I’m Really Not Targeting the Mages

Chapter 2021: seven

Book page collection catalog setting daytime 2021.07.31 end summary and leave note

2021-08-01 Author: One Click for Ten Years

2021.07.31 month-end summary and leave slip

It has been very short recently.

Because it's been a long time since I asked for leave.

Just completed the last short of July.

Try to get longer in August.

So you need to take a day off slowly.


Since the end of the first part, the state has continued to be sluggish.

It's like entering sage time.

There is always no way to find passion.

Reflected on the reasons.

It may be that exciting plots that have been conceived countless times in my mind have been written.

The tone vented.

The latter plot is actually particularly exciting.

But that seems to be a bit far away.

There is also a lack of inspiration.

In addition, the typhoon has passed, the weather is hot, the schedule is irregular, and the perpetual abuse...

In short, all sorts of unsatisfactory.

But there is a slow recovery.

I have asked some experienced authors.

The answer is that it is the only way.

Just carry it hard.

It seems that this can only be done.

In general.

Only 16.4W words were updated in July.

A little bit less.

But in the future, it is estimated that it will be the range of 16-18.

After all, it's mid-term.

Persistence is victory!

rest for a day.

August starts on the 2nd.

I hope this month I can find the passion and state when I first started the book!

Even if it can't.

Hope to be able to write 18W words!





(End of this chapter)

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I really didn’t aim at Faye

2021-08-01 Author: One Click for Ten Years

2021.07.31 month-end summary and leave slip

It has been very short recently.

Because it's been a long time since I asked for leave.

Just completed the last short of July.

Try to get longer in August.

So you need to take a day off slowly.


Since the end of the first part, the state has continued to be sluggish.

It's like entering sage time.

There is always no way to find passion.

Reflected on the reasons.

It may be that exciting plots that have been conceived countless times in my mind have been written.

The tone vented.

The latter plot is actually particularly exciting.

But that seems to be a bit far away.

There is also a lack of inspiration.

In addition, the typhoon has passed, the weather is hot, the schedule is irregular, and the perpetual abuse...

In short, all sorts of unsatisfactory.

But there is a slow recovery.

I have asked some experienced authors.

The answer is that it is the only way.

Just carry it hard.

It seems that this can only be done.

In general.

Only 16.4W words were updated in July.

A little bit less.

But in the future, it is estimated that it will be the range of 16-18.

After all, it's mid-term.

Persistence is victory!

rest for a day.

August starts on the 2nd.

I hope this month I can find the passion and state when I first started the book!

Even if it can't.

Hope to be able to write 18W words!





(End of this chapter)