I’m Really Not Targeting the Mages

Chapter 3: Original bottle


   "This fat guy has such a high perception."

   Under the rock wall, Roger patted the dirt on his hands and breathed a sigh of relief.

   That fat zombie should be the "Queen of the Red Tide".

   Fortunately, he noticed something wrong in advance through the look of breath, and then jumped directly off the cliff with his super fast response.

   Otherwise, it is very likely that the monster will find it!

   is also fortunate that the Xia Yin profession has its own "body as light as a swallow" specialty.

   Replaced by someone else falling from a cliff of more than ten meters, it must not just make mud.


   "The body is as light as a swallow (1 ring specialty): Your bounce and vertical jump ability is extremely strong. When falling from a high place, it comes with ‘glide’ and ‘slow fall’ effects”


   In addition to the extraordinary perception, Roger is more concerned about the tent where the "Red Tide Empress" enters and exits.

   "Three possibilities."

   "The first kind, there are people in the valley, and these red tide zombies are artificially created."

   "This possibility is not low, the cultists of Mystra are everywhere."

   "The second one is that the Red Tide Corpse has evolved extremely high wisdom, with shame and privacy, so she is the only one qualified to live in a tent, while other red tide zombies still walk around in a muddle.

   "The third kind is more cruel. The red tide corpse may have been transformed from a living person, and it retains the memories of his lifetime!"

   No matter what is possible, the difficulty of the task is invisibly increased.

   According to the intelligence of the lord’s mansion, the common level of red tide zombies is between LV3 and LV5.

   The Red Tide Queen is an elite monster of LV5.

   It is obviously difficult for a person to destroy these monsters.

   But Roger didn't mean to flinch.

   He straightened up on the spot and fell into thinking.

   Through just observation, Roger got the following information:

   There is only one exit from this gorge, and about five or six people can run in parallel at the exit.

   The number of red tide zombies in the canyon is about 30.

   Near the tent should be the place where the corpse stays for a long time, and the tent itself may also be more important.


   "It looks like I need some capital."

   Roger groaned a little and opened his backpack.

   In the Negri filled with sand and grass, there are a dozen glass bottles that grow from index fingers.

   The glass bottles are filled with viscous liquids of different colors, shining in the sun, very beautiful.

   He took out a bright yellow one and put it in the palm of his hand to check it carefully.


   "The Element Bottle (Thunder): High Concentration of Thunder Element Polymer"

   "Magic Abundance: 9"

   "Throwing/detonating: within the effective explosion radius, lightning damage is 80*4; peripheral damage is gradually reduced"

   "Producer: Roger"


  Roger gently stroked the outer shell of the original bottle, feeling a little bit sad.

   You must know that such a small glass bottle is equivalent to about 8,000 magic explosive frogs!

   That's right, the high-concentration rayogen in the original element bottle is extracted from the parotid gland of the magic explosive frog with thunder properties.

   However, the Leigenin stored in the parotid gland of the Demon Explosive Frog individual is very limited, and the abundance of magic power is also very low.

  To get this powerful element bottle, it needs years of accumulation and enrichment.

   Whether it is time cost or energy cost, it is not affordable for ordinary people.

  Even the pharmacist who taught Roger to make the original bottle would only make a dozen original bottles in his lifetime.

  According to the pharmacist himself, although the power of the original bottle is not small, it needs to capture a large number of magic explosive frogs, and the cost-effective production is too low and too low.

   Only a professional frog hunter like Roger can easily toss out so many bottles and cans.


   It is past noon.

   After checking that the element bottle can be used normally.

   Roger simply installed the original bottle on the stone at the entrance and exit of the canyon.

   Next is the time to gather monsters.

   With the help of the rope, he once again climbed the cliff on the east side quickly.

   This time, he didn't see the red tide corpse, most of them were in the tent.

   He tied himself to the rock wall, then freed his hand to grab the bow and arrow he was carrying.

  Xiayin has many special weapons, including bows and arrows.

   Roger unskilledly lit a few arrows with flint.

   Take a deep breath.

   Pull a bow and shoot an arrow.

   The action is done in one go!

   It's a pity, maybe it's windy, maybe it's been a long time since I shot an arrow. This arrow was off the mark, and the red tide zombies didn't notice any abnormality.

   Roger was not embarrassed, but lowered his head to adjust the bowstring.

   He is not a master, let alone a professional shooter. It is very normal for him to miss a hand at such a long distance.

   He prepared ten arrows, as long as one arrow attracts the attention of the monsters.

   After a while, he held his breath and condensed, draws the bow and shoots again!

   This time, the arrow burning Mars drew a beautiful parabola across the canyon, and finally plunged into the tent where the red tide corpse was located!

   A terrifying strange cry rang quickly.

   Roger did not hesitate even more, as the rockets in his hand shot out one after another.

   After a short while, thick black smoke rose up in the canyon.

   The Red Tide Zombies finally found Roger.

   With a short strange cry, they slowly walked towards the exit of the canyon.

   Roger opened the lookout technique and took the lead in locking the position behind the red tide corpse.

   Unexpectedly, the corpse queen seemed to be irritated, and was staggering towards the exit with other zombies.

   He waited and watched for a while, then jumped off the cliff and climbed up a big tree less than 30 meters from the mouth of the gorge.

   Behind this tree is a cramped path.

   If there is an accident, Roger will escape through this path.

The    trail leads to the caves in the foothills of Yuntai Mountain, where Roger is most familiar.

   As a player with "stable" expertise, leaving a back path for yourself is the most basic operation.

   Although "stable" as a specialty actually refers to something else.


   "Steady (1 level specialization): Your hands are extremely stable, and you can hardly make mistakes when engaging in life skills; and in battle, your weapon hit adjustment value +3"


   At the mouth of the gorge, black smoke surging.


   Roger reminded himself in his heart.

The value of    Wang Qi technique is fully reflected at this moment.

   Even though the black smoke obstructed his vision, he was able to distinguish the approximate locations of the monsters by virtue of the blood-colored columns of different thicknesses.

   The air column behind the red tide corpse is the thickest.

   Roger stared at her intently.

   is almost at the position.

   He quietly took out a slingshot from his arms.

   Among all the throwing weapons mastered by "Xia Yin", the slingshot is Roger's best.

   There are no false hairs within 100 meters, much more accurate than bows and arrows.

   "Go forward a little bit."

  At this time, the army of red tide zombies has approached the position of the original bottle.

  Roger hopes to wait for a perfect time, and it is best to eliminate the red tide corpse in one fell swoop, other red tide zombies do not matter.

   But at this time.

   The dense, **** air column actually stopped moving forward.

   Not only that, she actually took a step back.

   But then, she took another step forward.

   Outside the explosion radius of the original bottle, the red tide corpse appeared to be lingering!

   This made Roger hesitate for a while.

  Because it drags on, the red tide zombies will pass the position of the original bottle!

   "What a cunning monster."

   "Good perverted perception."

   Roger suddenly woke up.

   This is a trick to confuse people after the Red Tide Corpse!

   She must have sensed the threat of the original bottle and also sensed Roger's location!

   As soon as he thought of this, Roger no longer hesitated and tightened the slingshot in his hand. UU Reading www.uukanshu.cOM


   The small pebbles smashed the bottle of element in the zombie group, making a crisp sound.

  The bright yellow liquid rushed out violently, and along with the volatilization of the anticoagulant, the high concentration of Leigenin began to attract nearby magic power, and the polymerization reaction was repeated!


   Shocked the thunder.

   Lightning walks like a snake.

   A ray of light appeared at the mouth of the gorge for a moment, and then the light dimmed, replaced by the raging Razer.

   Even Roger on the tree has a slight numbness-he can be immune to the damage of the element bottle, but he cannot remove the numbing effect caused by lightning.

  Roger is like this, the red tide zombies in the explosion range are even more unbearable.

   Most of the zombies were killed on the spot under the ravages of the violent Lei Yuansu.

   A very small group of red tide zombies struggled a bit before they agreed to go to Huangquan with their companions.

   Roger's panel was swiped by the line of kill prompts.

   "Done 28 of them in one go, it's okay."

   He jumped down from the tree.

   Ignoring the remaining ordinary monsters, Roger headed straight towards the direction of the thickest air column.

   Suddenly, he stopped.

   A fat monster rushed out of the smoke.

   She was covered with crimson pus, her facial features were already blurred, and her skull was clearly visible.

   Her speed is extremely fast, which is in stark contrast to the clumsiness she showed before.

   Almost in the blink of an eye, she rushed to Roger.

  When yes.

   Her sporadic bone claws tore through the air and made a sharp and sharp whistling sound, shooting straight at Roger's facade!
