I’m Really a Villain

v2 Chapter 2026: God prison bow, crazy

Luo Shao looked at Xu Zimo, as if he saw the worst devil in the world.

He was terrified but unable to escape.

He wrestled in the sea of ​​blood and slept forever in the pile of corpses. Finally, he couldn't stand it anymore, and his spirit collapsed to the extreme.

It's crazy.

Luo Shao's hair was disheveled, and he was yelling, his image didn't seem like a faux pas at all.

Xu Zimo had killed many people, but the first time he saw them, he was frightened crazy without doing anything.

Luo Shao's psychological quality is too weak.

"Who dares to touch my son?" At this moment, a soft roar came.

The voice was so powerful that it pierced through the clouds like a sharp knife and spread throughout the ancient city of death.

Many people were taken aback.

"Is this the voice of Luoshen?"

"What happened to Luoshen's son? No one is killing Luo Shao!"

"Who would dare? Ten lives are not enough to die for the things Master Luo did, but who will let him have a good father?"

There was a lot of discussion.

It can be said that Luoshen's roar shocked the entire ancient people.

Many people are very well informed.

Immediately, someone shouted: "Hurry up and go to Zhaixing Restaurant, Shao Shao had a conflict with someone there.

Everyone go and see. "

After a while, most of the people in the ancient city rushed towards Zhaixing Restaurant.

On the one hand, everyone wanted to see who dared to provoke Luo Shao after eating the bear's heart and leopard's courage.

On the other hand, some people also hope that Luo Shao will die quickly. This disaster has offended many people in the ancient city.


Xu Zimo also heard the voice.

But he didn't care, looking at the crazy Luo Shao in front of him, he was still drinking without rushing.

Quite a few played music and danced.

Mu Yang was a little worried, pulled Xu Zimo's arm, and said: "Why don't we go, I heard that his father is so strong.

If you see his current appearance, you may not be able to do anything. "

"Don't worry, I never do anything I'm not sure about," Xu Zimo said with a smile.

"You eat your meal, maybe you haven't finished your meal yet, the battle is over."

Mu Yang had to trust Xu Zimo, and she had no choice.

She is grateful to Xu Zimo.

Help her get the **** grass, and send her back all the way.

In fact, it doesn't matter if she dies, she is just a little worried about her mother.


Luoshen's speed was very fast, almost in a few steps, he had already moved half of the ancient city of death, and arrived in front of the star picking restaurant.

Regardless of the vast area of ​​this ancient city of death, in fact, it only takes a few steps for him to do everything he can.

"The person in charge of Zhaixing Restaurant came out to answer," Luoshen said softly.

At this step, Shopkeeper Tong reluctantly walked out.

He bowed deeply to the outside, and said in greeting: "I have seen Luoshen."

This Luoshen appeared to be a middle-aged man in his forties, wearing a dark and cyan robe with a jade belt, tied around his waist with a golden belt.

His long hair is a little disheveled and scattered on both sides, he has a beard, and his face is mighty, with a bit of a hero.

In particular, his aura is really like a god, and as soon as he steps into the air, it will be like a landslide.

Three flowers gather on the top of the head.

This is the sign of a strong Sanhua.

It is rumored that Renhuang is the strongest of the three corpses, and his eight disciples are known as the Eight Gods.

This Luoshen is the strongest of the three flowers, so the other true biography should not be weak.

"Where's my son?" Luo Shen asked calmly.

Shopkeeper Tong thought of the scene inside the restaurant and couldn't help closing his eyes.

He could already feel the momentum of the black clouds overwhelming the city.

Helpless, shopkeeper Tong could only point to the inside.

Looking along the gate of Zhaixing Restaurant, at this moment, the aura around Luoshen was like a volcano erupting.

I saw Young Master Luo walking out of Zhaixing Restaurant madly covered in blood.

Even if Luoshen came, Luo Shao still didn't respond, I'm afraid he was really stupid.

"Luo'er, Luo'er," Luo Shen came directly in front of Luo Shao.

After checking his situation, his face was gloomy and terrifying.

"It's okay, Luoer, you'll be fine after you sleep," Luoshen patted Luo Shao on the forehead lightly.

Slowly put the silent Luo Shao aside.

The next moment, the murderous air in the void violently rose from the invisible.

Shopkeeper Tong let out a scream.

Everyone turned their heads to look, and saw that one of Shopkeeper Tong's arms had been cut off abruptly.

"It's for Phoenix's sake. Luo'er had an accident at your Zhaixing Restaurant. You should be responsible for this."

Luoshen said calmly.

"If it wasn't for Phoenix, you would have died today."

Shopkeeper Tong gave a wry smile, picked up his severed arm and slowly stepped aside.

He dared not have any complaints.

Because he knew that if Luoshen really wanted to kill him, even the master Fenghuang couldn't protect him.

The business of Shopkeeper Tong is over.

Only then did Luoshen look into Zhaixing Restaurant.

He knew that the murderer who killed his son was there.

Just eat meat and drink there.

His eyes were cold, as if there was an infinite killing energy condensing.

"It's really good," he walked into Zhaixing Restaurant step by step.

There was a "boom".

At this moment, two powerful forces exploded in the void.

The moment he entered the Zhaixing Restaurant, Luoshen launched an attack, and Xu Zimo naturally would not bear it.

The two attacks exploded, and the aftermath shot straight into the sky.

The Zhaixing Restaurant couldn't even withstand a blow, the roof of the building was pierced through, and more than half of the building was directly destroyed.

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Only the area where Xu Zimo was located was safe and sound.

"I don't care who you are, I will kill you today."

"Then you must have that ability," Xu Zimo replied.

"I heard that you are a student of the Emperor. If the Emperor came here in person, there would be something to say, so forget it."

"Speak wild words, ignorant child, today I will teach you that there is a sky beyond the sky," Luoshen snorted coldly.

He formed a seal with one hand, and the word Qi Huang emerged.

The Qihuang holy seal was condensed into shape, and the powerful force compressed the void and distorted the space.

The holy seal exploded out, Xu Zimo narrowed his eyes slightly.

Ba Ying in his hand directly drew his knife and slashed over.

The powerful saber aura split the holy seal into two, and then, the saber's power remained undiminished, and the powerful saber aura killed Luoshen.

The figure of Luoshen stepped back and distanced himself from Xu Zimo.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, an aurora burst out from the sky and the earth.

The aurora fell into his hands ~lightnovelpub.net~ and turned into the shape of a bow and arrow.

"It's the God Prison Bow, Luoshen is getting serious," someone shouted.

The Divine Prison Bow is Luoshen's strongest method, and under normal circumstances, few people can let him use this bow.

"It seems that the opponent has some strength, and Luoshen has to take it seriously."

"If you don't have the strength, how dare you kill Luo Shao."

Everyone has different opinions.

At this time, Luoshen drew the bow out, and there was endless aura condensing on the bowstring invisible.

"Boom, boom, boom."

The bowstring was drawn, and dragons flew out one by one.

This God Prison Bow has the power of God Prison, every time the bow is drawn, it can transform everything in the world.

To some extent, this bow is omnipotent.