I’m Scattering IQ to the Protagonist

Chapter 118: Spreading IQ for suicide teenagers

Liu Hao’s so-called Susie regrets that they paid for the assassination of the organization to harvest their lives, but the results can be imagined, the extraordinary did not achieve the purpose, but even more angered Su Shi.

However, the word irritating may not be suitable, because Su Shi’s reaction after learning about this incident is actually very dull.

He was drinking slowly with a cup of hot cocoa. He heard the report of the ball and only raised his eyebrows: "Since he is so dead, let him die and die."

Therefore, in addition to the lawsuit between Su Shi and Liu Wei, Liu Hao will face many other disputes from other parties.

For example, four months ago, Liu Hao’s accident caused by drunk driving; for example, three months ago, he let a three-line small star abortion scandal; also, for example, two months ago, he received a huge bribe from the company’s internal staff. ......

"What the **** is going on?! These things have not been solved already? How can it suddenly come out!" Liu Hao is simply vomiting blood, obviously all the things that have passed away, but all at the same time Out, this must be someone deliberately calculating him behind the scenes!

Who is it! Who is this dare to count him!

Just as Liu Hao was angry and frustrated, Xu Li found it with anger and directly threw a piece of material in front of Liu Hao: "A Hao, can you explain what is going on?"

Liu Hao looked at the information with impatience and picked up the information. The expression on his face suddenly became weird, because the information recorded on this document turned out to be what he did when he was nine years old.

When Liu Hao was nine years old, Xu Li really didn't want to continue to be a junior, and he quarreled to let Liu Hao recognize his ancestors.

However, Liu did not want to agree. He was worried that if he refused directly, Xu Li would give Liu Hao the benefit regardless of the trouble, let him convince Xu Li.

Although Xu Li is guarding Liu’s father, she has always trusted her own son. I feel that the two talents are the same camp. I didn’t think much about it at the time. I believed Liu Hao’s words. Until today, Xu Li knew that she was I was counted by my own son!

How can this thing be turned out! At this time, Liu Hao simply did not know what to put on his face. The heart was even more violent, but he had to sigh with anger: "Mom, where did you get this stuff? Do you even believe this thing?" ?"

"If I don't believe it again, isn't it a fool?" Xu Li took a sigh of relief. She never thought that her pro-son had even put herself together, even more than one. "A Hao, I am Your biological mother, you were only nine years old at that time. You have been counting on me since then. Is it only a tool for your interests in your heart?"

As she spoke, Xu Li was already red-eyed. She was really angry, but she was more disappointed and sad.

As a mother, she did not think of it anyway, she would be counted like this by her pro-son who has always loved her.

At the beginning, she did not get into the Liu family as soon as possible. She had her son's handwriting. Later, she failed to drive Liu Yang out as she wished. She couldn't stand uprightly with Mrs. Liu's name, and even had her own son's handwriting in it!

Although Liu Hao looked angry, his heart was still somewhat guilty. He sighed a little, and he was helpless and somewhat incomprehensible: "Mom, this is obviously someone who deliberately provokes the relationship between us. How can you really Believe?"

"A Hao, is it now, do you still want to lie to me?" Xu Li looked even more disappointed. If she had not seen the exact evidence, how could she be willing to doubt her son easily?

She did not expect that the matter had already reached this point, and her biological son actually wanted to continue to lie to him.

In the eyes of Xu Li’s disappointment and bitterness, Liu Hao subconsciously removed his gaze. For a time, he did not know what to say.

After a half-sound, Liu Hao took a deep breath and looked up at Xu Li. The voice was exhausted and said: "Mom, no matter what I have done before, it is not the time to discuss these issues. I am being counted by others, this is fundamental. It is the intentional person who deliberately provokes the relationship between us. You should never be fooled."

Xu Li looked at Liu Hao deeply, and watched him in this situation, he could even look at himself without hesitation, and he could just say this with confidence. The anger and disappointment of his heart suddenly It was replaced by a thick shackle and regret.

The son will become like this now, and why not because of her?

In the past, Xu Li only thought about competing for her own name. She felt that as long as she could enter the room and become a well-being Mrs. Liu, all the previous tricks and tricks could be hidden, as if she had never appeared before.

Now she discovered that everything is not the case, even if everything has passed, but some things can not be erased.

It is her own hands to turn her son into the present, unscrupulous, selfish, even his own mother will count, but still have no heart.

At this time, Xu Li did not know what it was like in her heart. Did she regret it? If she is given another chance to choose, will she still make the past? To destroy other people's families, to seek the money of others, and even to murder the lives of others.

But no matter whether she regrets or not, Xu Li has no chance to look back at this time. She will pay the price she deserves, just like her son.

Liu Hao’s affairs have been raging, which directly led to the downward trend of the Liu’s stock, but Su Shi did not worry at all. With his ability to save a small Liu’s group is just a piece of cake, he It is also a good opportunity to remove some of the hard nails in the Liu Group.

However, although Su Shi’s side was very leisurely, the Liu’s group was overturned. However, Liu Hao had not been able to settle the problems and was directly sent to prison by the law.

As a result, the internal disputes of the Liu Group have become more and more fierce. When the forces of the various parties went hand in hand, and they wanted to take the opportunity to divide a piece of cake, Su Shi’s high-profile appeared.

When he shot, he was fierce and vigorous, and all the forces were suppressed. When the people had to unite and want to resist, they discovered that the sudden emergence of the Liu family had become the absolute controlling shareholder of the Liu Group.

Everything happened only in just half a month. When the people came back, the turmoil of the Liu Group became a thing of the past. It was like nothing happened before. The only change is probably the Liu Group. Officially changed.

And after the Liu Group was stabilized, it immediately threw out three very attractive new projects, which attracted the attention of many bidders.

Only those who are screaming at the Liu’s group’s turmoil, those who sell their stocks, who are remorseful, and those who do not know what they want to do with Su Shi are also in a very cold situation.

After solving these key problems, Su Shi started the shopkeeper and handed the Liu Group to the reliable person, and he opened the road to “escape”.

Although Yu Feng usually looks very calm, but when he gets to the bed, he can almost reach the level of life. If it is only once or twice, Su Shi will bite his teeth, but Yu Feng’s energy is too strong, and he can’t stand it!

In order to allow him to live a few more years, Su Shi resolutely opened the road to "escape", and since then it has officially launched a fun contest between the two hackers.

The reason why it is a fun contest is that Su Shi did not open the ball assist mode during the escape process, but he personally went into battle and fought with Yu Feng.

So many years later, the following scenes have occurred.

scene one:

Su Shi: "You must not find me this time? ╮(╯▽╰)╭"

Yu Feng: "Jinjiang Hotel 619 rooms on the sixth floor, luxury suites, couples configuration, luxury pool, transparent bathroom, dear, have you been waiting for me to stay? (*/ω\*)"

Su Shi: "Wait and so! How did you find me this time? Σ(°△°|||)_"

Yu Feng: "Open the door, I will tell you in person. ~( ̄▽ ̄~)~"

Su Shi: "You got the wrong place, I am not here at all!_(:з"∠)_"

Until he was taken to the bed by Yu Feng and launched six attacks, Su Shi was still firmly expressing that he was not Liu Yang, and the other party was looking for the wrong person.

Yu Feng just calmly said: "Well, you can't be Liu Yang, you are Ah Zheng, it's Asong, it's a small straight... or my aunt."

Scene 2:

Su Shi’s face is incomprehensible: “I admit that you caught me this time, but I have a small request.”

Yu Feng’s clothes, calmly asked: "What requirements?"

Su Shi pitifully bowed his eyes: "Don't be six times good? My body can't eat."

Yu Feng smiled softly: "If you promise not to leave me anymore, I can promise you. But you have to tell me, which lover you choose to give up, is it me, or someone else?"

Su Shi tangled for a while, biting her teeth: "Forget it, I will continue to run."

It’s all his family’s loved ones, and he is willing to give up.

Scene 3:

Su Shi sighed: "Dear, I am too old to run, you should not chase me again."

Yu Feng insisted: "How can I not chase? I used to chase you in my life. Now I can always hold you."

Su Shi smiled: "You forgot, we have the next life, the next life, the next life...".

Yu Feng nodded: "That's good, I will chase you again in my next life, but..."

Su Shi does not understand: "But what?"

Yu Feng smirked: "Seven times, will it be a little too much?"

Su Yu anger: "You don't think about it in your next life!"

Yu Feng did not follow: "That can't be done, the other will not say, but at least give me one time."

Su Shi turned a blind eye and stopped talking, but more forcefully grasped the dry palm of Yu Feng.

Under the setting sun, the two old mans were lying side by side on the green grass, and there was a little bit of glory on the body...

The author has something to say: [Little Theater]

Ball [sad]: Host, you know how long have you been cold?

Su Shi [hald]: When did I value you?

The ball [tears]: Hey, I have to escape, so that you can't find me, see who you can squeeze!

Su Shi [calm]: Rest assured, I will not go to you.

The ball [pain]: Why is it always me! QAQ