I’m Really a Villain

v2 Chapter 1861: 0 clan alliance, apprenticeship

Xu Zimo was surrounded by dense faces.

King Qin obviously exerted great efforts. When all living beings surrounded each other, the entire void was blocked.

In the dark, there is a force that wants to compare Xu Zimo to all living beings.

This is not physical strength, but from the soul, from the spirit and thought, wanting to assimilate him.

This power is terrifying.

To a certain extent, the relationship between the King of Qin and the State of Qin is bound. If the State of Qin dies, King Qin's national destiny will also be gone.

These sentient beings are really powerful.

Not only can it change a person's mind, it can't even be touched.

When Gang Yan was flustered, he couldn't believe that when he touched a face, he was instantly burned.

The soul of the whole person will explode.

Fortunately, Xu Zimo suppressed it.

"I'll go first, maybe one day, we will meet again."

Xu Zimo's voice fell.

The Ba Ying in his hand spun around with a saber, and saw shocking power coming from all directions from the scimitar.

The knife light exploded, and there was only a "boom".

The sentient beings were torn apart by a powerful force.

The meeting Xu Zimo mentioned was of course not an ordinary meeting.

It was when King Qin could understand the truth of this world one day and was qualified to talk to him.

The peak of the Great Sage is still too weak.

Xu Zimo has always had an idea, but this idea is immature and too far away.

No real progress has been made so far.

Seeing Xu Zimo easily break through the faces of all beings, King Qin's face changed slightly.

A group of ministers behind him wanted to chase after him, but they were stopped by King Qin.

"Stop it all!"

"Your Majesty," a group of ministers looked at King Qin suspiciously.

"Can you be his opponent if you catch up?" King Qin asked.

"The other party has no killing intent, otherwise tonight will be in danger."

Although the King of Qin said so, he was not worried, because the human race also had a trump card.

It's just that Xu Zimo's strength has exceeded the limit of this world, so King Qin and everyone can't see through it.

"Who is this?" Everyone was puzzled.

"Our Divine State has such strength, is it from the Heavenly Court?

Or the demon ancestor? "

After all, there are too few people with this strength, so I have to think of those few people.

"It should be impossible for Heavenly Court, after all, we are still in an alliance state."

"It's even more impossible for the Yaozu. They even sent people yesterday to show weakness and want to ally with us."

Everyone thought about it, and couldn't figure out who it was.

Qin Wang's eyes were deep, staring at the direction Xu Zimo left.

Said: "This matter ends here, no matter what the other party's purpose is.

I have my own opinion, and you must not pass it on. "

"Of order," everyone agreed quickly.

After everyone left, King Qin returned to the Temple of Heaven where he lived.

He did not rest, but dismissed the guards around him, and slowly came to the back of the hall.

There is a wall.

The white walls are flawless, even white, which makes people feel a little unbelievable.

If you stare at the wall for a long time, you will have an illusion again, as if it is not a white wall, but a completely black wall.

Qin Wang pressed his hands on the wall, and his arms turned invisibly.

"Crack, click."

Some mechanism has been opened.

I saw a pair of eyes appeared on the wall.

The eyes are also black and white.

"What is it?"

An old voice sounded.

Those eyes didn't move, they just stared straight at King Qin.

"I need your help," King Qin said.

He briefly described what happened in the palace tonight.

Those eyes were slightly silent.

Finally, he replied: "If he comes next time, he will come and go."


Go back to the courtyard where Steel Rock lives.

Xu Zimo threw his opponent on the ground.

Only then did Gang Yan wake up.

"you you you"

He looked at Xu Zimo, speechless for a long time.

"Trust me now," Xu Zimo asked.

"I believe it," Gang Yan nodded, and knelt down directly.

"Also ask the seniors to accept me as a disciple."

Xu Zimo thought about it.

Logically speaking, he shouldn't accept apprentices, and even if he did accept apprentices, in terms of this steel rock's aptitude, it's still a thousand miles away.

But Xu Zimo considered whether to let Gang Yan be his spokesperson in the mainland of China.

This spokesperson is the most suitable for indigenous people.

Moreover, the ambition and ability should not be too large, so as to balance the whole world without crossing the boundary too much.

"I've given you a task. If you can complete it, I'll take you as an apprentice," Xu Zimo said.

"Master, please tell me," Gang Yan nodded hastily.

"I want to unite the Hundred Clans, but after all, I am not familiar with the place where I was born. You should be familiar with the Hundred Clans," Xu Zimo asked.

"Familiar is familiar, but after all, I'm a soft-spoken person, I'm afraid they won't kiss me."

Gang Yan said helplessly.

"Let's not talk about the other hundred clans, I'm afraid our Gangmeng clan won't listen to me."

You must know that Gang Yan is just a new genius in the Gang Meng Clan.

Although it has some status, it is not enough to command the Gangmen.

"Master, do you want to help me?" Gang Yan asked expectantly.

He now knows Xu Zimo's strength, if Xu Zimo is willing, then everything will be fine.

"I won't help you, but I can find someone to help you," Xu Zimo said.

I saw the void began to surge, and Bai Meng's figure slowly walked out of it.

In fact, as early as when Xu Zimo had this idea, he notified Baimeng.

Baimeng is now in the realm of Daoguo, and he also belongs to the top group of powerhouses in this mainland of China.

With Baimon following, nothing should happen.

If you want to subdue hundreds of clans, let's not talk about other things, absolute force is the most basic thing.

"With him here, people from the Hundred Clans should not dare to resist," Xu Zimo said.

"But you have to understand that force is only auxiliary, I don't want you to suppress it with force.

If it were that simple, I wouldn't need you. "

"Master, do you want to return to your heart?" Gang Yan was also smart, and immediately thought of it.

Force can suppress for a while, but not forever.

If it's single-minded, I'm afraid that the Alliance of Hundred Clans will fall apart in a short time.

Xu Zimo nodded.

"On the basis of force, let the hundred clans be convinced. As long as this matter is done well, your status will be extraordinary."

"Master, rest assured~lightnovelpub.net~ I will definitely work **** this matter," Gang Yan assured.

He knew that this was a turning point in his destiny.

If done well, the future is limitless.

"Okay, I should go too," Xu Zimo looked at the sky.

The night receded slightly, and after a night of tossing, it was almost dawn now.

He also returned to the Royal Inn.

Early in the morning, Xu Kui came to the inn.

"Has King Qin answered?" Xu Zimo asked as he walked downstairs.

"I don't have this yet, I'm here to inform another matter," Xu Kui said with a smile.


"Heavenly Court is coming," Xu Kui replied with deep eyes.

"What does this have to do with us?" Xu Zimo asked.