I’m Really Not The Demon God’s Lackey

v2 Chapter 217: -Compendium of Materia Medica

Lin Jie was very angry.

He fell asleep and dreamed, and asked his sister about spells. The atmosphere was pleasant. A loud noise suddenly woke him up, and he went downstairs and found that the door of his store was gone.

Not only was the door gone, but there was also a suspected murder. After the murderer committed the murder, only the victim was left missing.

Who can stand wRB? Let’s not talk about how bad the murderer is. He is justified. He also wants to get back for the door he has been with him for three years-a fair. Prima was slightly taken aback, subconsciously I looked at the "cat" who was still closed at the door

.. Let's call it a cat.

The murderer's words...hasn't it been eaten by it? But the person who broke the door, from the direct cause, is actually Prima. Because she was hit by the inertia of the dagger at the time. , So that not only banged open the door, but also knocked out a big hole.

But the root cause was the dark elf's attack at the time, so there is no doubt that the murderer was the dark elf.

However, the youth in front of him still turned out to be a "murderer"

Who is this question.

It is conceivable that this is definitely not knowingly asking, but something else.

Prima's little head turned quickly, recalling the situation before she fell into a coma, and immediately understood! The dark elves are also employed by others. In other words, she is not the root cause. The dark elves are only manipulated.

"The Murder Weapon"

, The real "cruel"

The person who hired her.

wRB is Jerome, and his accomplices, those who want to betray Wapjisi! Moreover, the youth in front of him also mentioned the Dome Church just now, which coincides with my sister's guess.

In this case, even if he is not Wap Jisi, he should be at least a messenger or benefactor... The result of occupying | leads her to here. The difficulty is always Wap Jisi's willingness to clean up the door. ?Wap Jisi, who is in charge of the night, did not leave her appointments! During the call just now, Jerome-heard this bookstore and immediately let the dark elf stalker run away, could it be that the young man in front of him was actually Lian Zhe There is a famous strong man that Roma is afraid of? With the help of such a strong man, my sister will be fine! Prima's heart is pounded again, her pale face resurfaced with excitement. Blushing. She spoke cautiously:"

Thank you for saving me... Lin Jie interrupted immediately and raised Prima's hand holding the empty potion bottle with a serious face, and said:

"It was not I who saved you, but you who saved yourself. I just cleaned the wound for you and bandaged it again.

"He reached out and touched the girl's head, and by the way, without a trace, wiped off the blood rune that he had just drawn on her forehead. Spells or something--can't be exposed.

Prima felt the warm palms on her forehead, looked at the empty bottle in her hand, and looked at Lin Jie's serious eyes, suddenly her nose was sour.

She knew everything about what happened just now, and she knew that Lin Jie must also know she knew.

Obviously he saved herself, but still said that she saved her by herself. This is a recognition of her hard work and persistence, and recognition of the medicine she made! Except for her sister, no one has ever recognized that she is really a generous and benevolent messenger. Now! Prima was immersed in the sense of identity for a while, and suddenly realized that this was contact with a strange man, immediately blushed, and waved her hands desperately, sounding like a gnat:

"No, no, such as, if I were not for you, I must be dead now, so I still want to thank you! Thank you very much! This poor child has been autistic for a long time and does not have contact with others. To study medicine, it can almost be said to be


With the exception of Marguerite, she hardly had any contact with anyone smaller than fifty centimeters, especially men.

Prima, who is now stroking her hair like a cat, is struggling to shrink back nervously. She is almost full of resistance, like a mimosa that shrinks when touched by someone.

"Slow down, please tell me what happened. Lin Jie took his hand back, glanced at Prima's helpless and incoherent look, and said helplessly:'Forget it, I'll ask, you can answer it. Try to keep it simple, Prima nodded quickly.

Lin Jie originally wanted to make the usual"

Ikari commander classic pose

"But I found that there was blood on my hands, so I changed to a posture where I put my elbows on my knees at will. After thinking about it, he said:

"Your name? And your identity?"

"Prima, Prima Sandra."

Prima stubbornly answered seriously:"

The second daughter of the second son of the Sandra family, my sister Margaret, is the current director of pharmacy at the Truth Society.

Lin Jie thoughtfully said:"

My name is Lin Jie, the owner of this bookstore.

It turned out to be the Sandra family... who came from a nobleman again, but this time it is not the eldest lady, she is a poor marginal person, and seems to be persecuted.

Of course, Lin Jie will know this family, not because he is so knowledgeable now, but because the family is low-key, but its business

"Sandra Pharmaceuticals"

It can be said to be well-known and fake, and I have still vaguely heard a little \gua.

This company has been cooperating with Loushu Chamber of Commerce for a long time. It mainly provides various pharmacies, hospitals and other powerful and expensive special medicines, which are very profitable. In this way, Prima will have an antidote to explain it. She was originally from such a family, and she may also be a pharmacist.

Well, I mentioned my sister specifically, it is probably related to this matter.

Lin Lijun is by the way:

"Your sister Margaret, it should be the reason you were persecuted this time."

Prima nodded, bit her lip, and said:"

She disappeared after the attack. It must be Jerome and the others. They wanted to remove all obstacles for their own benefit. I don’t know how she is now, but the situation must be very dangerous! These struggles in the family I I don’t understand, but sister...I must save her

Come back! I don't understand Lin Jiexin's family struggle. You are really good at playing in the upper class. You attacked and assassinated.

But these are not matters, the important thing is that it’s not good to break my i] board.

"So this time you were assassinated by Jerome and his comrades, right?

Lin Jie showed a kind smile and said:

"In other words, my i was broken by him.

Prima shrank her neck, feeling that the youth in front of her suddenly became terrible, and nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

Okay, I still have some friendship with Truth, so let's check here first.

Lin Jie stood up and rubbed the blood scabs on his hands:"

You just lie down and wait for my assistant to wake up, uh... you probably won’t be able to go back now, so let’s live in a room with her.

Now: He looked around and took the book from the shelf. "

Now, there are no other entertainment activities in the store. You can read this book if you feel boring.

Boss Lin thought about it, such a seemingly academic kid would like a harder core book, and considering her background, so he chose "Compendium of Materia Medica". I want to come, this great book can make Prima Pass the time.

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