I’m Really a Villain

v1 Chapter 577: Cai?

When passing by a valley, the team stopped slowly.

"Miss, it's getting late. Many things in this dragon mountain range are still unknown. Let's fix it here all night." Cheng Bo asked aloud.

"Okay, it's all up to Cheng Bo to arrange," the Qingluo woman in the sedan ordered.

As the team stopped, the crowd chose a relatively empty place.

Then set up a tent and camp.

Some guards cleaned the monsters they met during the day, then raised the bonfire and started to fetch water to make dinner.

Xu Zimo was lying on the back of the dark sky tiger. He did not close his eyes all day, but practiced the technique of shaking the sky in the mainland of China.

Anyway, it is not an easy task to traverse the Youlong Mountain Range, so Xu Zimo also simply used this time for training.

After a while, I could already smell the rich flavour of the meat, and the air drifted away.

The two guards beat a bowl of broth and took the lead to the woman in Qing Luo's long skirt.

The woman looked at the broth silently, and finally came to Xu Zimo step by step.

"Now, here you are."

Xu Zimo slowly opened his eyes, looked at the broth in front of him, and chuckled, "Are you afraid that I am a bad person?"

"I want to ask you to do me a favor," the woman in Qingluo's long skirt crouched down slightly, looking at Xu Zimo and begging.

"Then I don't dare drink your broth," Xu Zimo smiled.

"My name is Cai Yue," the Qingluo woman explained to herself: "To be honest, the reason I brought you and gave you the broth is because my intuition told me that you are not simple."

"And then?" Xu Zimo asked.

"Our Cai family is the most prestigious family in the Western Jin Dynasty. My father got a breakthrough pill a year ago.

As the name implies, it is the panacea that allows the pulser to get through the sixth pulse gate, thereby advancing the imperial vein. "

Cai Yue said seriously, "Later, because of this immortality medicine, our Cai family was involved in a dispute, and was even annihilated even half a year ago.

Fortunately, my father had hidden the border-breaking pill already. I was caught by the enemy and forced to question the whereabouts of the pill.

Just a few days ago, my father's cronies were our stewards of Caifu, and Fu Bo rescued me.

We are now fleeing and want to go to Kyushu. "

"You have escaped, and tell me what these are doing," Xu Zimo said.

"But I'm very skeptical now. I suspect Fuber, because he betrayed his father and leaked the news of Po Dan." Cai Yue said.

"I have no other choice now, just want to ask my son to help this.

If it ’s not Forbe, everyone is happy.

If it is him, I hope that the son can **** me to the Kyushu territory, and I am willing to give the Pond to the son. "

"Do not give them to me," Xu Zimo smiled.

"They are my enemies," Cai Yue said lightly.

"Actually, I don't care if I break the border. I don't care if I kill these people. The most important thing is that if I'm in a good mood, I can help you," Xu Zimo said.

"What do you want to do?" Cai Yue asked.

"You see this heavy rain, and I don't know let me go to your sedan to avoid the rain," Xu Zimo smiled.

"Your son is coming," Cai Yue said frankly.

"Miss," at this moment, seeing Forbe not far away noticed this, and hurried over.

To Cai Yue said: "Miss, still far away from these unidentified people."

"Troubled Fu Bo," Cai Yue smiled, then glanced at Xu Zimo, and walked into the sedan chair.

"Boy, don't say I didn't warn you.

We are avoiding chasing and killing as soon as we do n’t want to die, ”Fu Bo said, looking at Xu Zimo.

"Coincidentally, I am the person who likes to join in the fun," Xu Zimo smiled.

Fu Bo glared at Xu Zimo, then turned away without speaking.

Among the guards next to him, a young man came to Xu Zimo's side.

Very threatening said: "Boy, you better be far away from our young lady, otherwise don't blame me for being unkind to you."

"The suitor?" Xu Zimo asked with a smile.

"It's all about you, just take care of yourself," the youth said coldly.

"Oh, this is enough to eat and drink, it's time to sleep." Xu Zimo shook his head slightly.

Put down the bowl in your hand and walk towards the sedan chair.

"What are you doing?" The people next to them shouted in an instant, stopped Fubo in front of the sedan chair, and looked at Xu Zimo.

"Fu Bo, let him come up," Cai Yue's voice came out of the sedan chair.

"Miss, how can this be, this person's origin is unknown," the guard next door said quickly.

"I said, let him come, you don't have to control," Cai Yue said quietly.

"Fu Bo," several guards quickly looked at Fu Bo.

After all, Cai Yue is young and beautiful, almost the only goddess in their hearts.

Naturally do not want to see this happen.

"You can't hear what the lady said," Forber said silently.

Said faintly: "All give up."

Many guards were silent for a moment, and could only watch Xu Zimo stepping on the sedan chair step by step.


The layout in the sedan is light red, and Xiaolian Xiaolian can only retreat.

There is a faint fragrance inside, and the interior of the sedan is large, with a table directly in front of it and a few pots of tea on it.

Inside is a place to rest on the couch.

"Your son has nothing to say," Cai Yue said.

"Tomorrow I will pretend to get the Pill of Breaking the Border, and I will know by then."

"Don't think about it, I just sleep," Xu Zimo said as he lay down on the couch.

Yawned and said, "When you get there, remember to call me."

The **** camped around and rested for one night until the next morning, the sky was bright.

The rain is much smaller, the sky is not yet bright, and the sky is grey and drizzle.

The carriage set off early and continued onwards, as it passed a low valley.

Cai Yue stopped the carriage and whispered, "Fu Bo, I'll get something, you are waiting here."

"Miss, you are not safe by yourself, otherwise I will accompany you," said Fu Bo.

"No, I'm quick," Cai Yue shook her head and smiled.

Although she was not very high, but she also trained her pulse, only to see her figure quickly entered the valley.

It didn't take long for Cai Yue to walk over in a hurry.

"Miss's stuff?" Fu Bo asked ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Cai Yue nodded and told him, "Let's go quickly."

"I heard that the head of the family once got a breakthrough pill, I don't know if Miss can remember?" Fu Bo suddenly smiled and asked.

"I have never heard of it," Cai Yue shook her head and replied.

"What did the lady just take?" Fober continued to ask.

"Forbes seem to care about this?" Cai Yue frowned.

"No, it's just that it's not safe to put this kind of thing in Missy, otherwise I'll keep it for you," Fu Bo smiled strangely.

(End of this chapter)

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