I’m Really a Villain

v2 Chapter 1797: Am I the one who perishes? ferry boat

Hearing Xu Zimo's question, Old Ming pondered a little.

He said: "The Black Whale Sea is a forbidden area, the living cannot enter, and the dead cannot get out.

Unless you can take the ferry boat. "

"It is said that the predecessor of the Nether Realm was once a mass grave.

One day, under a mysterious force, all creatures in this domain were slaughtered. "

Hearing this, although Xu Zimo hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he could still feel it.

How many people are there in a domain?

Tens of millions, hundreds of millions, or even more.

So many people were killed.

Thinking back to the scene at that time in my mind, it is impossible to describe the pile of corpses.

This picture is shocking and heart-pounding.

There are dead bodies everywhere, everywhere you go.

It doesn't matter whether you are an ordinary person, a great sage or a strong Taoist.

only to die.

Before death, all living beings are equal.

The so-called Dao fruit powerhouse is nothing more than a stronger ant.

These are Xu Zimo's self-imagination and self-comprehension.

"Don't ask me, who did it, and why did I kill someone from a domain.

I don't know, and I can't get in touch with that aspect," Ming Lao explained.

"I can only tell you that the Lord of the Dead came to this domain later.

He refined all the corpses with his supreme supernatural power, allowing everyone to live in peace.

In the end, those corpses turned into the black whale sea in front of them. "

"There are only two ways to cross this sea, to take a ferry, or to become a black whale guard and travel on a black whale."

"Otherwise, whether you are a living person or a spirit body, you will die if you touch it."

"I'm not exaggerating, the Nether Realm has developed for so long, and there are countless spiritual bodies in it.

Some are born with spiritual wisdom, and powerful spirits want to leave the nether realm.

There are even many more powerful spirits than me.

In the end, he left without authorization, and there was only a dead end in the end. "

Hearing this, Xu Zimo understood.

The other party is not frightening himself, but stating a fact.

That is, this Black Whale Sea is indeed terrifying.

He must not be able to ride the Black Whale Guard, so the ferry boat is left.

But before thinking about ferrying the boat, Xu Zimo wanted to try the Black Whale Sea, what magic was there.

He slowly came to the front of the Black Whale Sea.

Looking down, his face was reflected in the water. Although the sea water was black, his face was still clear.

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Xu Zimo stretched out his hand and put his right hand in the sea water.

In an instant, a stinging pain hit his heart.

Xu Zimo quickly took it out of his hand.

In just a few seconds, the palm was actually corrupted.

This made Xu Zimo a little surprised.

It is no exaggeration to say that even if he does nothing, his own defense power is already very defying.

Even if he is a strong Taoist, he can't move himself.

This Black Whale Sea is weird, and especially weird.

"I feel it," Old Ming stepped forward and said.

"Corrosion, and corrosion that ignores everything.

No matter how strong your physique is,

No matter what realm you are in, how many rules you have comprehended, and what means you have.

are of no use.

The corrosion of this sea water can penetrate everything, instantly melting you into silence. "

"It's really interesting," Xu Zimo nodded.

His right hand was reborn from a drop of blood and returned to its original state.

But it is almost impossible to cross this black whale sea.

Unless you enter the Three Flowers Realm yourself.

For Xu Zimo, there is still a long way to go.

"Where is the ferry boat?" Xu Zimo asked again.

"In your heart, the ferry boat was not created by anyone, but born from the heavens and the earth," said Elder Ming.

He pointed to his heart.

"You go and feel this black whale sea.

If the Black Whale Sea is transformed by the death energy of all beings, then the ferry boat is transformed by the conscience of all beings. "

When Elder Ming said this, he saw that he closed his eyes.

It seems to be one with the Black Whale Sea.

The sea in front of him began to turmoil, and it didn't take long for a black boat to stop in front of him.

"This is the ferry boat," Old Ming said.

Everything in front of me is magical and natural.

There is good and evil in the world.

Evil thoughts turned into a sea of ​​decay,

Good thoughts are condensed into a ferry boat.

One yin and one yang in the world, life and death, seems to be such a cycle of heaven.

This is the majestic road.

"The Lord of the Necromancer is amazing and has gone a long way," Xu Zimo said.

The scene in front of him is the state presented by the Lord of the Necromancer. This is his masterpiece.

The Lord of the Dead has come a long way on the road of Dao.


"I won't go with you," Old Ming said with a wry smile.

"Without the order of the adults, I will enter a dead end."

Xu Zimo waved his hand, but he didn't force it.

Seeing that he also closed his eyes, he wanted to perceive his own boat.

Perception does not use the soul, but the mind.

The moment his mind touched the Black Whale Sea, Xu Zimo felt that his consciousness was burning hot, as if he was about to be corrupted.

However, he still held back and suppressed it with powerful force.

Gradually, he seemed to feel life.

The black whale sea in front of me is alive.

Not a simple Dead Sea.

Suddenly, a drop of water in this sea area seemed to resonate with Xu Zimo.

This drop of water is his ferry boat.

A drop of water represents a person before his death.

Xu Zimo merged with his consciousness, and he could feel the other party's emotions. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Can share all the memories of each other.

Even if it's a lifetime reward.

The ferry boat is unique.

Xu Zimo's consciousness seemed to have entered another world.

That was the world before the ferry boat was alive.

His... name is too old to be forgotten.

But that doesn't matter, he is the general of the Lingshan Wuzhou Legion, leading 300,000 soldiers.

When disaster strikes, the entire Nether Realm responds to the call of the Mass Burial God and fights the invaders together.

He thought it would be a bloody, evenly matched battle.

But when the enemy falls from the sky.

The man held the sky-high lance, and with just one lance downward, everyone died.

No **** battles, no heartbreaking.

Without even feeling the pain of death, everyone died.

All that was left for him was the man who turned around and looked back.

It was this time that Xu Zimo seemed to return to that era with the help of the ferry boat.

He froze in place.

Because... it was him who destroyed the Nether Realm.

Xu Zimo's face changed slightly.

"How is this possible?"

He saw a man who looked exactly like him.

"Is it the Demon Lord of the previous generation?"

Xu Zimo frowned.

But he has seen the previous generation of demon masters, and he looks different from him.

"Who is that?"

Xu Zimo was puzzled. He felt that there were many secrets in this Nether Realm.

Right this time.

He withdrew his eyes and mind, only to see a ferry boat condensed in front of him.

It's just that different from Old Ming's, his ferry boat seems to be... too big. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!