I’m Really a Villain

v2 Chapter 1956: Fight against hostility, 1 eye to unders

"The so-called predestined person means that you are qualified to wield the real sword of fortune, so as to kill that hostility."

Just listen to the golden figure in the void continue to speak.

"Of course, I won't let you be killed in vain.

You will receive my lifelong inheritance.

In any case, latecomers wish you good luck. "

As the last sentence fell, the golden figure in the void suddenly dissipated.

The dissipated golden light began to gather again.

Eventually it became a golden sword.

This is a very broad sword, and the entire handle of the sword is condensed by the power of Ford.

Holding this real sword of fortune, it is as if all the blessings in the world are blessing you.

Xu Zimo was thinking.

I'm afraid that this so-called person of merit is a symbol of strength.

I am strong, so I was selected.

But there is another problem here. Fude Maai has been in the city of invincibility for so many years.

How could there be no strong ones?

Why didn't those strong men kill the hostility?

These are suspicious points.

Xu Zimo is a little interested in the inheritance of the true sage of the blessing, after all, it is about the blessing.

It is said that God has special care for those who are blessed.

Whether this is true or not is unknown.

And the True Sage of Fortune does not force others, but gives you the opportunity to choose.

Except for the real sword of Ford, the darkness was dispelled, and a road appeared unexpectedly.

This avenue is also filled with the power of merit.

It can be seen that this blessing, the true sage, has been cultivated to perfection, almost the peak.

Otherwise, it is impossible to have so much power of merit.

Xu Zimo looked around, he didn't take the real sword of fortune rashly, but walked in along the golden road.

He wanted to see if this so-called hostility was still present.

Perhaps it is possible to communicate, but it is still like a walking dead who only knows how to kill.

Walking along the golden road, Xu Zimo gradually saw some chains.

These chains should be guarding the hostility.

When it came to the end, Xu Zimo was taken aback.

Because this end is empty, there is nothing.

He carefully pulled up a few iron chains and looked. There should have been something inside, but the chains were cut off and the contents were released.

This made Xu Zimo a little surprised.

Looks like someone got there first.

But who would let go of the anger of the true sage of Ford, and even concealed it, no news came out.

Xu Zimo felt that these things had nothing to do with him. Just as he was about to withdraw, there was another change in the void.

I saw a black shadow suddenly attacking without warning.

The black shadow was extremely fast, and it rushed towards Xu Zimo's face, with disgusting saliva flying across it.

I don't know what kind of monster it is, Xu Zimo directly punched it out.

The black shadow had an amazing defense, and when it hit it, it turned out to be soft, like rubber.

Remove a lot of strength.

Xu Zimo took a closer look, only to discover the true face of this black shadow.

The black shadow has no body at all, it is like a pool of saliva that has been magnified a hundred times, and the body is an irregular liquid.

It's just that this pool of liquid is not clean, the inside is extremely dirty, and it stinks to the sky.

The most important thing is that the black shadow actually has a face.

This face is so ugly that a child might cry when he sees it.

"What is it, could it be that hostility?" Xu Zimo felt it a little bit, and felt a little strange.

The strength of this black shadow is not strong, it should not be that hostile.

With a move with his right hand, Ba Ying appeared directly in his hand, and the powerful saber energy split and landed directly on Hei Ying.

The black shadow monster screamed, although it was chopped into several halves, it quickly returned to its original state.

"The strange power is constantly recovering," Xu Zimo said to himself.

He tried to pick up the broken iron chain from the side, which was forged by the power of Ford.

Although it is not as good as the real sword of Ford, it can be regarded as a bit of attack power.

As if seeing a natural enemy, the black shadow screamed strangely when he saw the iron chain, and wanted to run away.

"Where are you going?" Xu Zimo threw the iron chain out directly.

There was a "bang".

One end of the iron chain was tied to the black shadow, and the power of Ford above was rapidly melting the opponent.

It was as if the flames of fire melted the white snow.

The speed was very fast, and the body of the black shadow became smaller and smaller.

Seeing that the black shadow was about to disappear, Xu Zimo suddenly felt a sense of oppression.

He looked up, only to see a pair of black eyes reflecting in the darkness, observing him seriously.

Before Xu Zimo could make a move, the Forde True Sword suspended in mid-air had exploded with great power, wanting to kill the eyes on its own.

The black eyes seemed to know something was wrong, and they disappeared immediately.

"The two forces are very similar, the black eyes just now should be the real hostility.

And that black shadow is just a small part of the hostility," Xu Zimo speculated.

And he felt that his guess would not be wrong.

"I didn't want to get involved in this matter, but since I've been targeted, there's nothing I can do," Xu Zimo said to himself.

He walked up to the real sword of Ford, and the other party didn't resist, and was held in Xu Zimo's hand directly.

The power of Ford should be in a state of mutual restraint against the hostility, so Xu Zimo decided to put it away first.

When the real sword of fortune was put away, the power of fortune in the void also disappeared.

In a hurry, the world in front of Xu Zimo's eyes began to collapse. When he turned his eyes, he returned to the ancient well of Fude.

"Guest, are you okay?" Xin Laowu asked worriedly beside him.

"This ancient well is really interesting," Xu Zimo shook his head and smiled.

"Of course, the Gujing had so many visions just now, I thought some shocking treasure was born.

In the end, there was nothing," Xin Lao Wu sighed.

"Guests don't have to be depressed, no one can tell the fate of this fortune."

Xu Zimo just smiled and didn't answer.

Little did he know, the best treasure among them, the True Sword of Ford, had already been obtained by him.

"Let's go and see the Sad Heaven Buddha," Xin Laowu comforted.

"Maybe the guest's amazing understanding~lightnovelpub.net~ can learn this type of supernatural power."

Xu Zimo walked to the Buddha statue, and he could see that the popularity of the Buddha statue was much higher.

There is almost a long queue of people who come here to learn supernatural powers.

I saw many people sitting cross-legged in front of this huge Buddha statue.

Some people looked at the head of the Buddha statue, some people looked at its palms, in short, they observed from various parts of the body.

I hope to see the mysteries of the Buddha's supernatural powers.

"There are so many people now, guests can comprehend from a distance first, and we will come in front later," said Laowu Xin.

"What kind of insight is there?" Xu Zimo could see the mystery of the Buddha statue at a glance.

"The so-called supernatural power is to understand the general trend of the world, and one can see through it at a glance."

Xu Zimo's voice fell, and before Xin Laowu had time to flatter, a voice sounded beside him.

"Big words."