I’m Really a Villain

v1 Chapter 345: Buddha declared war

A huge Buddha statue came flying from a distance.

This is actually a battleship, but its appearance is exactly like the Buddha.

The battleship pierced the silent sky, flew through the wind and waves, and flew out of the void with a sharp voice.

Eventually stopped slowly over Wuhua Temple.

The small door of the battleship was opened, and I saw a man in a cassock, walking slowly with the beads.

"The people of Wuhua Temple listen, give you half a day to open the entrance to the Buddhism Temple."

The monk was full of energy and said coldly.

"If there is any slight neglect, we will remove Wuhua Temple here today."

This breathless voice echoed all over Wuhua Mountain.

With the breeze blowing scattered leaves falling together.

People looked up at this huge Buddha-shaped battleship, and their inner thoughts were also different.

Xu Zimo stood in front of the window and smiled at Qin Youwang: "There is a good show now."

After talking, Xu Zimo suddenly reacted. In this Buddhist country, he seemed to have killed the Holy Buddha in the other party some time ago.

After the monk finished speaking, he returned to the battleship and seemed to be waiting for Wuhua Temple for half a day.

The pressure from the huge battleship is not broken all the time.

A true declaration of war by an imperial sect.

Many people are curious about how Wuhua Temple will choose.

Wuhua Temple has remained silent about the declaration of war by the Buddha.


Regarding the origin of the Buddhist kingdom, its origin has been traced back a long time ago.

Buddha is not a race.

Some people say that he is more inclined to a fantasy.

In the history of Yuanyang mainland, there was the beginning of Buddhist civilization.

The first Buddha who began to spread Buddhism was named Yicheng.

People also respectfully call it the world respect.

Yuecheng Shizun created Buddhism and gave this vast world a prototype of Buddhist civilization.

However, it is more regrettable that he failed to carry the destiny of that era.

Buddhism was founded in his hands, and it finally went through tens of thousands of years.

A man named Wutian rises from Tianluanyu.

Carry forward this huge sect, the vast civilization in one fell swoop.

At the same time, he also further improved the Buddhist system.

Emperor Wutian is the first emperor in the history of Buddhism.

Buddha was founded here, and finally experienced an era of two emperors.

Even today, it is very strong.

For practitioners, Buddhism is just a force in their eyes.

But for too many ordinary people in this world, the influence of Buddhism has long been unparalleled in their eyes.

Many people even have Buddha statues in their homes.

Everyone in the world is suffering, in this sea of ​​self-blame of suffering and suffering.

Probably the idea of ​​Buddhism propaganda is their last inner comfort and pure land.


Wuhua Temple did not respond, and half a day has passed.

When the time was up, I only heard the sound of "bang" coming from the battleship.

The gate of the battleship opened with a rumbling sound.

I saw eight figures standing on the sky with boundless power.

Among these eight figures, there are two divine veins, and the remaining six are all the existence of the divine vein.

"It seems that the Buddhism has fully exerted its power this time," Qin Youwang said with emotion, seeing this situation.

"The real highlight is not yet here," Xu Zimo smiled.

"This burial temple is very important to us, and also more important to the Buddhist kingdom."

The moment the eight figures appeared, the whole sky exploded.

Boundless waves gathered together.

The power it exudes is vaguely suppressing everyone underneath.

And at this time, Wu Qianjun also took five people and stepped into the air, facing away from the Buddha Kingdom.

Wu Qianjun looked at the Lord of the Kingdom of Buddha, looking calm from beginning to end, and asked very calmly.

"Why is Lord Shizun necessary? There is no grudge between Wuhua Temple and you."

Buddha's sovereign, Tai Ke Shizun shook his head slightly.

He was wearing a golden monk robe, and a purple-blue cassock was draped over it.

Holds a Buddhist Zen in his hand, his eyebrows are particularly thick, and the flowers are white.

Tai Ke Shizun said lightly: "We just ask to go to the Buddhism Temple.

Anyone who hinders our progress will be our enemy.

And your Wuhua Temple is the key place to get there. "

"Go back, I know you really want to explore the truth," Wu Qianjun shook his head and sighed.

"It's just that you don't have that strength right now, why pull the entire Buddhist kingdom to be buried."

"I just ask you, where is the seal?" Tai Ke Shizun said lightly.

"Shi Zun, your current strength can't even pass us gatekeepers," Wu Qianjun shook his head.

As his voice fell, I saw that the five monks behind him radiated soaring waves all around him.

The power of the Five Dao God's veins soared into the sky.

The magnificent aura condenses in midair, which is actually the power of the five gods.

It is not just the people of the Buddha Kingdom who are overwhelmed at this moment.

Unbelievable even those in the Zen room below.

Wuhua Temple, which has never shown mountains and dews, has such strength.

It is necessary to know that even if it is a general emperor's immortal gate, there may not be so many powerful gods.

"This Wuhua Temple is really unexpected," Qin Youwang said with some surprise.

"It's just a false **** vein," Xu Zimo shook his head.

"What do you mean?"

"This entire Wuhua Mountain has been arranged into a large formation, and Wuhua Temple is the core of the large formation."

Xu Zimo replied: "These five people are actually just martial arts in the sacred vein.

Only in this Wuhuashan formation, their strength was forcibly improved to the realm of the gods ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ out of Wuhuashan, the strength will go back. "

"I heard that long ago Wuhua Temple was just an ordinary small temple," Qin Youwang asked doubtfully.

"An ordinary third-rate force, I don't know if the news is accurate."

"You don't need to talk to me, I still know some things."

Xu Zimo replied: "There has been a war here.

You just need to understand that after the war, there was suddenly a forbidden place on the mainland of Yuanyang to bury the Buddhist temple.

As for other things, it has nothing to do with you. "


Behind Wu Qianjun, there are five powerful gods with powerful powers.

He looked at the embarrassed Tai Ke Shizun and said indifferently.

"Respect, I will give you a chance, and now I will not blame it for retreating.

If not, I'm afraid you will stay here today. "

Tai Ke Shizun was silent for a while, his face tingling.

Seems to be very tangled in the heart.

After a long time, I saw him slowly raise his head, eyes staring at Wu Qianjun.

Said: "I'm sorry, Wu Zhang.

May disappoint you.

What happened then, I must give tens of thousands of believers an explanation. "

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