I’m Really a Villain

v1 Chapter 269: I don't know where you are from superior

Liu House is located in the middle of the most prosperous street in Liuhuo City.

Yin Wushuang took a few people to the Lius' home, and it was a bustling journey along the way.

Even under the publicity of Wu Ji Shengzong, many people followed behind, waiting to see the excitement.

In front of Liu Fu's door was crowded with ordinary people.

In spite of the blockade by the front guards of the house, Yin Wushuang directly led everyone into the house of Liu.

The crowd had just entered, and saw a middle-aged man in Tsing Yi who came with a group of escorts.

"Liu Tong's head guard Liu Tong is here, let's calm down."

Seeing the appearance of a middle-aged man, someone said in awe.

"This Liu Tong is the existence of Zun context, but we can't compete."

"What are you afraid of, so many people, can he still kill us all."

Looking at the residents of Liuhuo City whispering, Liu Tong frowned and said, "What are you doing?

Do you want to rebel and fight the Tianyan Holy Mountain? "

Hearing Liu Tong's words, many people have begun to fall apart.

The Liu family can still have a chance to confront them psychologically, but Tianyan Shengzong can't even raise a desire to fight.

Yin Wushuang, who stood at the forefront, frowned slightly, and said, "Don't make tiger flags, when will your little Liu's family represent the Holy Mountain."

"Who are you?" Liu Tong asked, looking at Yin Wushuang unpleasantly.

"Don't care who I am, today I'll replace the Holy Mountain to enforce your Liu family," Yin Wushuang waved his hand and commanded the old man next to him.

"Take him down."

The servant old man hesitated for a moment, his body covered with the momentum of the Holy Vessel, and his big hand fell, instantly grabbing Liu Tong.

"You, who are you?" Liu Tong's complexion instantly changed and he quickly asked, feeling he had no resistance.

"Okay," some of the people behind them shouted out somebody.

Many people followed the coaxing and started shouting.

Yin Wushuang snorted and asked, "What about your Liu family's head?"

"Wushuang, what are you doing, hurry up."

At this moment, only a light drink came from Liu Fu.

Everyone looked up and saw a group of people coming out of it.

This group includes Liu Zhicheng, the head of the Liu family, and Liu Zhe, the second son of the Liu family.

And beside Liu Zhicheng, there were two people standing.

A man and a woman, the man's face is firm, his eyes are firm, and he is quite tough.

The woman's long hair shawl, her skin looks like snow, and her figure that is protruding forward and back is vividly supported by a tight red shirt dress.

Anyone who reads it will praise, Lang Cai female appearance.

"Sister," the moment she saw the woman in the red shirt, she was surprised and asked quickly.

"Holy lady," the two servant elders beside him also greeted respectfully.

"Holy Lady?" Everyone in Wu Ji Shengzong was surprised when they heard the greetings from the two old men.

Could it be that the woman in the red shirt is the contemporary saint of Tianyan Shengzong.

Yin Caier snorted and said, "You still have my sister in your eyes.

Look at what you are doing? "

"I'm just seeking justice for the residents of this city," Yin Wu said weakly.

"Sister, why are you here?"

"To be fair? When did you become a law enforcer," Yin Caier said stepping forward.

The tone was weaker, pointing to the handsome man next to him, saying: "This is your brother-in-law Liu Yi, the eldest son of the Liu family.

This time I came to Liu's house to talk about marriage. "

"What brother-in-law is not married yet," Yin Wushuang bowed his head in disappointment.

"Sooner or later," Yin Caier said lightly.

"What are you trying to do to bring so many people to the Liu family? Do you want to overthrow the Liu family?"

"I think this is definitely not the heart of Miss Wushuang," Liu Zhicheng, the head of the Liu family, smiled quickly.

"Miss Wushuang is young and easily deceived.

There must be a villain among them. "

As Liu Zhicheng's words fell, I saw that all the people behind quit the Liu family.

Everyone's eyes were on the people of Wu Ji Shengzong and Xu Zimo.

"Come on, the protagonist of the movie," Xu Zimo said with a smile.

"Don't die friends don't die poorly," Styx looked at the ordinary people behind him, but shook his head helplessly.

The Wu Ji Shengzong people beside him also changed their faces, and no one expected that things would be reversed like this.

Everyone looked at Xu Zimo. They also knew that Xu Zimo was not ordinary. At this time, it naturally became the backbone.

"Come here, take down all the gangsters who coaxed Miss Wushuang."

With Liu Zhicheng's order, all the Liu's guards rushed up.

"Don't," Yin Wushuang shook his head quickly, blocking, "They are my friends."

"Friend? A stranger on the other side, didn't you know each other last night," Yin Caier replied faintly.

"How do you know," Yin Wushuang stunned.

She looked at the two old men who were her servants.

"Miss, we are also compelled. After all, the saint is here, and we are not easy to handle," the old man quickly lowered his head and replied.

"Sister, I don't have trouble with the Liu family. You let them go. This matter has nothing to do with them," Yin Wushuang said quickly.

"Why don't you understand?" Yin Caier replied.

"The people of the whole city are here today, but they are all watching here.

If this is the end, what is the majesty of Liu Family as the manager of Liuhuo City?

There must be a substitute for this matter. "

Seeing a group of guards killing everyone, Styx frowned slightly.

With a wave of his right hand, a big palm condensed by aura fell from the sky.

Shoot everyone down.

Xu Zimo stepped out and said with a smile: "The person I don't like most is to be a dead ghost."

Yin Caier frowned slightly.

Looking at Yin Cai'er's complexion, the two old saints beside him were majestic and attacked directly towards the Styx.

"Ant," Styx snorted coldly.

There was a real river flowing behind him, and the might of the God's veins enveloped the entire city of Liuhuo, and the entire sky dome changed color.

"The strongest of the Divine Vessels," exclaimed the two old men of the Sacred Vein Realm, and was able to react in the future, and was directly suppressed.

Seeing this scene ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Liu Fu's people stepped back subconsciously.

At this moment, even Yin Caier's face was embarrassed.

"You said, what should I do with you?" Xu Zimo narrowed his eyes and stepped forward step by step.

"Dare you, I am the sage of Tianyan Shengzong," Yin Caier stepped back and said quickly.

"What are you going to do," Liu Yi blocked at the critical moment and looked at Xu Zimo, said: "Tianyan Holy Mountain will not let you go."

Xu Zimo flicked Lin Yi with a palm and looked at Yin Caier's proud face.

Directly stepped **** the big foot.

"I don't know where your superiority comes from."

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