I’m Really Not An NPC

Chapter 924

But for the current Rocky, it is enough for her to become stronger.

The resin of the world tree. For the current Loki, the effect is like a marrow washing pill.

"You take this thing first, and eat it when you go back."

Su Mu handed the resin to Rocky, and then prepared to continue rowing.

"Ah? Is this thing for eating?"

After Loki took the resin from the World Tree, he also looked at the white resin in his hand in amazement.

She thought it was some kind of secret treasure used to make weapons, but it turned out to be used for food?

"The energy contained in this thing is much less. It is more cost-effective to eat than to use it to make weapons."

Loki nodded, and then put the resin into his pocket.

It's right next to Lau Fei's soul kit.

Then, the two started to set off, heading towards the beam of light in the distance.

"Here...why is it so empty?"

_What appeared in front of Loki was a temple-like existence full of elves.

, I saw that the most important thing about the temple is that it radiates beams of light towards the sky all the time, which looks extremely holy.

But that beam of light is like the world tree that is about to wither... it can only emit that kind of relatively dim light.

This place is just like what Loki said, very empty. fragrant,

Even the voice of speaking will become full of echoes. one

"It's not right, how could there be such a strong echo in such an empty and water-filled place?"

Su Mu felt something was wrong.

He looked below the water surface, and sure enough, there were other things hidden there.

"Uncle, is there anything under the surface?"

Looking at Su Mu's movements, Loki couldn't help asking curiously.

"The bottom should be the remaining part of the god's bottom. It seems that the temple above the water is only a part of the temple."

After speaking to Loki, Su Mu slid the elf's boat and slowly came to the entrance of the temple.

When we came to the temple, the gate of the temple in front of us was firmly closed. ,

And the two of them searched around, but they didn't see where they should enter the temple. The building in the middle of the temple seemed to be separated from the surrounding.

"Has the bridge of this temple been destroyed by someone?"

Loki asked suspiciously, the scene in front of her made her not know what to do.

"No, take a closer look at the buildings below."

Su Mu shook his head and said to Loki.

After hearing Su Mu's words, Loki bent down to take a look at what Su Mu meant.

\"There are no traces of faults on it, which means it was like this from the beginning?"

Loki became even more puzzled:_"Is it possible that those elves are flying back and forth?"

And just when the two of them were wondering _. suddenly there was a sound of a mechanism starting up in the temple.

I saw that the beam of light became more intense in an instant, and then what Su Mu and Luo Ji saw completely changed.

A bridge made of light extends directly from the gate of the temple, and then connects towards this side.

"Oh, is it actually a bridge made of light?"

Loki looked at the light bridge in front of him in surprise.

She first stepped on it cautiously, and after seeing that she was standing firmly, she jumped a few times vigorously

"Uncle, this bridge is very strong!"

Loki said happily to Su Mu.

But before she could say more, the bridge disappeared directly.

Fortunately, Su Mu reacted quickly, and directly hugged Loki back.

\"It seems that something should have happened inside, let's find another way to get in first."

Su Mu said to Loki.

Obviously, something unsettling should have happened in the temple, which caused the transmission of light energy to be unstable.

"Wait. Uncle! Can you destroy this gate?"

Loki suddenly asked Su Mu: "Uncle, even if he can't use immortal skills, his fists are still very hard."

_\"Rocky, I don't think that's a good idea."

Su Mu squatted down, and patiently explained, "You know, our purpose is not to destroy everything in front of us, but to find a way to get the light energy inside."

"My actions on May Day destroyed the light energy, so what should I do?"


073 Enter the underwater entrance! [The third update asks for a full order! 】

into the underwater entrance

"Oh, I'm thinking less."

Loki lowered his head in embarrassment. She thought things a little too simply.

_\"Come on, Loki. There's no use for us staying here."

Su Mu said to Loki: "Let's go to the surface of the water and see, maybe we can find a way to enter."

After finishing speaking, Su Mu took Loki and boarded the elf's ship again.

After searching on the water for a while, Su Mu finally saw a place worth noting.

"Loki, do you see the bottom of the water over there?"