I’m Playing Cards In Duel City

Chapter 384: Flash shooting!

Chapter 387 Flash Shot!

"My turn, draw a card!" Rafiru said, "Permanent Magic-the effect of the patron saint's Boza! I can draw two cards from the deck during the draw phase." He only took a look after drawing the card. He immediately continued: "I first put a card on the field, and then special summon'Guardian Glaer'!" The "Gravity Axe·Roar" on the field exudes invisible fluctuations, as if guiding something. Things are coming. The guardian warrior in a yellow vest descended from the sky following the guidance of the sound wave. He is huge, and his appearance is like a mutated lizardman, with a metal chain in the middle of the yellow little mantle. [Guardian Glaer, Attack Power 2500] NPC passersby suddenly became agitated. "The call of a higher-level monster does not require sacrifices!?" Rafiru quickly explained: "Guardian Glaer is a monster that follows the call of the'Gravity Axe'. When he has only this card in his hand And when there is a'gravity axe' on the field, you can directly summon it from your hand without any cost." With a big wave, he pointed to the black Guardian warrior on the side: "Then the effect of'Support Guardian'! Support! The guardian can transfer the equipment magic equipped on his body to the correct object. I transferred the'Gravity Axe·Roar' from the support guardian to the Guardian Glaer!" The gravity axe seems to be He let out a pleasant cheer, whirled and flew up into the air, and fell into the hands of Graal who was aside. Graar roared, and his strength instantly increased. [Guardian Glaer, attack power 2500 → attack power 3000] "Next open the cover card!" Rafiru's operation continued, flipping open the card that had just been covered, "Magic Card-Boza of Heaven!" Players on both sides will draw cards from the deck until the hand is filled with six cards!" As the world's top duelist, there was a magical draw of "Heaven's Drop". In this way, it is equivalent to offsetting the high cost of abandoning five cards of the "Bouza of the Guardian", and Rafiru can draw two cards every turn and earn flying. "Enter the battle!" Rafiru shouted, "First, solve the troublesome hero that can replace any fusion material. Guardian Graal! Attack the elemental hero Prism!" Graal roared, dragging his axe and rushing forward. . The moment the giant axe slammed seemed to explode a majestic oppression, the invisible pressure blasted down like a mountain, and the Prism Hero had no room to retreat. An axe fell, and the hero's diamond-like body was cut from it, shattering like glass all over the floor. [You Yu, LP4000 → LP2700] "Then I launched the equipment magic-Guardian shield to equip the'Support Guardian'." (Animation card) Rafiru raised his hand to play a card, and the dark-haired guardian warrior held it Suddenly, a strong shield was added. "The defense power of the equipped monster increases by 300! When a'Guardian' monster on the field is destroyed, the'Guardian Shield' can be used as a substitute for destruction." [Support Guardian, Defense Power 2200 → Defense Power 2500] "Cover and release one Zhang Ka. My round is over." At the end of the round, everyone has started to talk. "So strong! As expected, he is said to be a man who has the potential to be a duel king!" Someone commented. "Yes, both offensive and defensive are impeccable, it is like a line of defense like a copper wall and iron wall!" Although You Yu didn't fully approve of these words, he actually felt the strength of Rafiru. Moreover, the obsession of "Never send the monster to the cemetery" is directly reflected in the duel, which is the strong line of defense he sets up every turn to protect his monster. But no matter how perfect the defense is, there will be flaws and loopholes, and he can't really keep his monster from leaving the field forever. "My turn, draw a card!" You Yu directly played a deadly card this turn. "Spell Card-Hurricane! Blow all the magic trap cards on the field back to the holder's hand!" The howling wind rolled up, as if forming a hideous face in mid-air. The boundless wind pressure suppressed almost the entire land, sand and gravel rolled in disorder, ash filled with dust, and any traps would be exposed under this overbearing pressure. The four cards of the “Patron saint’s Boza”, “Gravity Axe”, “Guardian Shield” and the previous round’s Guevka on Rafiru’s field instantly turned into golden light and flew back into his hands. In an instant, the backcourt of this big man was empty. [Support the Guardian, DEF 2500 → DEF 2200] [Guardian Glar, ATK 3000 → ATK 2500] In this way, Rafiru's monsters all lose their enhancement, and he also loses all defense means. "Quick Attack Magic-Fusion Dispelled!" You Yu waved his hand and shot the next card, "Dissolve the fusion of fusion monsters. The monsters used as fusion materials in the cemetery are Special Summon! I dissolve the fusion of'Elemental Hero·Rising Star Lord', special Summon'Elemental Hero · Wingman','Elemental Hero · Hot Girl'!" "What!?" Rafiru was surprised, "I dissolve the fusion of superior monsters?" In his astonished time, the rising star lord has turned into flames. After separating, one left and the other changed back to the postures of Wingman and Hot Girl. "Following the magic card-dual fusion launch!" You Yu did not breathe, and new magic cards continued to emerge, "Pay 500 LP. This round can be used for two fusion summons by the effect of this card." (Animation card) This card is a card used in the ten generations of the middle game of "Yugioh GX". By paying 500 LP, one card can replace two fusions............Of course ten Generations are generally used like this. [You Yu, LP2700 → LP2200] "The first fusion! The fusion on the field was released, and the fusion of'Elemental Hero·Wingman' and'Elemental Hero·Blast Girl'! Fusion Summon! Elemental Hero·Flame Wingman! "The magic card released a double whirlpool, and the green and red light was drawn into the whirlpool, and a dazzling flame burst out quickly, from which a heroic figure that controlled the power of wind and fire was born. [Elemental Hero·Flame Wing Man, Attack Power 2100] "The dual fusion effect continues to activate, and the second fusion!" You Yu showed a card in his hand, "'Elemental Hero·Flame Wingman', the'Elemental Hero' in his hand ·Electric Lightman' re-fusion! The righteous hero appears in the sacred brilliance, cuts through the darkness and brings light-elemental hero·Flashing flame wing man, summon!" The hero surrounded by electric current appears, and the flame wing man next to him is connected. Flew into the second vortex released by the magic card. The two merged into the whirlpool, bursting out endless sacred brilliance. White metal armor, high-tech texture, armored heroes rushed into the air from the splendor of the fusion explosion, spreading the holy silver wings, and hovering in the air under the action of invisible power. [Elemental Hero: Flashing Flame Wing Man, Attack Power 2500] The hero's debut instantly caused another wave of commotion. The handsome high-tech flying armor quickly caught the attention of a large number of male audiences. UU reading www. uukanshu.com and the players are getting more lively one by one, people are constantly yelling "Ye Qinghui" and the like... "Elemental Hero·Flashing Flame Wing Man effect!" You Yu waved his hand, " With this card, for every elemental hero monster in the graveyard, the attack power increases by 300! Now there are five elemental heroes in my graveyard, so the attack power increases by 1500 points!" The hot girl, the flame wing man and the electric light man, the images of the five heroes emerged one after another, turning into a beam of light, which filled the armor of the flash flame wing man like an ammunition of energy. [Elemental Hero·Flashing Flame Wing Man, Attack Power 2500 → Attack Power 4000] Passers-by are even more commotion. "Attack power of four thousand!?" "The same attack power as Obelisk's giant soldiers!" "Is this the duel king? Too strong 8!?" "..." "Not only that. "You Yu smiled, "The flashing flame wing man will inflict damage to the opponent's battle-destroyed monster's attack power value." Rafiru woke up and was instantly astonished: "If Graar is destroyed, I will suffer 1500 combat damage, and Graar's The attack power is exactly 2500..." "Yes, the total is 4000 points of damage." [Rafiru, LP4000] The passers-by became agitated, and they all madly carried to the side to shoot the duel. The direction of the camera is squeezed. At that time, you can tell people that you are on the scene at this moment! The duel king is going to be OTK! Now that all potential defense methods have been blown back by the "hurricane", Rafiru is like a naked body, there is no way to receive this OTK! "Fight!" You Yu pointed to Guardian Glaer, "Flashing Flame Wingers attack Guardian Glaer! Flash...Shoot (ShiningShoot)!!!"