I’m Really Not Targeting the Mages

Chapter 566: destiny fruit





On both sides of the dark, dull steps.

From time to time came the sound of coquettish shouts.

The faint divine brilliance flashed like fireworks.

all the way up.

Roger slaughtered countless monsters with his own hands.

Although this Dragon City underground palace is secret.

But the structure inside is not complicated.

By assisting and positioning magic. .

Roger only got lost seven or eight times to clear the upper, middle and lower floors.

I also killed a few small bosses who were guarding the gate.

In general.

He was still satisfied with the clearance process.

Bella II's combat effectiveness is quite sturdy.

Battle tested.

Under the full force of the explosion, it has the strength that is approaching immortality.

Although the duration is a bit short.

But considering that this is just a clone that can be mass-produced.

Even Roger had to give the Queen a thumbs up.


in a relatively fierce confrontation.

This avatar exposed a fault——

That is to drink from time to time!

Especially when successfully taking out an Elite Template enemy.

She can't help but crank up the volume.

This makes Roger very uncomfortable.

To know.

His fighting style is that he never speaks without saying a word...

It's hilariously hilarious.

He was somewhat unaccustomed to it.

"This setting is too strange, isn't it?"

Although Roger's ability to accept this voice has been greatly enhanced after listening to it for a long time.

But he still wonders if Beja's other intentions are behind this mechanism.

"Isn't there any way to stop this strange bodily reaction?"

Roger scratched his head.

This operation is not only shameful but also easy to expose the position!

Although there is a way of self-silence in the list of divine arts.

But he is a magical clone.

All rely on magic to eat.

If you are silent, you can only play silent hair magic - that is equivalent to half of the martial arts at your own expense.


"It's not your body after all, bear with it..."

Roger sighed.

Fortunately, it is only for temporary use.

A little longer.

He was afraid that he would become a pervert - no matter which direction he went in, it was not what he wanted to see...


"Record: You killed the 'Deer Demon' (LV133/Elite


"Order of Execution: You have acquired the Specialty from the Molten Deer Demon - Speeding"


"Sprint: When you run on all fours, your movement speed +200%"


"You have acquired the Specialty from the Molten Deer Demon - Ultra-High Temperature Skin"


"Ultra-high temperature skin: You can increase the temperature of your skin to 3000 degrees to enhance your defense. If your skin is burned, a certain percentage of the burn damage will be converted into your temporary shield;


Shield Duration/Cooldown: 60/10 minutes


Specialty Duration/Cooldown: 360/360 minutes"


"Record: You beheaded the 'Head of Hell' (LV139/Elite


"You have acquired the feat from the head of Hades - Independent Head"


"Independent Head: Your head can survive independently of the body, and your head has acquired the eternally solidified 'Advanced Levitation Technique' and 'Flying Technique'"


The above is what Roger achieved in killing monsters in the Dragon City underground palace.

The third feat given by the deer demon and the other two feats given by the head of the king of **** have certain negative effects.

Roger's body was shattered with a backhand.

Except for the deer demon and the king of hell.

Roger also killed nearly a thousand monsters.

It's a pity whether it's expertise or attributes.

are more negative.

This made Roger even more displeased with the perception of the Dragon City underground palace.

Hidden so deeply on purpose.

He thought they were all good brothers.

The result is this?

If it weren't for Beja's body, it wouldn't be as useful as his own.

Roger can't wait to scan the underground palace again.

Prevent details from being missed by yourself.

And now.

He was just boredly standing in front of a relief and watching the self-proclaimed "Lord of Dragon City" and the self-reported life achievements.

Scan it several times.

Roger confirmed that the gleaming white relief was infused with a little aura and a rudimentary aerodynamic enchantment.

left disappointed.

Think carefully.

The loot he harvested during this trip to the underground palace was not much.

You can hit the following.


"Dao Fruit of Destiny*4: After taking it, it can greatly increase the training speed of a certain type of personality"


This is what Roger found from a magical companion tree.

The companion object of the small tree is a huge coffin.

The coffin has two layers.

Outer crystal.

Internal cast iron.

Roger opened the coffin.

It was empty inside.

Therefore, this fate and Dao fruit he achieved peace of mind.

The leader of Hades who was beheaded before.

That's what happened at this time.

These four Destiny Dao Fruits can be regarded as good treasures of heaven and earth.

Phantom estimation.

The growth rate of Daoguo's rank is at least 150%.

It is suitable for Roger to cultivate the killing personality!

Although the number of hard stacks, he can achieve immortality.

Can kill the immortality of the person above 1.0.

Roger doesn't even recognize it himself!

After Dao Guo started.

It strengthened his belief in cultivating the way of killing.

Even if you can't find a monster brush.

He also uses the most common cultivation method to brush up the slaughter personality!

This is his foundation!

It cannot be neglected.


"The Starry Sky Sword Formation: A war-like swordsmanship technique for multi-person joint training.

The minimum number of people required is 18.

The minimum training requirement is LV80.

Every additional 18 people.

The power of the sword formation was raised by a notch.


When there are more than 180 people.

The Starry Sky Sword Formation will be transformed into two categories: Sword Formation and Shield Formation.

You can control the Starry Sky Sword and the Starry Sky Shield at the same time to attack and defend in war..."



The Starry Sky Sword Formation is a kind of pneumatic enchantment prepared by qi refiners for war.

Roger found this recipe in the dark room of a tomb.

It was mixed with several other brochures at the time.

The dull yellow cover is unremarkable.

But Roger is expected to assist Qishu.

Naturally not to be missed.

As for the other booklets, he also looked at them—the quality is very low, and they are the most basic methods for some qi refiners. It may be helpful for the qi refiners who are just getting started, but for an old fritter like Roger, it is the same as Waste doesn't make any difference anymore.

Except for the Starry Sky Sword Formation and the Destiny Dao Fruit.

Roger also found two intact "Kyushu Building Ships" - no, it should be an upgraded version of the Kyushu Building Ship!

Take Roger's knowledge of aerodynamics.

These two building ships hidden in the depths of the underground palace should be one of the wealth of the Dragon City ruling family back then.

Its specifications far exceed ordinary Kyushu boats.

There is only a gap in the core formation skills that are far enough to achieve star-track level travel.

In other respects it is almost the same.

This also means that the two Kyushu building ships have a certain ability to travel between stars.

And because it is a pneumatic structure.

This means they don't need to consume as much physical fuel as starships.

As long as it is replenished on a planet with Qi.

Interstellar travel can be maintained for a long time.

It's no wonder that the young Bai Ming deceived Zhang Daoyun by retreating to Kuinanxing.

Take the star trail gap between Quenan and Tyroldar.

The two Kyushu building ships do have a greater possibility of achieving the purpose of retreat.


The purpose of the Self-Saving Society is clearly not these two ships.

And for Roger.

The biggest significance of "Kyushu Building Ship Plus" is that it can improve his knowledge in the field of pneumatic equipment.

and someday in the future.

In the case that he can't find the heaven and earth ship.

They can become subordinate substitutes.


"Then what is the purpose of the Self-Saving Society?

The treasures here have obviously been looted again.

I don't know if Zhang Kai, the corpse demon, did it.

But no matter what.

It should be quite dangerous for them here, right? "


Allowing a group of people with ideals to take risks.

There must be a value that matches this risk in the underground palace of Longcheng!

It's just that Roger can't find it now.

He calmed down now.

Continue to walk on the top floor of Longcheng underground palace——


The structure here is actually very simple.

The bottom layer is the burial layer.

Here are some funeral objects and pottery warriors.

The middle layer is filled with various utensils and buildings.

The combination of these elements is roughly equivalent to a scaled-down version of Dragon City.

The top floor is the tomb of the Lord of the Dragon City.

This qi cultivator probably hopes to maintain his rule over Longcheng after his death.

on the other hand.

It may be because the entrance structure is relatively hidden.

The defense against tomb robbers inside the underground palace is much lower.

Some mechanisms Roger can easily break.

And because the underground palace was built in the sky.

This greatly reduces the space for hidden places such as hints and secret passages to exist.

Roger glanced over.

Just feel that everything is clear at a glance!


"There doesn't seem to be any room for digging in this uppermost layer, unless there is a sub-plane..."

between thoughts.

Roger's deity, who was far away in the Demon Dragon Abyss, suddenly had a throbbing in his heart!

This feeling is very similar to when he discovered the Dragon City underground palace before!

"Is it true that there is a sub-plane, but I didn't find the entrance!?"

"No! No!"

Roger quickly corrected this thinking:

"Even if there is a sub-plane, its entrance should be very similar to the existence of the Dragon City underground palace - it should only appear at a certain time, as if the underground palace will only be noticed at night!"

Think of this one.

Roger's heart suddenly settled.

He was certain that his judgment was correct.

So he sat in a place where the top business was open.

Quietly waiting for the passage of time.

An hour passed.

Roger opened his eyes.

But I saw a black gap suddenly appeared above the coffin of the Lord of Dragon City!

That gap is very small.

It seems that only petite people can get in.

Roger flew over instantly:

"It really is a sub-plane!"

He stood outside and rubbed.

The result exceeded his expectations - a vast and evil force emerged from the gap. Fortunately, this force was unconscious, otherwise Roger would probably think it was a trap!

He stood outside the gap and felt for a while.

After confirming that there is no risk, he quietly got in.

Just in that moment.

A strong sense of disgust rose from the bottom of his heart.

on the data bar.


"Hint: You have discovered the Badlands of the Abyss!


You found the branches of the abyss mother tree


You realize that the branches of the Abyssal Mother Tree are gradually corroding the planet of Tyrodar!


Warning: You perceive the authority of Tyrodar..."


behind the gap.

It's a wasteland with no end in sight.

on the wasteland.

A wobbly branch hangs.

It radiates evil power every moment.

The nearby space is distorted by the infection of this power!

"The power of the abyss, the blue blood king..."

"Is that your purpose?"

In just an instant, Roger had insight into the secrets here.

Through this short abyss mother branch.

Roger seemed to see a complete abyss mother tree wrapping around the planet of Tyroldar!

To know.

From the perspective of plane science.

Either the abyss or purgatory.

The planes on which they are located are rift worlds hanging outside the planet.

The rules for these cracks are relatively simple.

Some are infinite and full of chaotic laws.

That is the abyss.

Some space is limited and law tends to order.

That is purgatory.

Whether it is abyss or purgatory.

They all follow their own will and laws.

Creatures born here will also have the imprint of the abyss and purgatory.

They are not as diverse as the creatures on the planet.

Therefore, demons and devils have a template-like image.

This natural defect is acceptable to most demons and devils, and some of them even consider it a manifestation of their superiority to beings in the material world such as humans.

But there are also many crevice creatures who want to get their hands on the planet's soil.

Among them, the demon lords in the abyss are the representatives.

As far as Roger knows.

in the history of the Nine Planets.

Except for the battle of the sky.

There were also several large-scale battles that took place against the backdrop of the Abyssal Invasion.

In comparison, purgatory directly invaded less frequently.

But that doesn't mean the devils will be more peaceful.

They just have less direct means.

These battles above = most of the process is very tragic.

But no matter what.

The final outcome is that the creatures of the main material world defend their land, and the demons from the abyss can only retreat to the vast scorched earth to recuperate, waiting for the next round of invasion.

But this time is different!

The Blue Blood King not only replaced Tyroldar!

Still digesting His authority!

The layer of gray fog on the planet of Tyroldar is the symbol of the crack world represented by the abyss under the leadership of the blue blood king, relying on the sub-plane as a springboard to erode the main planet!

Because the Blue Blood King controls part of Taixing's authority.

So the information in this area is blocked very badly.

Even Roger perceives Superman.

It was also at this moment that he truly realized his intentions!


"No wonder that guy swallowed his voice so much before! He is not only digesting Tyrodar's authority~lightnovelpub.net~ but also dragging time for the will of the abyss to infect this planet!"

Roger's brows furrowed tightly:

"So the goal of the people of the Self-Saving Society is this sub-plane that is used as a springboard by the Blue Blood King? But what can they do even if they come?"

Think so.

The data bar just had a reaction.


"Hint: Someone alerted your magic alarm!


Warning: You have detected traces of a large monster battle! "
