I’m Really a Villain

v1 Chapter 344: Buddhism is coming

"It seems that Brother Xu knows a lot," Liu Zongfang said with a stunned smile.

"People come here admirably, but who has really been to that place."

Xu Zimo pointed at everyone in the room and said with a smile.

"Brother Liu don't look at the fact that there are so many people here, but when the time comes to come back alive, how many can be?

Do you think that the top ten forbidden areas go where you say you go? "

Hearing Xu Zimo's words, Liu Zongfang was silent.

Seemed to be bluffed by Xu Zimo's words.

But Xu Zimo is not an exaggeration. That place says that the danger is definitely a terrible place.

But if it is not dangerous, there are safe places.

Mainly depends on whether you can abide by the rules inside.

But the top ten forbidden areas are really not so good.

Liu Zongfang was silent for a while, and finally laughed: "I am not here to seek to team up with Brother Xu."

One more person and more guarantee. "

Xu Zimo shook his head with a smile, and finally said: "Brother Liu, I will give you a piece of advice.

The things inside are not easy to take, you have walked out of your way.

Just continue the lancet method, there is no need to take this risk. "

Hearing Xu Zimo's words, Liu Zongfang was a little silent.

Finally smiled and replied: "Brother Xu made this worse.

Life is alive for thousands of years.

Thousands of years later, we are all a pinch of loess.

Why not let yourself live better in a limited life? "

Looking at Liu Zongfang's back, Qin Youwang smiled and said, "You are educated by others!"

"Education?" Xu Zimo shook his head with a smile.

"The ants don't know where it is."

"Have you been there?" Qin Youwang asked curiously.

In the top ten forbidden areas, the time when the Buddhism Temple appeared was relatively late.

It appeared only after the emperor Zhenwu carried the destiny and opened the era of the emperors.

During that time Gu Ming was retreating, so Qin Youwang didn't know much.


Xu Zimo nodded slightly.

He did go, to be precise.

How dark it is, he knows more than many people.

"People who enter the burial temple have only two options,"

Xu Zimo said lightly.

"Either die or live according to the ideas set by others."

Qin Youwang was silent for a while, maybe he had thought things too simple before.

Which one of the ten forbidden places is simple.

Everyone was eating and saw that the other table next to them suddenly became noisy.

There were two people sitting at the other table, a Tsing Yi man and a big man in a black vest.

Although no liquor is served in this room.

But these people carry a lot of wine in their own vigilance.

At the moment, the two seem to be drunk, knocking all the rice bowls on the table to the ground.

The man in Tsing Yi dangled to the table where several people of Xian Fanzong had dinner.

He pointed at Xian Fanzong's saint and smiled at the **** man next to him.

"Brother, this girl is a superb one!"

Han in the black vest also laughed a few times, barely supporting the wobbly body to come to Xian Fanzong several people.

He patted the table, opened his mouth full of alcohol, shouted.

"Girl, you accompany me tonight."

"Please be self-respected, don't blame yourself," Xian Fanzong's saint is not annoyed, just replied indifferently.

"Character is strong, I like it," the big man in black vest smiled and reached out to touch the woman's face.

Saw a brilliant sword light flash in the air.

The woman slowly put away the sword in her hand, and a blood stain suddenly appeared on the neck of the **** man in the black vest.

Heads separated, rolling down sideways.

It's weird that after the death of this black vest, he didn't turn into a corpse.

His body dissipated slowly.

Seeing this scene, everyone present was frowning slightly.

Eyes gathered on the Qingpao man again.

Saw the man in the green robe smiled strangely and said, "The saint of Xian Fanzong, waiting for me to spoil you."

After he finished speaking, his body slammed in the room.

"Shenxuzong people are always so annoying, self-righteous humor," Xian Fanzong's saint said lightly.

The old man beside Xian Fanzong smiled and said nothing.

As one of the best emperors in the central continent, the people of Shenxu Sect did set too many enemies.

There is a cheat sheet of false doppelgangers in their sect.

This cheat can help them to create one or even several avatars.

And this kind of avatar is very real, as long as it is not killed, many people can not recognize.

They often use this kind of avatar to do something unscrupulous.

This also led to their criticism has not been very good.


Is now in a small hall far away from the room.

Second division uncle blue robe monk looked at Wu Qianjun and asked.

"Master, why do you want to keep all these people in the temple.

You do n’t know that these days are special times. "

"Do you think I think?" Wu Qianjun shook his head.

"These people may be nothing alone.

But the power of their gathering is too great.

A lot of people come from different emperor Xianmen.

If they are not allowed to come in, I am afraid they will join in.

When the skin is torn, it's hard to say. "

"So what," the blue robe monk replied coldly.

"It's a big deal, we have been low-key for so many years.

Should also let the world see our strength. "

"This is not a moment of success," Wu Qianjun shook his head lightly.

"I am the head, I must be responsible for the entire sect.

Besides, we are just gatekeepers, and the real danger is still there. "

Hearing Wu Qianjun ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ The blue robe monk was silent for a while.

He knew he was impulsive to do things.

Eventually can only helplessly bear it down.

"Do we have to stop the day when the seal restarts?" The blue robe monk asked puzzled.

"Let them go," Wu Qianjun shook his head.

"So many years, how many people have you seen alive?"


After eating, everyone returned to their rooms.

Many people are waiting quietly, this is a battle without smoke.

The gloomy rain in the sky was still falling.

It sounded like big and small beads on the jade plate.

This morning, during the rainy season, the entire Wuhua Temple seemed to be covered with a layer of veil by the hazy mist of smoke and rain.

Is full of mystery.

Most of the monks in the temple are still asleep.

A thunderous thunder suddenly sounded in the sky above.

The sound was very shocking, as if going straight to the sky, the high shout burst between the eardrums.

Echoed in everyone's ears.

"The Buddha Kingdom is here!"

The Sanskrit sounds in the sky continuously, the wind rises, the rumbling waves surge together.

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