lot of money to raise this grandson. I have a fart. The North Korean team is playing better than you. If I am the president of the country, I will let you go all the way to Shanxi to dig coal, and ask you to take a puff to find the lady." I don’t believe that China’s 1.3 billion people can’t find eleven to play football.”

The sliding door of the shoe repair shop was closed. There was a professional woman wearing high heels who planned to repair the shoes. He heard the snoring sound inside, did not dare to knock on the door, and walked high and low.

Xiaoqin advised me: "Now go to the shoemaker uncle to buy a bug, he will not care about it, it is better to say that my mother has not returned home, go upstairs to eat together, after eating, can also eat me..."

I don't want to play so thrilling. In the case of any aunt who will come back at any time, I will also have a myocardial infarction like the father of the shoemaker, not to mention the grandfather's wish, even though the national football team won the World Cup 16 It is estimated that I can't see it in my lifetime, but it is still very hopeful to let my father remarriage. I don't want to let Auntie be mad.

So I didn't promise to go upstairs with Xiaoqin to eat (and eat her), but took her to a convenient supermarket, I paid for it, bought canned hawthorn, canned oranges, and a supplement of folic acid. Iron supplement zinc supplemental nutrition (although the description stated that it is beneficial to pregnant women, but the name is not limited to pregnant women).

Xiao Qin is not clear, with a puzzled look behind me.

When paying the bill at the cashier, the receiving aunt does not seem to be very familiar with Xiaoqin. Although Xiaoqin’s family lives here, I am afraid that there are not many times to shop here.

I don’t know if it’s the price of the potholes. In short, there aren’t many people in the convenience supermarket. When the aunt’s scan of the two cans, I didn’t say anything. When she added the supplement of folic acid, she frowned and glanced at me. I looked at me and was attracted by a bag of snacks on the shelves. It was not very clever.

"That is your girlfriend." The receiving aunt asked in the general tone of the account.

"Okay." I replied slyly, and Xiao Qin did not notice our conversation.

The receiving aunt suddenly lowered his voice and asked me with a serious expression: "Do not get rid of it."


"Hey, you young people, the opposite is the pharmacy, you can buy a tt how many ways to go."

You are too busy with this collection aunt, no wonder you come to buy so many customers, how, you think that the folic acid I bought is for Xiaoqin, you think she is pregnant at a young age. My child, I also intend to let her be born.

"No, no." I waved, thinking that since this collection aunt is not familiar with Xiaoqin, I am afraid I may not know any Auntie, so I will tell her: "Pregnant is not my girlfriend, my girlfriend's mother, It’s just that her mother doesn’t know it yet...”

The aunt who received the money was shocked: "Her mother doesn't know, how do you know, is it that you and your mother-in-law..."

I quickly denied: "How is this possible? Actually, I am old..."

Just want to say "my dad", I feel that this relationship is also very sensational, so I swallowed back and changed it to "in fact, my old man is not old, and the wife of the mother is recruited."

The aunts are all skeptical, and may feel that the mother-in-law is pregnant, why the father-in-law does not buy supplements by himself, and the mother-in-law must be done on behalf of the daughter-in-law. She also said that the mother-in-law does not know what she is pregnant, and she has a lot of doubts. I am not Conan, I can't thoroughly investigate the truth.

Xiaoqin came over with the bag of 3 dollars of snacks at this time, and asked me carefully:

"Ye Lin, can you buy this for me?"

The eyes are as pitiful as the deer plaque.

I handed the snack to the receiving aunt, and the aunt did not know what to think. God came to one sentence:

"Little girl, now the world is sinister, you have to have one more heart."

Xiao Qin didn't understand what the other person meant. She showed her love in the same arms and smiled and said:

"Ye Lin is very good to me. We will definitely get married in the future."

"Yes." The aunt took a look that she didn't believe. "It will be good if your mother won't be stalked by it."

This sentence seems to have poked the heart disease of Xiao Qin, Xiao Qin said:

"Mom does not agree with it now, but... I will definitely agree in the future. Ye Lin’s deliberately buy what her mother likes to eat, just to please her mother and have a good relationship with her mother."

The aunt who took the money sighed, "I am afraid that the relationship is so good that you have to be embarrassed."

I rely on your aunt to be too gossip, no wonder everyone is not here to buy things, if not in the small celery, I will not be so simple.

After taking over the change I found, I took a look at my aunt and left Xiaomin with the Xiaoqin.

The aunt who collected the money seemed to be saying to himself: "The world is sinister...the people now dare to do anything..."

I took this bag of things, took Xiaoqin to the altar meathouse and ate a little dinner, then handed it over to Xiaoqin, and let her take it home to let Auntie eat it, let her say that she bought it, don’t mention me. first name.

“Why, my mother knows that Ye Lin’s classmates are not happy to buy things for themselves, and Ye Lin’s classmates don’t go upstairs with me.”

"Well, I won't go up today." I said, "Is it if I mention your name, the shoemaker uncle will sell the bug to me."

"Poor, almost, the shoemaker uncle may have to ask a few questions about me to test you, but there is no difficulty for Ye Lin, and I really don't come to my house to sleep for a while... No, sit for a while? ""

No, it’s just a quick time, how can I achieve Chinese football to enter the World Cup... No, it’s the goal of getting my dad to remarriage. Now, Aunt’s body is the first, and she must not let her child in her stomach. There are flashes, this is a very critical, very critical task prop.