I’m Really a Villain

v1 Chapter 133: Chu Yang, the son of Yin Yang Zong

Xu Qingshan came from the sky, step by step.

When he stepped out in one step, the long flowing river that belonged to the Holy Spring Sect stopped flowing instantly, as if time and space were all banned.

He stepped out in one step, the Jinwu and Cangluan on both sides whispered, as if fearing something, the proud head shivered slightly.

He stepped out in one step, and the long sword that had been cut through the silence shuddered, and even the demon qi that diffused between them had converged.

He stepped out in one step, and the yin and yang that divided the heavens and the earth seemed to be nothing more than mortal ants that flew out of his fingers. He did not need to deliberately find the center of this heaven and earth.

He just went to that station, no matter what he was doing, no matter where he stood, he was the center of this world.

When Xu Qingshan walked step by step, whether it was Jinwu, Cangluan, Mojian, Changhe, or the Yin and Yang that divided the heavens and the earth at this moment seemed to be his background board.

In the eyes of all people, there was only the man in Tsing Yi, who seemed to carry the sky on his shoulders, step on the ground, and prop up a sky.

"Brother Aoyama, it's a day to be different, it's even a matter of concern," the protagonist of the Holy Spring Sect fell into the river and laughed.

"Brother Changhe, I haven't seen you for a long time," Xu Qingshan also smiled and greeted each other with the other suzerains in the field.

Then he took five big sect gates and flew inside to Zhenwu Shengzong.

At this time, the Zhenwu Shengzong can be said to be very lively. In addition to the five strongest sects in the extreme west, the six sects, such as many second-class sects and third-class sects, including the Ziyang Empire and Aoki The royal family of the empire will also be invited to come and watch.

The five major sect gates were received by Xu Qingshan, while the other second-rate sect gates were received by the elders of Zhenwu Shengzong.

Dabi is scheduled to be tomorrow morning, everyone is arranged on the Qunying Peak of Zhenwu Shengzong.

However, no matter how busy the outside world is, the Yannan Peak where Xu Zimo lives is always peaceful.

He leaned on the recliner in the courtyard, and the gentle autumn wind brought Xiao Sa's decline, blowing down from the peak of Yannan Peak, and passed his face in Xu Zimo's face.

At this time, Xiao Guizi walked in from outside, looked at Xu Zimo and said, "Brother, I have investigated the situation of the other five major schools."

"Are you sure that Ten Thousand Beasts will not come?" Xu Zimo opened his eyes slightly and asked.

"This time Dabi does not have a list of ten thousand beasts, and it probably won't come," Xiao Guizi said slowly. "This time Dabi is the most famous, and the loudest voices are actually the sons and daughters of various schools."

"Who's there? Tell me," Xu Zimo asked in a comfortable posture.

"Shen Sun Shengzong over there is their son Xuanyuan Xuantian, purgatory Shengzong is the demon of the sky, although the position of the son of Shengquan Sect has not yet been determined, but there is a demon in the sect of the body. The voice is quite high.

As for Xianlingzong, since Nie Xingqing died, they re-selected a woman named Xianling'er as a saint.

The most interesting thing is the Yin Yang Sect. Their son heard that it was settled some time ago, and the name is Chu Yang.

The strength is unknown, but you know, Brother Xian Lingzong, wanted a young man named Chu Yang some time ago.

I heard that because of this, the relationship between Yin Yang Sect and Xian Ling Sect is very stiff. "

"Then, who is the loudest voice of our Zhenwu Shengzong now?" Xu Zimo asked.

"It is Baili Xiao, the niece of the six elders," Xiao Guizi replied: "After all, the name of the emperor's successor is quite loud.

These disciples are too frogs at the bottom of the well. After your brother, you will understand that the so-called Tianjiao is just a group of native chickens and dogs. "

"Okay, don't flatter me," Xu Zimo waved and smiled.

After Xiao Guizi left, he took out several letters from his cuffs. These letters were collected by Situ Yunqing according to various channels.

Xu Zimo slowly opened the envelope.

"A month ago, the fairy mountain next to the fairy ancestor suddenly burst into a vast white light. This fairy mountain was left by a very famous ancestor" Peacock Patriarch "before the fairy ancestor.

Some people say that this is the birth of a different treasure, but this matter was quickly suppressed by the fairy sect.

Within a few days after, Xian Lingzong enlisted a woman named Xian Ling'er as a contemporary saint, and she had never heard of this woman before. "

"Half a month ago, the Yin Yang Sect opened the Zong Men's treasure" Yin Yang Picture ", the purpose is unknown.

Within a few days after that, they enlisted a young man named Chu Yang as a son. "

"In the depths of the Hundred Thousand Mountains, someone saw a giant measuring the heavens and earth with his feet, the purpose was unknown, and his strength was unknown."

After reading the information, a hot flame appeared in his right hand. He watched the envelope burn to ashes in the flame, then closed his eyes slightly and leaned back on the recliner.

Murmured in his mouth: "Chu Yang, Yin Yang Sect, long time no see."


In Zhenwu Shengzong, there is a space opened up independently, called "Tianyu."

Tianyu was established in the time of Hongtian Emperor, and has a history of tens of thousands of years.

This domain is specially prepared by Zhenwu Shengzong for holding some large-scale competitions.

Is a self-contained space with an area of ​​tens of thousands of squares, and there is no end in sight.

In the center of the sky, there are nearly one hundred platforms made of basalt iron. The length and width of these platforms are nearly one hundred meters, and there are also iron locks around them.

The strength of the ring can even withstand several attacks of the Emperor Vessel Warrior.

The sun rises early in the morning, the autumn wind blows up several yellow leaves, the morning light slowly drops from the sky, and the morning light opens the curtain of the new day.

After all the sect gates are assembled ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Under the leadership of Zhenwu Shengzong, the five major sect gates follow, followed by some second and third sect gates.

Everyone walked into the heavens with mighty power. It took half an hour for this long team to enter the heavens.

If you want to watch the second-rate sect of Dabi just this time, there are more than 100.

At this moment, the densely packed seats have been placed around the nearly one hundred platforms.

Of course, these seats are prepared for some big figures of the sect and Tianjiao. Ordinary disciples can only stand at the rear to watch.


Elder San, as the person in charge of the Dabi this time, after everyone was settled, he struck red robe and walked into the middle of the ring with great momentum.

"In advance, thank you all for coming to watch the six great sages held by our Zhenwu Shengzong. Wan Beuzong quit the big sage for some special reasons," the three elders stood on the ring in the middle. Said loudly: "Since the time of the Great Emperor Shenxing, the seven Zambians held every three years have continued.

Has thousands of years of history so far. The purpose of Dabi is to connect the feelings between the various sects, so that young disciples can see more of the pride of young people, broaden their horizons, and understand their own deficiencies.

I wo n’t say much more. I will briefly introduce the rules of this time. "


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