I’m Really a Villain

v1 Chapter 350: In the world of Yicheng and the seal

"Who is this guy?" Someone asked, looking at Xu Zimo's back.

"I don't know, I don't know if he is really sure, or he is talking big." The person next to him shook his head.

At this moment, no matter whether it was Liu Zongfang, several people in Xian Fanzong, or everyone in the Buddhist kingdom, there was a contemplative look.

They naturally didn't believe that Xu Zimo would deliberately do this in order to speak big.

But they can't think of where the other party is.


The black hole in front was surging, and the surrounding space was irregularly rippling.

A very evil aura raged around.

"Do you know who sealed the entrance?" Xu Zimo asked.

"According to the information I have learned, it seems to be a great power of Buddhism," said Qin Youwang.

He also knew everything about Buddhism Temple before.

Speaking of which he suddenly reacted.

Eyes narrowed, "Buddhist power, this matter has a relationship with the Buddha country?

Emperor Wutian or Puguang? "

Before, he did not relate the power of Buddhism to the country of Buddhism.

But now that he sees all kinds of things, he is considered to have reacted.

"Not exactly," Xu Zimo shook his head and smiled.

"This seal only opens once every thousand years.

Means that for a thousand years, there is only one chance to enter the funeral buddhist temple. "

"You haven't answered my question yet," Qin Youwang said.

"You will know when you go in," Xu Zimo smiled.

He used chaotic beads to pierce the river of time, and specifically checked the origin of the place where the buddhist temple was buried.

Many things really make him very emotional.

Xu Zimo said that he walked into this evil black hole.

The space in front of him rotates irregularly, and the evil spirits around him invade Xu Zimo's body all the time.

Especially in his mind, evil energy seems to want to destroy his consciousness.

But these are meaningless to Xu Zimo.

He permeated the power of creation.

The power of creation is the strongest power this week. It is the foundation of a world.

These evil spirits, even the devil qi, are all isolated.

As the surrounding space continued to break, Xu Zimo felt that he had traversed the void for a long time.

The body leaps and falls.

It was dark in front of him, and in this dark he could see countless eyes that seemed to be staring at himself in the dark.

Finally, Xu Zimo's eyes lit up after a long time.

He appeared in a ruin.

At the same time, the figure of Qin Youwang also emerged from the void.

"Is this the burial temple?" Qin Youwang looked around and asked incredulously.

In his imagination, such places as Buddhism should be covered with clouds and surrounded by monsters.

The atmosphere is very oppressive and evil.

But now, there is a hint of the atmosphere that is forbidden.

Blue sky and white clouds, the sky is blue like a splash of watercolor painting.

The sun is shining and the air is very fresh.

It's just that the two are in a ruin, and the environment is a bit bad.

"The real horror will never tell people how terrifying they are." Xu Zimo laughed.

"Just when the terror comes, everything will be destroyed with the power of destruction."

"Where is this?" Qin Youwang looked at the ruins around and asked curiously.

"Don't you want to know the answer?" Xu Zimo smiled.

"Go around and see, maybe you will understand."

Qin Youwang nodded, he wanted to walk in the air.

Found that there was a force to suppress the midair, and he could not fly with the sudden blockade of power.

Helpless to walk to observe the ruins around.

The area of ​​this ruin is very vast.

Is so vast that it can't see the end at a glance.

Surrounded by strange rocks, can still be seen from this ruin.

What a brilliant place it used to be.

"This is also a sect," Qin Youwang asked as he walked.

"It's true," Xu Zimo nodded.

"It was just a battle that destroyed everything."

The two were walking, and I saw two corpses in front.

This corpse is a human, and the other is a monster.

"Evil Ancestor?" Qin Youwang asked in surprise, looking at the skeleton of the monster.

This corpse is painted black, with sharp claws and two vampire teeth in his mouth.

Looks very similar to the image of the former evil ancestor.

At this moment the two corpses are fighting together.

The two teeth of the monster have bitten into the neck of the human bone.

And the human corpse punctured the monster with a short ring knife in his right hand.

Qin Youwang walked in front of two corpses.

These two creatures have been dead for some years, and they still keep this last posture.

Qin Youwang looked up and found that the further forward, the more and more bones.

There are monsters, there are humans.

It's not too much to see the mountains and the wilderness. The dense bones are enough to reveal the fierce battle that year.

The two tried to avoid the dead bones and walked forward for a while.

Appeared in front of a hall.

A very broken hall.

It's just that compared to other buildings, it is still strong and does not collapse.

Qin Youwang walked into the hall, and there were a lot of buddhas around the hall.

There are zen sticks, knives, wooden fish, and monks' robe.

There are several bodhi trees that have withered.

There is a painting hanging in front of the main hall.

Despite such a long period of erosion, the content on the painting is still clearly visible.

This is a man with a bald head, wearing a gray torn robe, and a gentle face.

The smile of a man feels very comfortable.

The bottom line of the painting is written with a line of characters ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ During the year of Yicheng Buddha, we hung our last glory and decided to die. "

When he saw this line of characters, Qin Youwang reacted instantly.

"Yicheng, is it the founder of the Buddhism, Yicheng world venerable."

Xu Zimo nodded his head slightly, he looked at the nearby Qin Youwang and said.

"This is a real person of great kindness, who really thinks of Purdue beings.

Unlike many pseudo-Buddhas today. "

"He should be a man of the age with the great emperor," Qin Youwang asked.

"Yes, he was the most optimistic person who could bear the fate of the day," Xu Zimo nodded and replied.

"If it were not for this war, the great emperor would not necessarily be the nearest emperor."

"He died here?" Qin Youwang asked.

"They call this the silence," Xu Zimo replied.

The two continued to walk forward, and it was the destination of this trip that came out of the ruins.

"I still don't understand," Qin Youwang said doubtfully along the way.

"What the **** happened here?"

"The origin of everything is about to start with the blood-eating evil clan." Xu Zimo thought for a while and replied.

"Yicheng World Sovereign wanted to save some people, and later he died on the road to salvation.

Those people are still those people, and nothing has changed. "