I’m Really Playing Basketball

Chapter 7: experience card

   "Do you want to go heads-up with Ron Howard?"

   "Can the two of them stand up?"

   Chen Xiao was on the three-point line, Ron Howard took a step in the three-point line, and seeing Chen Xiao and Ron Howard standing heads-up, everyone in the training hall focused their attention here.

   It's not that they haven't seen the world before.

   It’s just that the picture of the two being singled out is really strange.

   A little bit of analogy will know why.

   Can you imagine the funny scene of the peak Jordan and the elementary student Kobe singled out?

   The current strength gap between Chen Xiao and Ron Howard is estimated to be the appearance of elementary school Kobe and Pinnacle Jordan.

   Chen Xiao, who practiced basketball for a day, was definitely beaten by the elementary school student Kobe in terms of strength.

   Therefore, such a screen really shouldn't appear.

   "I only practiced a day of dribbling for a little bit. He may not even learn all the dribbling moves. How can he dare to stand in front of a fierce man like Ron Howard?"

   "It wasn't Ron Howard who persecuted it, right?"

   "Look at the posture of the two, it doesn't look like it."

   Ron Howard certainly did not force Chen Xiao to single out with him.

   In fact, if Chen Xiao was a little more modest and said that he had forgotten the dribbling movements yesterday and was a little unskilled, he would not say that Chen Xiao would try to single him out.

   He will follow the trend and teach him the movements that he taught yesterday in more detail.

   Yesterday, because of a bad mood, he taught Chen Xiao that although he was serious, it was a bit simple and full.

   Even if it’s his own talent...

   When he was a beginner, the Enlightenment Coach taught him more seriously. It took him a week to learn the actions that Chen Xiao taught yesterday. Chen Xiao could do it in one day?

   He absolutely doesn't believe it.

   From what he taught Chen Xiao yesterday, Chen Xiao does have good learning ability.

   But his foundation is too poor, and the knowledge he has pulled down is too much. Such a good learning ability can't support him to feel proud now.

   For Chen Xiao's good, he now needs to teach Chen Xiao some lessons and make him more humble.

   But even so, Ron Howard actually never thought that Chen Xiao would actually agree to single out with him.

   It can also be seen from this how much this beginner kid is now.

   With just such a little strength, I started to know the height of the sky.

   You can't enter the NBA like this.

   No matter what, he basically can’t make it to the NBA...

   No matter what, let him know a little bit about the cruelty of basketball.

   Although I now have an idea to teach Chen Xiao a lesson.

   But now Ron Howard is actually a bit tangled.

   is not afraid of losing to Chen Xiao.

   He is a good heads-up player, he is very strong in heads-up.

   Give Chen Xiao a lesson and let him know that he is still far away. This is the purpose.

   But Ron Howard was also afraid of using too much force and directly ruining Chen Xiao's basketball dream.

   If it were yesterday, he would never mind ruining Chen Xiao's basketball dream.

but now…

   Thinking of the green smile on Chen Xiaoyi's face when she walked to her without hesitation...

   Looking at Chen Xiao now, his eyes flashed with the light of his innocence towards basketball.

   Ron Howard suddenly found that the lesson of the degree Chen Xiao seemed a bit tricky.

   Although he has a lot of experience in singles, he is very experienced with weak and strong, but he has no experience in singles with beginners after his strength is great.

   This is not a lack of strength, even NBA stars, superstars, facing the junior basketball beginners can not grasp the measure, accidentally can not stop, turning the original teaching into a basketball dream to TM.

   This kind of thing is not two things anymore.

   Headache, that's really a headache.

   Chen Xiao is the weakest one-on-one opponent he has ever encountered, and perhaps the most difficult one-on-one opponent he has ever encountered.

   This makes him quite restrained.

   Tight hands and feet?

   Thinking of this, even though Ron Howard, who was still a cold face on his face, he hummed in his heart.

  Since I was afraid that I could not control my hand, I accidentally went to TM's basketball dream, then why didn't I completely tie my hands?

   Looking at Chen Xiao, who was eager to try, Ron Howard, who had been doing a good defensive posture, straightened up and stood up.


"You are a beginner, and what I want to examine is your dribble. This time I will not play against you, nor will I fight you personally. When defending, I will only use sliding defenses. Regardless of the offensive time, as long as the ball is still in your hand, you can always try to break through me without scoring. After that, I will count you as a success in heads-up, and a loss as a failure.

   Chen Xiao didn't understand.

   In fact, as a beginner, it is normal for Ron Howard to not understand these terms very well.

   But probably he also heard some, Ron Howard greatly reduced the difficulty of his heads-up.

   And this naturally made Chen Xiao more excited.

   Brother Luo is bright and bright!

   Brother Luo has been called... and seems to be called willingly.

   Chen Xiao is actually not interested in defeating Ron Howard, what he is interested in is completing Luo Ge's mission!

   What he is interested in is the 50-point basketball experience and the scoring experience card.

  If Luo Ge does not release the water, he will not be able to complete the task with a high probability.

   After all, he is a beginner, and Luo Ge is a super player at the D+ level.

   It can be said that Luo Ge's behavior of releasing water is simply a charcoal to help him grow quickly and help him cheat to complete the task!

   This is too bright!

   Chen Xiao now really feels that he is very right to choose Luo Ge on the team.

  Is the mentally retarded genius who I have never seen so open and bright?

   Even if he can receive the task next to the mentally retarded genius, that mentally retarded genius can be as cold-hearted as Luo Ge?

   may be possible, but it is highly unlikely.

   may even blow his head!

   It’s like Luo Ge blasting other people, it’s really cruel...

   So, why bother to take the risk?

   Regardless of the outcome of the competition between Luo Ge and the last team boss of the mentally retarded genius, Luo Ge is the sun that always shines on him, the best enlightenment and guide on the basketball road so far!

   Chen Xiao's current understanding of basketball is only a little understanding, and he can only roughly feel the kindness of Ron Howard, but the other onlookers beside him feel more than just a little kindness.

   "This fellow Ron Howard, is there still such a gentle time?"

   When recruiting new recruits yesterday, Kevin Maynard, Todd Townsend and others, who were blown up by Ron Howard one by one, felt like they had misunderstood the wrong person at this time.

   Ron Howard, who was so cruel when facing them yesterday, could he be so gentle when facing this rare beast of the team?

   If Ron Howard could bind his hands so gently when facing them yesterday, they would never isolate this powerful teammate.

"This guy!"

   For a while, thinking of the scene of Ron Howard's merciless sling yesterday, the surrounding Marquette University players all gritted their teeth.

   are all teammates, this is too double standard!


   "The little bit is actually excited again. He doesn't think Ron Howard is bound to his hands. He has a chance to win, right?"

   "Hehe, I think Ron Howard doesn't need to slide, he just frightens him with a jump, and he can't get past him."

   "I bet Xiao Budian will lose his basketball in five seconds!"

   "The first heads-up, it was a beginner again, and the opponent was Ron Howard. I think it would drop the ball in three seconds."

   For a while, there was a sour sound around.

   "Tim, do you think this beginner kid will drop the ball in three seconds?"

   Three seconds?

   I think three seconds is too long!

   Ron Howard's level of players, even if they bind their hands, the oppressiveness they carry is not something beginners can resist.

   A beginner like Chen Xiao, even facing Ron Howard standing there, didn’t know what to do, and broke through to the left? Break to the right? What moves do you use to break through?

Where am I? who am I? What should I do?

   In the end, Chen Xiao will stand dumbfounded and be at a loss as if being submerged by water.

   Then Ron Howard frightened him, plus Chen Xiao's own nervousness, and dropped the ball directly.

   Of course, I thought so, but in the face of the head coach’s inquiry, I said that I couldn’t say that.

   Otherwise, the head coach feels that he has a mean attitude towards this beginner, and is suspected of retaliating against being deceived, attacked, and punched.

   "It shouldn't last long."

"is it?"

   Tom Crean smiled noncommittal.

   The answer from my assistant is a standard answer.

   But he is a person who believes in miracles.

   He believes that life always surprises those who believe in miracles.

   Maybe surprises don’t come all the time, but you have to have the mentality of believing in miracles.

   This way, you will be able to move forward in the face of any difficulties.

   So this time, this beginner who surprised him yesterday, will UU reading www.uukanshu.com continue to surprise him?

   On the training ground, Chen Xiao really dribbled the ball in place, as if at a loss not knowing whether to turn left or right, or what way to break through.

   Seeing Chen Xiao like this, everyone on the sidelines except Tom Crean is like a copy.

In fact, even Ron Howard, who was standing in front of Chen Xiao, was thinking at this moment, let this kid be confused for a while, and then frighten him and scare the ball in his hand, let him know his current strength. How small it is to stand on the court.

   "Ding, use a breakthrough experience card (non-competition type), detect the use environment, Ding, a standard available basketball court is detected around the host, this scene is an informal game scene, the card is used successfully, the scene is being constructed, and the scene is constructed successfully."

   Yes, can you use it? !

   Looking at the three-dimensional scene that suddenly appeared above him, and the silhouette figure in the three-dimensional scene that was exactly the same as himself and Ron Howard, Chen Xiao was a little dumbfounded.

   This scene... is too science fiction, right? !

   And, these two silhouettes... Are they moving? !

   This is the offense and defense of this breakthrough...

   This silhouette is showing me how to break through Ron Howard's breakthrough route? !

experience card?

   or teaching card?

   Chen Xiao's eyes widened, her expressions of excitement, dazed and shocked, changed constantly, and she almost scared off the basketball in her hand.

   "Ron Howard hasn't been scared yet. The first time he stood on the court against others, he was scared and almost dropped the ball. It is another interesting scene that reminds people of the past, hahahaha..."

   For a time, laughter arose from the sidelines...