I’m Playing Cards In Duel City

Chapter 255: Whiteboard card

Tianma Yexing led the crowd to the door of Bekas's collection room, and then stopped temporarily, saying that he didn't even have permission to enter this door. The system of this door is completely independent of the Mirage Building, and cannot be opened by anyone except Bekas himself.

But what he said about the key has been sent to the two duel kings along with the previous invitation letter.

You Yu was still stunned for a moment, and then suddenly he remembered a card with a very inconspicuous picture of a key that had been sent along with the volume of Bekas's requested video tape.

Previously, because I only paid attention to the "Mask Change" sent by Bekas, this unclear thing almost ignored it. Fortunately, he didn't use it as a commemorative prop and sold it in the store, otherwise he would be embarrassed now...

A similar card game also has one in his hand. The two took out their key cards and opened the door of the collection room together.

Entering the room, as expected, Bekas’s collection room was filled with various cartoon monsters from the ceiling to the corner of the floor.

What cute cartoon blue-eyed white dragon, cartoon devil summons, cartoon twin fairy, cartoon black magic girl...

In fact, it doesn't match the identities of capitalists, power holders, and artists on the surface. Privately, Libekas is not interested in the world famous paintings of antique sculptures, and likes to collect very cute cartoon monsters.

It's just that Haima and the others have dealt with Bekas before, and they have known the urinary nature of this stuff for a long time, and it didn't feel too surprising to see this full house of cute things.

In fact, this feeling is similar to the legendary "Wall of the Dead House", but he played more high-end...

If it must be said, to some extent, President Haima is a bit similar. The president is flying the blue-eyed white dragon plane and driving the blue-eyed white dragon sports car, and all the things he uses are somewhat touched by the blue-eyed white dragon.

And when you walk into the president's office, you can see the incredible miniature blue-eyed white dragon model on his desk at a glance...

Of course, the president is also very picky about the taste of Bailong's image. For example, the president here saw the cute cartoon blue-eyed white dragon in the Bekas collection room, just glanced at it contemptuously, snorted heavily, and turned away with disdain. .

So obviously, the president is not interested in the small...

The cartoon black magician girl is also very cute, looking like a ignorant and lively little loli. With small arms and legs, the small staff in his hand is like a lollipop.

It may be that You Yu glanced at the model of the cartoon black magician girl more when he passed by. After he walked over, the black magic girl's elves floated out, blinking his eyes and looked at this mini version of himself.

Could the master... prefer something like this?

However, she looked at the figure of the cartoon girl's pair of A, then bowed her head and gestured to herself, and couldn't help feeling from the bottom of her heart that she was really terrible...

Although Bekas himself is not here, he specially left a video of a three-dimensional image.

In this video, he warned everyone who was the real enemy this time, told everyone about the existence of "Doma" and what a terrible organization it is, and even the shadow of Doma has always been in the long process of human civilization.

The Industrial Revolution, the Renaissance in Italy, Napoleon's unification of Europe, etc., in short, all important transitions in the development of civilization in history have something to do with Doma.

No matter what the others, a few players couldn't help but bow their heads and whispered to each other.

This setting makes people feel in awe of the behemoth Doma, but the focus of sand sculpture players is often different.

For example, they are now discussing whether Watt played cards with Dazzle back then, and that's why he came up with an idea to improve the steam engine.

And Mona Lisa may have been a good card player at the beginning, maybe Da Vinci and Da Vinci were originally card friends.

Not to mention Napoleon, maybe he was the duel king of that year. Start a set of cards and play cards to dominate the world...

Although before Bekas created the duel monster card game, this game has not been popular all over the world like this. But as a ritual handed down from ancient times, the dark duelist who inherited this game also exists in every era and every region.

Who knows? Maybe Genghis Khan was also a good player at the beginning...

Then, according to Bekas' instructions, they needed to find a legendary card in this room that he secretly created with everyone behind his back, with the ability to turn defeat into victory in an instant.

In the animation, everyone may have been looking for a long time, but because You Yu remembers the plot, this time can be saved.

The entire collection room is full of cartoon monsters, only a model of the "pot of lust" is completely indifferent to the rest of the room. The card made by Bekas was placed in this "pot of desire".

It was a blank card, and there was nothing on the card.

It should be said that it is President Bekas, and suddenly thought of this trick-a white board, isn't it obvious that it was used to print cards?

Since it's all a white board, shouldn't I say what it is?

As if to verify this idea, Bekas specifically named him in the video, saying that he hoped the game Boy could hold this card. Because he thinks that only Game Boy can play the full power of this card.

You Yu automatically filtered this sentence, and only the power of the tongue can control the power of the whiteboard card. For example, a player like You Yu with a normal haircut and abiding by the rules can see 8 Taixing at a glance...

"Mr. Bekas has long realized that there will be this moment." Tianma Yexing, who had been watching quietly at this time, said, "So he made arrangements in advance and arranged a series of countermeasures.

Now the Mirage Society has fallen into the control of Thomas on the bright side, but the forces hidden in the inner world are already ready, and only when the time is right, they can declare war like Thomas. "

Seahorse gave him a cold look: "But if this'Doma' is really as omnipotent as Bekas said, and even close to the role of the'master of the world', relying on your so-called darkness Can the duelist bring it down?"

"Only by us? Of course not." Tianma Yexing was expressionless, like a ruthless robot with complex messages, "So according to the explanation in Mr. Bekas's plan, the game, the seahorse, and Youyu are at the apex of this world. Duel, you are the last trump card here."

After a pause, he suddenly realized that something seemed to be missing: "Oh, by the way, you are one of them, too.

Chengouchi wanted to do it again: "This tone must be intentional, right?"

"Not only that." The game showed a plug-in card that was suspected to be just printed, the legendary dragon "Eye of Timaeus", "there are also the power of dueling monsters and elves to fight with us."

"Yeah, that's right. We are not fighting alone."

Even within the city did not know where to find out the "Claws of Heinemus"-You Yu didn't know until then that the legendary dragon in the city had already started.

But there is nothing surprising. After all, the deity of Heinemus looked the same as the inside of the city, so sooner or later he would definitely get it.

"Huh, do you still bring a mortal bone as a burden? But it doesn't matter." Seahorse sneered triumphantly while holding his arms. The Doma' organization, Ameruda, one of the Three Musketeers at its apex, has already been solved by us."

"Huh!?" The game and the friends expressed surprise.

Even Tianma Yexing's eyelids moved.

He was a little surprised. Although Doma's Three Musketeers had never seen him directly, he still heard about the strength of the opponent.

That Rafiru never shows up in public and does not participate in any major events. However, there are rumors in North America that if Rafiru appears in the "Duel City Tournament", the title of duel king has nothing to do with Youyu and the game.

Although this kind of statement is very irresponsible and is suspected of causing war, it is enough to show the strength of this person.

There is also the Ameruda, who is said to have killed a highly recognized international championship sponsored by the International Vision Agency within a few rounds. The Illusion Society is known as the "Card Professor" and the world's top powerhouse in the world has also been defeated by this person.

It can be seen that the Three Musketeers are at the level of peerless masters.

Is this seahorse man really so good? Did such an understatement solve one of the Three Musketeers?

At this time, Guiping said at the right time: "It's not your brother, it's You Yu. Before we came here, You Yu had already defeated Ameruda, one of the Three Musketeers."

Everyone turned their eyes towards You Yu.

In the castle: "Yo Xi! As expected of You Yu, so we can get a point first!"

Watch game: "You Yusang is really strong, UU reading www.uukanshu.com looks like we are behind again..."

Tianma Yexing also said to himself: "Duel Wang Youyu, it seems that it is indeed not a person with a mere name..."

Player group of four: "You Yusang is awesome!"

"Huh." Haima smiled with a stinky look on his arms, "this level is natural."

Chengouchi stared blankly: "We are talking about You Yu and didn't praise you. What are you proud of?"

Haima gave him a white look and mocked coldly: "Van Bone!"

You Yu coughed and said to be low-key, let's keep a low-key...

"Speaking of it, I heard that your Nightcrawler World has also achieved good results against Thomas in Tong Shiye." Nightwalker said, "I heard Yuexing talk about the situation there, and made a good start for this war. Good head."

You Yu pondered for a moment, and said: "You said that the Mirage Society is ready to fight back. Then about this plan...I have some ideas, maybe it can help."