I’m Really Not An NPC

Chapter 468

Every point.. these Han people will move forward:

Every second. There are countless aliens pouring F⊥

Start with the siege. However, in just a quarter of an hour, tens of thousands of aliens were beheaded and killed. These more than 200,000 troops also pierced through the simple city gates, crossed the ridiculous city defenses, and entered the domain pool!

Maybe less than half an hour.

The city will be destroyed, and the tribe will be destroyed with it!


Just when Su Mu led his subordinates, and the three players who had reached the level of first-class generals also led their subordinates to rush towards the center of the city from all directions:.

A Wuhuan nobleman appeared with tens of thousands of elite cavalry.

He is the leader of this tribe.

Just a first-class general.

Even if you bring 10,000 elite cavalry who have reached the elite level, it will not pose a single point or threat to Su Mu and others!


Before this Wuhuan nobleman and those 10,000 elite cavalry, there are more figures!

His bony body looks like a beggar's clothes. The expression of numbness and death, and the faint hope in the turbid pupil L!,

This is what those figures look like!

Su Mu stopped.

Zhao Yundianwei and others also stopped.

Even the Xuanjia cavalry and the sunset bow cavalry behind them stopped fighting.


They recognize it. These figures, who are more like refugees than refugees, are clearly Han⊥

it's here:.

They are called, Hanu l

The alien race went south.

What they robbed were not only the rations and money of the Han people, but also countless Han people.

The women of these Han people who were taken captive to the prairie would become concubines of Wuhuan nobles. Or become a reward for the Wuhuan cavalry: men will be beheaded wantonly.. Or become slaves of the Wuhuan tribe.

Even those Han women who became concubines have no status at all in this Wuhuan tribe!

are exchanged at will. being sold at will

Even after playing enough::: beheaded by = knife.

These are the Han Chinese who were taken captive!

Tens of thousands no-: no L should be more

There are tens of thousands of Han Chinese escorted by tens of thousands of elite cavalry. No one knows the other corners of this city. how many others

Embracing these tens of thousands of Han people, they appeared in front of Su Mu (Dede) and others. The Niaohuan nobleman swung the scimitar in his hand: a head of the Han people fell to the ground!


He ignored the blood stains on his body.

The Wuhuan nobleman said in a cold tone

Otherwise --- this leader will kill all these Han slaves", ["


yes +1


This is a tried and tested method of intimidation against Chinese officials.”

A companion was beheaded e

The rest of the weak Han people didn't seem to see the beheaded companion, nor did they feel the extra blade on their necks or behind them. They just looked at Su Mu and the soldiers under his command.


=- An old man with a broken arm and white hair raised his head e

Looking at Su Mu with turbid eyes, an old and weak voice with a little trembling came from afar, "Master Wang:. Really. Are you?"

PS: The fourth update asks for full certificate L and asks for automatic subscription to L,

103 Zilong Please Fight! ...alien! [Fifth more full order! 】

103 Zilong Please Fight Lx: Aliens_

Master Wang.

This is the name these Han Chinese who fell into the alien race _ called the court generals they had been looking forward to day and night to rescue them.

Is Su Mu the master of the king?

He's not sure.

When the little emperor Liu Xie was reduced to a puppet. When it becomes the second tool in Dong Zhuo's hands, everyone steals the identity to represent Wang Shi 2 Who is qualified to call himself Wang Shi?

no positive answer

Su Mu just stepped forward and looked at the white-haired old man and the tens of thousands of Han people who were threatened by the blade, and said solemnly, "This Marquis is the general of Taihan. Fengwuhou 1"

These Liao people who became slaves naturally didn't know what the title of Fengwuhou was, let alone what these three words meant.

They only know that the first few words

Big man's.....

Town General L

General Han