I’m Really a Villain

v1 Chapter 572: Lord of Hell

This dragon cloud is riding the fog, and it is alive, it seems to be alive.

"Brother Xu, this is exactly what I am looking for Ying Longdan," Hao Chen said aside.

"This elixir is made from dragon saliva. Brother Xu also knows that the dragon race is now extinct. This elixir is almost one less.

Now that I'm repairing to a bottleneck, I need to use it to try to go further. "

Xu Zimo glanced at the elixir, and it was indeed a good elixir for others, but unfortunately he is now useless.

Besides the dragon, he has never been scarce.

"Take it," Xu Zimo threw the Elixir.

"If Brother Xu is sent in the future, even though the vast immortal sect came to me," Hao Chen bowed slightly and bowed, finally turning away.

Immediately, Xu Zimo picked up the third light group and found that it was actually a book.

On the cover of the light blue, there are five characters of "Three Thousand Years".

"This is nothing," Xu Zimo froze for a moment, then slowly opened the book.

Xu Zimo looked at it halfway, and only then discovered that it was a book that could create dreams.

This pulse technique has two functions. The first one is to create dreams for oneself and to refine Tao heart.

Dao Xin is simply the heart for seeking Dao. This cannot be practiced. The strength of Dao Xin depends on what you experience and your own growth.

The dream can do just that.

The second role is to create dreams for others. This dream creation is not to help others refine their Taoism.

If this practice is extreme, you can change the time flow in the dream at will.

When the opponent was addicted to the big dream for three thousand years, his body in reality had already died, and Shou Yuan came to an end, and he was gradually approaching death.

It ’s a terrifying secret to die without knowing it.


Xu Zimo collected the cheats, which will be of great use in the future, and he will have to spare some time to perfect the pulse skills he has learned.

After he was busy, he looked at the **** corpse directly in front of him.

The bone that had died for some years.

"Come out, I have sensed you for a long time," Xu Zimo said lightly.

"I gave you everything I have, why should it be so aggressive," a voice rang from midair.

Immediately afterwards, I saw a man's phantom appear in the air.

The man was wearing a **** robe, his long hair was also blood red, his nose was eagle-eyed, his face was long and thin.

Especially those eyes, very indifferent and terrifying, stared as if they were about to fall into the sea of ​​blood.

"Bai Changfeng?" Xu Zimo asked curiously.

"Bai Changfeng is dead, just call me to kill God," the man said quietly.

"How did you die?" Xu Zimo asked doubtfully.

It stands to reason that with his existence in the fairyland, Shou Yuan should not have disappeared so quickly.

And Xu Zimo can also see that the man in front of him is a spirit body, his body has been corrupted, and only the spirit body is hiding in this killing palace.

Without the flesh, in fact the spirit cannot survive.

Although Xu Zimo didn't know what method the other party used to keep his own spirit, this state was not easy to survive.

Unable to practice, and will eventually dissipate.

"I get it," Xu Zimo said with a smile: "You are not looking for your inheritor at all, but to find a body that can carry your spirit."

"Yes," the man didn't deny, and said frankly, "but it was destroyed by you."

"Even if I don't destroy, you may not be able to find it," Xu Zimo shook his head.

"This condition is too harsh, and almost a small mistake will let you all die."

Xu Zimo can also guess that the man originally wanted to find the flesh, and then was forced to destroy the rules he set by Chaos, and then he felt the existence of Bai Meng.

He never showed up again, thinking about not dealing with Xu Zimo.

"Do I have another choice?" Bai Changfeng asked lightly.

"It's better to risk a fight than to wait in this place, the day when the spirit is broken."

"I have a suggestion, do you want to hear it," Xu Zimo said.

"What advice?" Bai Changfeng asked doubtfully.

"I'll say yes first, and I won't force you. Once you listen to my advice, there is no chance of choice.

Either agree or be killed by me, do you still want to listen now? Asked Xu Zimo.

Bai Changfeng thought a little in silence, and finally nodded and said, "Okay, you say, I listen."

Xu Zimo waved his right hand and saw a blue planet rising slowly behind him.

Before waiting for Bai Changfeng to respond, I saw that his spirit had been drawn into the planet.

At the next moment, Bai Changfeng's figure has appeared on the mainland of China.

"Where is this?" Bai Changfeng asked, looking at the surrounding space with some doubt.

"My own world, mainland China," Xu Zimo said flatly.

"Creating a world, do you know what you are talking about? What kind of joke?" Bai Changfeng said incredulously.

"I said, you just listen, you don't need to know anything else," Xu Zimo said lightly.

"There is a reincarnation of life and death in my world, and I am going to build **** in Netherworld.

If you want to kill the **** Bai Changfeng to become the master of the first generation of hell, after the death of all sentient beings, the good can go to Meng Po to drink the forgotten water and carry out reincarnation.

The wicked have to enter hell, and the punishment required varies according to the degree of evil.

The reincarnation can only be resumed after the punishment is full. "

"Are you serious?" Bai Changfeng looked up at Xu Zimo and said solemnly.

"I was founded at the beginning of the world, there are many things that need to be improved," Xu Zimo nodded.

"You Lord of Hell, after my world is completed, I can help you reincarnate and reincarnate.

If I can, I can even help you retain memories of previous lives. "

Hearing Xu Zimo's words, Bai Changfeng was silent.

His heart is undoubtedly the best way.

Not only can he retain his spiritual body, but also endow him with supreme rights, and even retain his memory after reincarnation.

"Why is it me?" Bai Changfeng asked incredulously.

"Because you are killing God," Xu Zimo replied.

"I have met the most suitable candidate for the Lord of Hell."

Hearing Xu Zimo's words ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Bai Changfeng was silent for a long time, and finally looked up and said: "If you haven't lied to me, then the deal."

"Explain one point in advance. Hell is for you. I don't care what you do in the rules I made, but if it violates my rules, it disturbs the development of my world.

No wonder I don't miss love, "Xu Zimo said.

"Relax, I know which is more important," Xu Zimo said.

Immediately, he saw him stepping into the air, and the rule of connecting avenues began to build hell.

Hell is divided into 18 layers.

Today, the first two chapters, after all, it ’s a festival, although I ’m single and take a break

(End of this chapter)

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