I’m Really a Villain

v2 Chapter 2077: Pass 3 levels, doormen

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The changes of heaven and earth are closely related to the network of heaven and earth.

Xu Zimo's eyes were serious, carefully feeling and comprehending the changes.

Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches, Yin Yang, Eight Diagrams, and Zhou Tianxing.

These seemingly different things are now integrated into one, perfectly forming the net.

"Wonderful," Xu Zimo looked at it for a while, then still praised.

Everything here is not difficult, but the difficulty lies in the perfect integration of everything.

Xu Zimo had a lot of emotions.

"Can it be cracked?" Lin Ruhu asked from the side.

It can be seen that if he can't crack it, he is going to force his way in, even if it is rude.

Xu Zimo smiled and replied: "It may be difficult for others, but for me, it's nothing."

The power of the three corpses is not just talk.

Under his gaze, all the rules of the world cannot escape.

It can be said that the rules are right in front of him, and no matter how the net works, he cannot do without the rules.

No matter how precise and wonderful things are, they have their rules.

"Follow me, don't take a wrong step," Xu Zimo reminded.

He took a step forward. In the eyes of ordinary people, this is an ordinary step, but in the eyes of the strong.

But this step contains supreme mystery, as if in one step, all the originally peaceful rules were disrupted.

It was as if a stone had been thrown into the calm water.

"Where I am is where the rules lie," Xu Zimo said lightly.

If you want to break the net of heaven and earth, you cannot follow the rules of the net of heaven and earth.

This is tantamount to being led by the nose, there is no clue at all.

The only way to go out is to break the rules of this net of heaven and earth and make up your own rules.

Xu Zimo opened the way forward, and there was a big tree blocking the way ahead, but after Xu Zimo entered.

These big trees seem to have disappeared, as if they were nothing, they directly submerged into Xu Zimo's body.

At first, Xu Zimo's speed was still very slow.

But he walked more and more smoothly, as if he had completely grasped the secrets of this net of heaven and earth.

Until the end, Xu Zimo's figure was like an illusion, as fast as no shadow.

Lin Ruhu had to follow behind with difficulty.

I don't know how long I walked, although the area of ​​Yunxi Forest is not big, but it is under the net of heaven and earth.

However, the area of ​​his different space has been magnified countless times.

Finally, when Xu Zimo found that there was no way out, the scene in front of him changed from illusion to reality.

He finally walked out of this overwhelming network.

Lin Ruhu's figure followed closely behind.

He looked up, and saw that at some point in time, he had come to the depths of the Yunxi forest, in a valley where birds were singing and flowers were fragrant.

The valley is silent and the seasons are like spring.

This place is like a paradise, the best place to live in seclusion.

Lush, herbal essence.

Straight ahead is a mountain village.

The area of ​​the villa is not large, and it is surrounded by bamboo.

There are no particularly valuable flowers and plants planted here, all weeds.

But the weeds are not messy, each weed seems to be treated as a rare and precious flower, and has been specially trimmed.

So even if it is a weed, it is pleasing to the eye and very comfortable.

A group of people are taking good care of the weeds in front of the door.

After seeing Xu Zimo and Lin Ruhu, the eyes of these people brightened.

He smiled and said, "Looks like a new friend has come!"

Several people stood up and greeted Xu Zimo and the others first.

"Zhou Chongming at Bloodfish Bay!"

"This is Xu Shikai from the Human Emperor's Palace!"

"It's not advisable to lose in the Lower Eastern Hundred City!"

These three people directly self-registered, Xu Zimo and Lin Ruhu also self-reported: "Scattered cultivators Xu Zimo, Lin Ruhu."

"Are you also here for Mr. Zhuge?" Zhou Chongming asked with a smile.

Xu Zimo nodded.

"Where is Mr. Zhuge?"

"It's not that easy to meet Mr. Zhuge," Xu Shikai who was next to him replied.

"Mr. Zhuge once said that whenever he can see him, he can answer a question without saying anything.

There are too many people who want to see him every day, but there are very few people who can pass through the net of Yunxi Forest. "

"You have at least passed this step. There are three barriers in Zhuge Villa. If you pass all of them, you will be able to see Mr. Zhuge."

"Which three levels?" Lin Ruhu asked curiously.

"It's so difficult to meet, I don't know how capable he is."

"Mr. Zhuge has a sky-reaching posture, there is nothing in the world that he doesn't know," Xu Shikai laughed.

"The so-called three passes are actually the three passes of heaven, earth and man."

"Mr. Zhuge has Menke under his banner, and Shengmenke is Renguan.

There are weeds in the yard, and weeds are the ground barrier.

The backyard is connected to the sky, pierces the sky, and is the gate of heaven.

After these three levels, Mr. Zhuge will naturally see you. "

"What about you?

What are you doing here? " Lin Ruhu asked again.

"Although the few of us passed through the nets of Yunxi Forest, we couldn't pass three passes.

So he lived near Zhuge Villa. "

Gongshu should not laugh.

"The birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant here, you are relaxed and at ease, away from the impetuousness and noise of the outside world.

It is a good place to practice the Tao and cultivate the mind.

We already like the life here~lightnovelpub.net~Even if we can't see Mr. Zhuge, we are content. "

"Are there many people who have passed the three levels?" Xu Zimo asked.

Xu Shikai shook his head.

"Three levels may not sound difficult, but there are great mysteries in them.

I think Mr. Zhuge likes tranquility, so he set up a more difficult level, and he doesn't want to be disturbed. "

"Then go and have a look, I want to try these three levels," Xu Zimo said with a smile.

"It's exciting to watch," Zhou Chongming said with a smile at the beginning.

"Few people can come in here every year, but it has been silent for so long. I don't know if you can pass the three tests."

With three people leading the way, Xu Zimo also learned a lot about Zhuge Villa.

Entering the gate of the villa, unlike the tranquility outside the gate, there are dozens of people inside the villa.

These people may wear Confucian robes, carry poems and essays on their backs, and often sing articles.

Or holding a sword, competing in martial arts, drinking and drinking, and being unrestrained.

"These people are Mr. Zhuge's followers, and they live here to protect the tranquility of the villa," Zhou Chongming explained.

"Why didn't you become disciples?" Lin Ruhu asked.

The three of them smiled, and Gongshu shouldn't have laughed and said, "We are too weak and unqualified, otherwise we would also like to be disciples."

"A newcomer is here," Gongshu should not yell.

It immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the front yard.

"Someone broke through the third level, I wonder if they can pass?"

"I don't think so. The last one to pass the three tests must have been more than ten years ago!"

There was a lot of discussion among the people, but there was also a leader among these disciples.

But a blind man.

Wearing a black coir raincoat and holding a bamboo stick in his hand, he walked over slowly.

Asked: "But the one who came to break through the three barriers?"

"See Mr. Zhuge, break through three levels!"

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