I’m Really a Villain

v1 Chapter 62: Tiger's body

The moment when Tian Gang's body beads were swallowed into the abdomen, it turned into a white corpse, which looked like a body of a tiger.

The phantom reflected a phantom. This phantom raised his head and roared up in the sky, and then completely integrated into Lin Ruhu's body.

A breath of vain permeated in his body, and in the outside world, Lin Ruhu's entire body was rolling on the ground in pain, the blue muscles on his face burst, and the blood vessels on his body also appeared.

The red blood vessels looked very horrible, and Lin Ruhu's complexion gradually became fierce.

"I have given you the opportunity, and I will be reborn in the past," Xu Zimo said flatly, looking at Lin Ruhu's painful appearance.

Perhaps the pain in the body gradually became numb. Lin Ruhu also struggled to sit up and then run the legal decision of "Strengthening".

Then I saw that his body began to change slowly, all the hair on his head became pure white, especially scattered around his head.

Also showed white stripes on his face, especially his eyes, which became more fierce, as if the tiger was staring at its prey.

His body muscles swelled up, and even his height rose a few centimeters.

Lin Ruhu slowly stood up and exhaled a long breath. He looked at his changes and looked at Xu Zimo with some excitement.

"Okay, thank you for swallowing it in your stomach," Xu Zimo said with a smile: "Revert back to the original state, otherwise it would be too shocking."

Lin Ruhu nodded his head, then canceled his form of war body, and changed back to what he was before, and the sense of power on his body gradually disappeared.

"Let's go, be careful that the changes here attract the attention of others."

Then Xu Zimo and Lin Ruhu and Xiao Guizi left the inner courtyard of Tianhu College.

The glory monument also returned to peace, as if nothing had happened.

Those who are familiar with Tianhu College believe that after the establishment of Tianhu College, in order to commemorate those students who have left a great contribution to the college and achieved extraordinary achievements, the honorary monument was established.

There was the Tianhu Academy first, and then there was the Glory Monument.

In fact, only the original group of founders of Tianhu College knew that this ancient stone monument existed on this land before the establishment of Tianhu School.

Later, the academy was established. Many people surveyed this stone tablet, but none of them found anything abnormal.

Then the academy regarded this stone tablet as an honor tablet.

Thousands of years later, a war of smoke and smoke came to the Tianhu Academy.

At that time, a talented and talented wizard appeared in Tianhu Academy. He merged the sixty-nineth wolf corps in the top 100 war corps.

Rose up and led the weak college against the enemy.

But that battle was ultimately defeated because of the disparity in strength. The wizard fell to the stone monument, and the blood glory monument. The countless ancestors' names engraved on the surface of the glory monument were gleaming under the blazing sun.

Then the stone tablet changed, and the tiger body was liberated.

A long time ago, people realized that the original tiger body was sealed in a stone tablet. Only the blood of the Tianjiao, which is the body of the hundred wars, can be sealed to break the seal and liberate the tiger body.

Of course, these are the plots of the previous life.

And in this life, that war has not yet come to Tianhu Academy, and because Xu Zimo merged with the prison body, his blood can naturally break the seal.

Life is full of drama. Thirteen brothers in Lianyun Town easily excavated the Qingyun battle body under the big tree at the entrance of the village, but the great emperors of all generations have been struggling to pursue it.

Therefore, people often say that the emergence of warfare has little to do with strength, but luck and fate.

As for Xu Zimo, he had no luck or fate, he just had one more memory than others.

But the memories of this life are like butterflies in the butterfly effect.

A butterfly flapped its wings, so a tornado triggered on the other side of the ocean.

Is like the tuyere among the pigs on the tuyere. When the strong wind blows, a pig can be blown into the sky.


The three of them left the inner courtyard of Tianhu College and came to the open space where the freshmen were tested.

It seemed that something terrible had happened on the open space at this time, and there was a cry of exclamation around.

"King-level qualifications, this young man's future achievements must be extraordinary."

"That is, of course, there is only one king-level qualification among so many people. You have already alarmed the deputy dean of the academy."

Looking at the noisy crowd around, Xu Zimo was originally about to leave, but he squeezed in with interest and glanced.

Stood in the open space in front of a young man, with a sword hanging around his waist. His face seemed to be a little ruddy because of excitement, and even his body trembling slightly.

"Yu Zhe, have you considered it? Would you like to be my proselytized disciple?" The deputy dean stood beside him, looking at the teenager and asked with satisfaction.

He was dressed in a green shirt, quite a bit of a fairy style bone, with a gray beard, and he smiled very kindly.

But there was a dusty momentum on his body. The air around him was squeezed and condensed together, making the people around him feel the pressure unconsciously.

"I, I am willing," Yu Zhe reacted with great joy, and bowed down quickly.

"The meeting between you and our apprentice is also fate," the old man smiled with relief: "So ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Today you can make a request while the teacher is happy. As long as it is not excessive, the teacher can satisfy you.

This can be regarded as a gift from your teacher. "

Hearing the old man ’s words, Yu Zhe was about to refuse. After all, he did n’t want to be arrogant and arrogant. The teacher was willing to give it, but he could n’t just accept it in such a grand manner.

At this time, Yu Zhe's eyes inadvertently saw the three people watching Xu Zimo who was looking at the bustling side.

His face suddenly became embarrassed, and yesterday's anger and humiliation immediately surged into his heart.

He lowered his face slightly, and looked at the old man respectfully and said, "Teacher, I have no other requirements, I just hope that our college can drive those three out, not recruit them."

Looking at the direction of Yu Zhe's finger, Xu Zimo froze and asked Xiao Guizi, "Is that kid talking about us?"

Xiao Guizi nodded.

"Why, let's call this hatred out of thin air?" Xu Zimo asked with some doubt.

"Brother, have you forgotten?" Xiao Guizi hurriedly replied: "Last night we had no place to live, robbed him and his father's room, it is estimated that we now want to retaliate."

"What's my identity? Don't you remember what a cat or a dog is?" Xu Zimo glared at Xiao Guizi and said, "Besides, that's the room you robbed. What does it have to do with me?"

Hearing Xu Zimo's words, Xiao Guizi looked startled.

"Look trough, do you want a blue face? Obviously, you told me that my fist is big and I'm afraid I don't have a room to live in. Let me go grab the room, and now I turn my face and I don't recognize anyone. The skill of dumping the pot is still so skilled."

Of course, these words Xiao Guizi can only shout in his heart, in reality, he dare not say it.

He could only be like a wronged young wife, nodded in recognition of Xu Zimo's words.