I’m Really a Villain

v2 Chapter 1484: Rules for entering the Temple of the Sun

When this majestic voice sounded.

The people around held their breath and all looked up.

Although the main hall was a kilometer high from the ground, the sense of oppression that came from it still made everyone frightened.

Like a barrier of steel, it also seems to exude a powerful force.

The colorful light is blooming.

The Holy King of Guangming took the lead, and all the people in the Temple of the Sun came out.

They are wearing uniform red robes.

The robe pulled up to the ground, with a golden sun painted behind it.

The King of Light looked down at the people below.

He chuckled and said: "You all came for the origin of the fire race, but you should also know.

The number of places to enter the Land of Origin is limited, and not everyone can enter. "

"Sage King of Brightness speaks directly about the rules," someone underneath shouted.

"This time, only fifty people can enter the place of origin.

Our six fire areas will each have three places.

That is eighteen places.

As for the other thirty-two places, they will be selected from among you. "

The voice of the King of Light fell, and the surroundings began to discuss.

But most of them are the opinions of some small forces.

Because other fire areas, including some big forces, are also known.

The inside story of this election has long been known.

The quota of the six fire areas is fixed, after all, there are only six in the six fire areas.

The casual cultivation forces can be said to have started in at least a few hundred.

Thirty-two places seem to be a lot, but in fact, compared with the large group of casual cultivators, it is a drop in the bucket.


"Holy King of Light, I don't know how to choose these thirty-two places?

How does it compare? "Yin Cuihua of Shushan took the lead to ask.

Mountain Shu comes from the Vermillion Bird Flame Region. Although they are powerful, they are not the rulers of the Vermillion Bird Flame Region.

So they can also participate in the battle for thirty-two places.

The Vermillion Bird Field is led by the Vermillion Bird Sect.

It must be said here that among the six fire regions, the selection method of each fire region is different.

For example, the Chaos Fire Territory calls everyone in the entire Fire Territory to compete, so as to select the strongest top three.

The other fire domains are different.

Just like Shenwu Fire Territory, the fire territory selected in advance by the Shangguan family is basically a default.

Therefore, the six fire domains have their own selection methods, and people from these other forces are the most innocent.

So everyone gathered here just to enter the place of origin.

Hearing Shu Shan’s question at this moment, the King of Brightness said with a smile: "The method of competition is very simple.

Our sun temple was created by our ancestors.

There is a strong force in it, and no one in the past can break into it.

According to our idea, it is to fully open the Sun Temple.

Those of you who can enter the innermost temple of the sun will have a place. "

Hearing the words of the Holy King of Light, someone asked inexplicably.

"Then if we all go in and there are only thirty-two places, how should we count?"

However, someone next to him smiled and said: "You think too much, who can enter the Temple of the Sun and come out intact.

Very few.

Don't say thirty-two, I'm afraid it's not bad to have twenty. "

In the Temple of the Sun, there are numerous agencies and the risk factor is so great that even the emperor will fall.

The Great Sage may be injured.

Although there are not a few great sages in Blazing Fire, they are not stones on the road after all, they can be picked up anywhere.

After the King of Light finished speaking, he said: "Actually, the quota of the six fire domains is not fixed."

Upon hearing this, everyone held their breath.

"If one of you comes out of the Temple of the Sun, then you have the qualifications to challenge the six domains.

As long as you win the people of the six fire areas, their places will belong to you.

In other words, you will have two places. "

"What if the challenge fails?" someone asked.

"Dead," the Holy King of Guangming replied with a narrow smile.

Many people do not understand his words.

The quotas of the six domains are all well allocated. Why do we need to increase the challenge?

However, Xu Zimo thought slightly, but somehow understood.

There are some people in the six domains, all of whom are pre-determined.

The strength is not strong, some come in by relationship, and want to support younger generations and gain opportunities in the land of origin.

In doing so, the Temple of the Sun is nothing more than expelling some people who are indiscriminate.

The quota has been given to the six fire areas.

But if they dare to refill the number, they might as well take it back.


Seeing what the Holy King of Bright said, Shangguan Xiongba gave Xu Zimo a cold look.

Indifferently said: "Let your dog live for a few more days, waiting for this matter, and let you die without a place to bury."

"Why don't you fight anymore?" Xu Zimo smiled.

"I'm ready, you disappoint me."

Shangguan Xiongba let out a cold snort and left with everyone.

He ignored Xu Zimo.

Because he knows which one is more important.

Xu Zimo deserves to die, but he can't miss the plan of the Shangguan family.

They need more places to enter the land of the origin of the fire race.

So in addition to the three names of the Shangguan family, they also trained outsiders to enter the Temple of the Sun to compete for places.

The person watching the Temple of the Sun left.

Xu Zimo only walked to the front of Shangguanxian.

"What's the matter?" he asked with a frown.

"I took revenge on them," Shangguanxian said.

"What is my strength, I don't have a b number in my heart?" Xu Zimo said.

"Besides, you are also a member of the Shangguan family, do you really have such a big grudge?

It's because of Shangguan Wan'er. "

"Actually, I didn't tell you something," Shangguanxian said.

"My mother was killed by that man."

"Your housework is too bloody, I don't bother to take care of it.

But it's okay to take revenge next time or kill someone.

Consider considering your own strength.

I won't necessarily save you next time," Xu Zimo said.

"Thank you," Shangguanxian lowered his head and said with some shame.

She stood up from the ground, and after adjusting her breath for this period of time, her injury stabilized.

In fact, she was also impulsive this time.

Seeing the Shangguan family, he was blinded by hatred, and began to ignore many things.

She silently followed Xu Zimo, and UU Read www.uukanshu.com walked towards the Chaos Fire Territory.

Although Sect Master Bai was upset, he was not embarrassed to ask more.

As for the sage of Zixia, he came from the sky.

"It's fortunate for the son to be okay," Saint Zixia smiled.

When the two separated from the ancient city of Phoenix, he was really afraid that Xu Zimo would fall into the hands of the holy court.

"The water beast matter has been resolved, did you have any accidents?" Xu Zimo asked.

Sage Zixia shook his head slightly.

"Would you like to go to the Temple of the Sun, and give you a place in the place of origin," Xu Zimo smiled.

Sage Zixia is a saint, so he has great ability to break through the temple of the sun.

"I'm not interested in the number of places, but I have some interest in the Temple of the Sun," Saint Zixia smiled.