I’m The Aquaman In Marvel

Chapter 100: Let the tank fly for a while

   Kamazoz has strong vitality. Although he has been hit hard, he will not die for a while. If he can absorb the blood of the Titan beast in time, he can also speed up the recovery of his injuries.

   This is the talent of Kamazoz.

   In fact, every adult Titan behemoth has unique talents, such as Godzilla’s [Atomic Breath], Raton’s [Fire Storm], Death’s Swarm’s [Infinite Split] and so on.

   The pretty boy is still a child who has not grown up, and his parents are already degraded, and he cannot be regarded as a real Titan behemoth.

   is the phenomenon of returning to the ancestors of the pretty boy, and he has the hope of being promoted to the Titan again.

   In mid-air, the handsome boy firmly grasped the tomahawk in one hand, and the back of Kamazoz with the other hand, trying to climb up.

   At this moment, the surrounding bat monsters swarmed and began to attack the pretty boy.

   They are about the size of a shocked vulture, each with their pointed teeth and sharp mouths. After they pounced on the pretty boy, they opened their mouths hoarse and the skin of the pretty boy.

   Today's pretty boys are still small, their defenses are relatively weak, they were bitten all over and bruised, and the **** bat monsters are getting more and more crazy, screaming and screaming.

   The pretty boy was unbearable and waved to drive him away, but because he could not stand firmly, he fell from a distance of more than two hundred meters.

   Kamazoz suddenly threw out his spiked tail, entangled the pretty boy's thigh, leaned down, trying to **** the pretty boy's blood.

   The two giant beasts are too close, and Altria below cannot use the "Sword of Oath of Victory" to attack.

   In the end, Eric took the shot, letting the red tank be a cannonball again.

   Under the control of Eric, the red tank hovered in the air, his body straight, ready to go.

   The ring-shaped pipe made by the electromagnetic field appeared again around the red tank, which ordinary people cannot see, but Eric can clearly feel the change in the magnetic field.

  The energy storage is completed, and under the push of Eric, the red tank is like an angry bird, soaring into the sky, climbing at an astonishing speed.

   During the flight, Eric adjusted the flying angle of the red tank to ensure that it would effectively strike Kamazoz while avoiding injury to the pretty boy.

   Kamazoz's movements are very quick. Even if he catches a pretty boy, he can fly at Mach 0.5, but compared to the red tank incarnate as an electromagnetic cannon, this speed is still too slow, and he was caught up in a blink of an eye.

   The red energy accumulated in the red tank and the strong electromagnetic impact force suddenly hit Kamazoz's head.


   The sound of fractured bones resounded throughout the world, and the red tank pierced Kamazoz's head in the blink of an eye, and the accompanying airflow further expanded the wound, causing Kamazoz's head to burst on the spot.

  Rao is Kamazoz with strong vitality, but he does not have the ability to regenerate by decapitation. His head burst and he was completely dead.

   The headless body fell from the air.

   Liangzai decisively seized the opportunity and pulled Kamazoz under his body to make a meat pad.

   Amidst the loud noise of "Boom", Liangzi and Kamazoz landed, the ground vibrated and the dust was flying.

   At that time, the height had reached 500 meters. Even if Kamazoz was at the bottom, the pretty boy still suffered some shocks, but fortunately, it was not serious.

   It's like Kamazoz was whipped to the corpse, a large piece of body shrunk, blood sprayed high, and he looked like he was crying dead!


   Pretty boy casually slapped a bat monster that was biting himself to death, and then roared to the sky.

   seems to feel the domineering exposure of the pretty boy, and the surrounding bat monsters dare not get close for a while.

   The pretty boy pulled out the battle axe inserted behind Kamazoze, then dragged Kamazoze's body to the cave, and threw Kamazoze down.

   Kamazoz is so ugly that the pretty boy is afraid of getting sick after eating it.

   brought the pretty boy back away, the bat monsters circled around, and immediately followed hula la and flew into the cave.

   It's not about life and death, the ancestors are dead, they just want to eat the table.

   is really a harmonious scene of father resigning and laughing.

   After bringing all the bats and monsters into the cave, Altria ran to the cave with a long sword in his hand, and shot "ExCalibur" towards the bottom.

   Under the bombardment of the oath light cannon, Kamazoz and the bat monster were blown to pieces. With the shaking of the mountain, the anti-gravity channel collapsed.

   Altria looked at everyone: "Are you all okay?"


   "It's all right, but the instrument is damaged."

   Everyone survived a crisis without any risk, the dark clouds in the sky disappeared, and the sun shined on the earth again.

   After the wind and rain, a brilliant rainbow was left behind.

   Angel Salvador looked to the sky: "Where is the red tank?"

   Siren Sean: "It hasn't fallen yet."

   Eric waved his hand: "It's okay, let the tank fly for a while!"

   At this time, the red tank had already flown into the atmosphere, and if it flew down, it would have to become the first person to land on the moon in the 20th century, and I had condoned Eric a hundred times in my heart.

   If it weren't for immortal superpowers, he would really have been played by Eric to death!


   In a blink of an eye, seven days have passed, calm on Skull Island and a few more new members.

Underwater World.

   After a few days of visits, Han Shaoqing officially became the king of Atlantis, and he served in all seven seas.

   wears a crown on his head, wears Zeus armor, and holds a trident. Now, the overall image of Han Shaoqing is somewhat like Poseidon in [Saint Seiya], except that his hair is black.

   Sitting on the throne aloft, Han Shaoqing left and right are Mei La and Rui Wen. U U Reading www.uukanshu.com

Below    is a group of little blue people dancing in the water, a scene of singing and dancing.

   As for Darwin, he was arranged by Han Shaoqing to go to experience. When he returned from his studies, Han Shaoqing gave him an official position so that he could control the army of Atlantis.

   Compared with land, life in the deep sea is easier to exercise Darwin's abilities.

   There are several reasons why Han Shaoqing can successfully become the new king of Atlantis.

  First, Han Shaoqing took out Namor's head.

   Once Namo dies, the country cannot be ruled out for a day. Atlantis needs a strong leader to lead them forward and protect their safety.

  Second, Han Shaoqing eliminated the fish and beasts, relieved the crisis of Atlantis, and gained some popular support.

  Third, these Atlanteans mistakenly believed that Han Shaoqing was "Imoki", who had the royal blood of Atlantis and belonged to the royal orthodoxy.

   The most important point is that Han Shaoqing is backed by Godzilla, who is strong enough.

   Atlantis people want to live a life, they have to cling to Han Shaoqing's wings.

   Otherwise, Han Shaoqing is unhappy, even if he doesn't attack Atlantis, as long as Godzilla no longer guards Atlantis, these people will all be unlucky.

   Of course, Namor has been in power for many years and has cultivated many cronies. Some people choose to surrender, and some choose to sing the opposite.

   Well, Han Shaoqing continued to play music and dance, and those opponents had already fed the sharks.

   Kindness does not control soldiers, and goodness does not control power.

   With the passage of time, the improvement of strength and status has changed Han Shaoqing's personality.

  The more you experience, the harder it is for people to maintain the purity and kindness they used to be.

   Today's Han Shaoqing is gradually becoming stronger and decisive at the same time.