I’m Really a Villain

v1 Chapter 589: Jianlai

"He doesn't care about everything in this world, everything he does depends on his mood.

If he is in a good mood, he can save an ordinary person, and when it is not good, he will also kill the Holy Son of Emperor Xianmen. "

"Is he strong?" Someone asked next to him.

Hearing this person's question, the person who answered the question was silent for a while.

Finally, he looked up at the distant sky and said quietly: "In our Kyushu region, the younger generation recognizes that there are two great swordsmen.

A man named Lingtian Sword God, his sword is overbearing, he will see the blood before returning to the sword.

The other is Xiao Xiao, who is rumored that when he is fighting, he just shouts "Sword Come", the long sword can pass through the endless void, and it descends from the far side.

No one has seen his sword because the person who saw him has died.

Are you strong or not? Even Nanmen Tianhong had to respect him by three points. "

"How about Kunlun?" The person next to him came from the Tianluan domain, and asked obviously unconvinced.

"I have heard of Xiang Kunlun's reputation, and I have never been able to compare it, but I am still optimistic about Xiao Mo," the man said with a smile.

While everyone was discussing, I saw Devil Thirteen walking slowly in a nightmare.

The nightmare stopped downstairs and Xu Zimo walked slowly down.

When I saw Xu Zimo, the people around me felt a little strange.

"Who is this?"

"I don't know, it should be a natural arrogance elsewhere."

"But since I can come to this vast building, I should have some skills to come."

The people around didn't speak anymore. After all, the sensation brought by the previous few people seemed to be a bit unremarkable.

After Xu Zimo got out of the car, he went straight into the vast building.

The two guards guarding the door blocked Xu Zimo.

He laughed lightly: "Forgive the villain's eyes, I don't know who the son is?

Today, this vast building was wrapped up by my son, who can only receive Tianjiao. "

Xu Zimo didn't speak, and the thirteen next to him frowned.

I saw his right hand lifted slightly in the air, surrounded by a magic energy, and the two were lifted directly from the air.

"My son's name also needs to be reported to you?" Mo XIII said lightly.

"This world is so big, and there are places my son can't go?"

The two guards were lifted up, struggling to answer at all.

At this time, I heard a cold hum from the side.

"It's really a group of cats and dogs. If you don't look at this place, dare you make trouble?"

Xu Zimo turned his head and saw that a young man in a blue robe came by.

Seeing this young man, Xu Zimo hadn't asked aloud yet, and the people who were talking about it had recognized his identity.

"This young man is Shen Panshi."

"It should be that although his reputation is not as great as those of the previous ones, the Pan Shizong where he is is also a first-class force.

Moreover, his immovability is as high as the seventh level. With full defense, it is difficult for the strong emperor's vein to hurt him. "

"Boy, do you know where this is? Don't join in the fun without that skill."

Shen Panshi said disdainfully.

Xu Zimo waved his hand slightly, instructing Mo XIII to put down the two guards.

After the two guards landed, they fell into the ground and took a deep breath with a big mouth.

"You dare to make trouble in the vast building," one of the guards said angrily.

"What is the qualification to enter your vast building?" Xu Zimo asked with a light smile.

"My son told me to be famous or you are strong enough," the guard on the right replied.

"So is he qualified to enter?" Xu Zimo pointed at Shen Panshi and asked with a smile.

"That's nature. Son Gong is the son of the Rock Sect. Although it's not a first-class arrogance, it is still famous in our girders." The guard nodded back.

Hearing the guard's words, Shen Panshi snorted coldly.

Xu Zimo nodded with a smile, and immediately patted the sinking rock with a palm.

The big palm fell, and the momentum was like a rainbow, only to hear that Shen Panshi exclaimed.

"Shameless, you will only sneak attack."

His figure hurried to the side to hide, and then saw him standing on the ground in a zamabu way.

The limbs of the body are in the form of horns, and a dark yellow aura pervades all around him.

He folded his hands and raised his head high, his posture was like a mountain.

The legs are deeply rooted in the ground, and the light yellow aura merges with the earth.

As if his entire person were part of the earth.

"Doesn't move like a mountain?" Xu Zimo chuckled.

Then he saw his big palm fall again, the surrounding space was squeezed, the space began to collapse and shatter.

That palm didn't look very powerful, but it was such a palm that it hadn't dropped completely.

The big palm is still some distance away from Shen Panshi, but the kind of oppression it brings is already very strong.

As the big palm fell, I saw the clothes around Shen Panshi cracked a little bit.

The blue muscles on his forehead burst, and the blood vessels in his body also appeared.

The aura in the body is boiling like constant boiling water.

The two eyeballs were swollen, as if bursting at any time.

At this moment, everyone only felt that the space in front of them had changed, and then they heard a "bang".

Shen Panshi's flesh exploded directly, flesh and blood flew across.

At this moment, Xu Zimo's big palm has not completely dropped, and there is a distance of several meters between the two.

Seeing Shen Panshi die without corpses, Xu Zimo turned his head and wiped his hands.

He smiled and asked the guard: "Now can I go in?"

"Okay, okay," the guard took a deep breath and stuttered some nodded nod.

Xu Zimo shook his head slightly and walked into the Manglou with the Devil Thirteen together.


There are 13 floors in the Mang Mansion, and now Tianmen Hong of Nanmen has packed the whole Mang Mansion.

The first to thirteenth floors are all used to entertain the arrogant.

But the lower floors are a bit deserted. After all, most people go to the thirteenth floor.

The true arrogance of this banquet also gathered on the 13th floor.

Walking into the Cang Mang Building, the first floor is magnificent, and the Qionglou Yuyu is full of secular gold and silver jewelry.

Xu Zimo does not like this atmosphere.

Go up the stairs ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ This staircase is made of unified Tiannan wood, and the top of the stair is written with three small characters ascending the ladder.

Nine bends and eighteen bends, walked to the second floor.

The layout on the second floor is somewhat elegant and refined.

Right in the middle is a clear lake.

The lotus in the lake was muddy but not stained, and the fish were swimming in the green lake.

Numerous pavilions were built around the lake.

The gazebo surrounded the lake, and the breeze gently blew from all around.

"Find a place to sit," Xu Zimo said.

"The son does not go to the thirteenth floor?" Mo XIII asked curiously.

"It's meaningless to go now. I don't know any of the arrogance of the Kyushu territory anyway," Xu Zimo smiled.

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