I’m Playing Cards In Duel City

Chapter 272: bad news

While Miss Yuehua followed that sand sculpture player's raid, similar situations were happening all over the world.

After the preparations were almost done, just a few hours ago, You Yu gave the hands-on instructions without hesitation.

Through the faction panel, he can directly issue tasks to players from all over the world who have joined his faction. So after posting the edited task, all players received the instructions at the same time.

The players waited eagerly for more than a week, and the hope is this moment. In the past few days, people have been posting posts on the forum.

"Have you ever told me, when will the event start? My right hand is already out of control!"

"Don't ask us about everything, we are also very embarrassed..."

"Didn't some buddies say that they went to Dorma's headquarters? Ask that brother to poke Dazi privately and ask him when the old man is going to destroy the world? Comrades are all looking forward to that day!"


It is conceivable that after such a large group of wolves and tigers, hungry and thirsty sand sculptures, after suppressing their impulse for so long, when the task panel suddenly refreshed the task of "faction war start", they all became excited. What kind of.

"Oh oh oh! The event has finally started!"

"Are there any brothers who were born in Maple Leaf Country? Please form a team."

"Is the man or the girl upstairs? The girl is fine, the woman will only affect the speed at which I draw cards..."


As soon as the faction battle started, the faction and Doma here officially entered the battle state, and the hostile players and NPCs would automatically become red names in the eyes of the players.

In this way, no matter where they go, players can tell who is the enemy at a glance.

Around the world, a large number of sand sculptures quickly dispersed, carrying a duel plate aggressively and rushing into the blocks, and the streets began to find people to play cards everywhere.

I have to say that Doma has penetrated into human society really well. What are the big names in the military field, the presidents of top 100 companies, the most powerful politicians, and the authority of the press to control public opinion...

It is hardly an exaggeration to say that the whole world has been mastered by them. All aspects of the operation of human society have already fallen into the hands of Thomas unknowingly. If relying on conventional means, no organization or any force can have the ability to face such a behemoth.

If it is put in other animation movies, this kind of organization is actually equivalent to the realization of the dream of "conquering the world" dreamed by villains from all walks of life. Super organizations with such capabilities can hardly be overthrown, impossible to defeat, and the entire earth is in their pockets.

However, it is a pity that here is the animation world view called "Yugioh".

Regardless of whether you are a big business man or a head of state, whether you have aircraft carrier missiles or the wealth of an enemy country, according to the rules of this world, all beings are equal before playing cards.

There is nothing that cannot be solved by a duel!

In fact, these high-ranking and powerful members are relatively important figures in Doma, and their identities are still relatively hidden.

From the perspective of the people around them, they are completely indistinguishable from ordinary people. They are serious and responsible for their affairs, and they are kind and kind to their subordinates. From any angle, they seem to be exemplary and outstanding people.

But all these appearances can't fool the eyes of sand sculpture players.

Countless members of Dorma were challenged by a bunch of strange behaviors in the same day, and they were so confused that they exposed their identity and were dragged away to play a gambling card.

Going up to the big country politicians and down to the little hot dog brother on the side of the road, Doma members of all levels and fields all hit the sand sculptures all over the street looking for cards to play, and began a duel.

The International Vision Society and the alliance led by Nightcrawler World in the 11th District provided support for this operation. All duels participating in the battle will receive an envelope issued by the organization-it is a one-time use of dark game props.

Although the dark energy level sealed in the envelope was not high, it was enough to start a dark game. Players only need to open the envelope to the designated target to forcefully start the dark game and force the opponent to accompany him to play cards.

With this, none of the targets targeted by the sand sculpture players can run away, and they have to play cards.

Battle reports from all over the country continue to be sent back to the headquarters. As an "event planner," You Yu did not personally play, but stayed at the headquarters to supervise the battle.

The battle report keeps coming back. Olihagang's enchantment continued to activate all over the world, and within a short while, a large number of souls rose into the sky and gathered towards an unknown corner.

Of course, all that was harvested was the soul of Thomas himself.

Although it is impossible for sand sculpture players to win all of them, if they lose, they will automatically resurrect.

The specific manifestation is probably that Olihagang's enchantment shrinks and the soul of the loser is drawn away. The soul that was still hot just out of the pot flew to the mouth of a certain Olihagang God. The Cthulhu just opened his mouth, only to find that the opposite was just a flick of a shot, and it disappeared after brushing the ground.

Then a few hours later, the soul of the sand sculpture that had just slipped back came back. This time, Big Brother Cthulhu saw the right time and opened his mouth wide, but he went down with one bite.

The God of Olihagang: "?"

A large number of sand sculptures repeatedly jumped horizontally beside the Cthulhu's mouth, and they ran away after they were pretended, which was very vain.

Good news from the headquarters kept coming back, and everyone looked at You Yu with more admiration.

At first they were only surprised that You Yu could gather such a large number of people around the world in such a short period of time. But because all of these new helpers behaved a little insanity, liked nonsense and some confusing behavior, everyone had always felt that they were here to make up the number, and did not expect much of their combat power.

Unexpectedly, even though these duelists looked like sand sculptures, they would act so powerfully!

And about the details of this operation, such as how to find Dorma’s stronghold, how to accurately locate the information on the members of Dorman, how the entire command system operates, and how You Yu gave instructions to the duels distributed in various places. None of them knows.

But the less they know, the more mysterious and tall You Yu looks in their minds.

Tianma Yexing looked at You Yu's back, and even had a vague guess in his heart.

Could it be that Mr. You Yu had expected such a time for a long time, so he developed his power early and established a super intelligence network covering the whole world?

Yes, it must be so.

These large numbers of duelists who suddenly sprang up and enthusiastically signed up for support must be the subordinates that Mr. You Yu had already arranged. Otherwise, it is impossible to explain how such a large base of new forces has been gathered all over the world in such a short period of time.

In other words, everything that has happened so far is within Mr. You Yu's plan. His intelligence network had already inquired about the location and membership of Thomas, in fact, he had planned before he came to the Illusion Society.

It is indeed Mr. You Yu!

Tianma Yexing began to reflect.

It seems that not only the duel, but compared with Mr. You Yu, my strategy as a strategist and the ability to grasp the overall situation are far from enough...

[Favorite +1+1+1...]

Of course, with an organization as big as Doma, there are not a few strong people that UU Read www.uukanshu.com has absorbed in the world over the years. Not to mention that this organization is proficient in card printing, and it has also cultivated many strong people who have never made public moves. So there are also some masters that sand sculpture players can't handle at this stage.

But it doesn't matter. Players will respond back when they encounter difficult bones, and there are experts on the Illusion Society. This kind of hard bones can be handed over to the boss to deal with.

You Yu who really encounters something difficult will also consider taking it personally. And You Yu thought that as long as he had the correct posture, he should be able to flicker to President Haima to help.

In addition, the game, the castle and their friends are also nearby these days. You Yu also has a good relationship with them. If there is a shortage of manpower, I should be able to ask them for help or something...

Just thinking about this, a piece of bad news came back to the headquarters.

A card professor from the International Illusion Agency rushed back from the outside, with a panic expression like a wolf, and brought back this shocking news—

—Another duel king, the legendary Muto game...just gave it for nothing!