I’m The Aquaman In Marvel

Chapter 145: Fake it out

, The fastest update of the latest chapter I am the Sea King in Meiman!

With Loki's appearance, Han Shaoqing easily walked into the Golden Palace, originally planning to go directly to Odin's dormant place, but when passing by the Golden Palace Hall, he saw the throne and [Eternal Spear].

The legend [Eternal Spear] is an artifact made by the evil **** Loki in the Incident of Insif’s Hair, at the request of the Gnomish King. The tip of the spear is engraved with Luen characters, and the handle is made of the branches of the World Tree.

[Eternal Spear]’s ability is quite simple and powerful, that is, "it will hit the target as soon as it is thrown."

When the Asa Protoss and the Warner Protoss went to war, it was Odin who took this gun to shoot the first blow.

When Odin throws this gun, it will emit a bright light that crosses the space. People on the ground call it "lightning", and another way of saying it is "shooting star".

According to the mythology, the person who swears to the [Eternal Spear] will surely fulfill his oath.

This may be the origin of the wish for the meteor.

At the same time, [Eternal Spear] is also a symbol of Asgard's kingship.

In line with the principle of not wasting, Han Shaoqing walked over, put [Eternal Spear] in his bag, and sat on the throne.

【Ding! The host is currently located on the throne of the Golden Palace in Asgard and meets the check-in requirements. Do you check-in? 】

Han Shaoqing said silently: "Check in."

[During check-in, the countdown is 10 seconds, 10, 9, 8, 7... 3, 2, 1, and the check-in is successful. Congratulations to the host for obtaining the paradise island and Amazons in the DC world. 】

[Paradise Island: Also known as Shemisqera, it was created by Zeus, the king of Olympus gods. The island is protected by a magical protective force field, so that human high-tech equipment cannot detect the existence of the island. Protect the Amazonians on the island. 】

[Amazons: The people of the tribe are tall women. Because they are protected by Zeus's magical protective force field on the island, they can live forever. The representative figures are Queen Hippolyte and Wonder Woman Diana. 】

[Do you want to receive it? 】

Directly to an island and a group of female fighters, Han Shaoqing just wanted to say: "System, understand me!"

But now in Asgard, an island has been created out of thin air, and it is obvious that something will happen.

Therefore, Han Shaoqing did not receive the reward immediately.

After reading the information when contacting Loki, Han Shaoqing came to Odin's dormant place.

"Loki...you are not Loki."

In the bedroom, Queen Friega saw Han Shaoqing turned into Loki, and soon discovered the difference between the two. Although Han Shaoqing became very similar, Friega was able to tell the difference.

As Loki’s adoptive mother, the queen of Asgard, Friga is the **** of Warnerheim, with the usual attributes of a fairy palace woman, with a body density three times that of a human being, a long life span, and immunity to diseases and diseases. Resistance to conventional damage.

The strength is good. After discovering that Han Shaoqing is a fake Rocky, he drew his sword decisively.

As soon as Han Shaoqing entered the bedroom, she used the sound-proof magic, raised her hand to block Friga’s attack. You can feel that the opponent's strength is not small, one hit can reach more than 20 tons, and the speed is good. No wonder that in [Thor 2], you can single out the darkness. Malekis, the monarch of the world Wat Alheim.

It's a pity that her power was insignificant to Han Shaoqing, and she was knocked down and passed out in a coma.

Without waiting for Odin, who was sleeping on his feet, to get up, Han Shaoqing used magic to seal him up.

Odin's dormancy is half-truth, because his body is indeed reaching its limit, and he needs the trumpet to experience the backlash that suppresses [Odin's Power], and at the same time, he has some energy used to seal the death **** Hela.

So Odin is both strong and weak.

He is too old, dormancy is just to relieve, not to cure the symptoms but not the root cause.

If he fights hard, it may cause trouble to Han Shaoqing, but if he does, the whole Asgard will be buried.

In the end, the fake dormant Odin, under the seal of Han Shaoqing, entered the real dormancy. Unless Han Shaoqing releases the seal or is broken by someone, Odin can only lie here obediently.

After subduing Odin, Han Shaoqing didn't talk nonsense, and stepped directly on the head of the old **** king.

【Ding! The host is currently located on top of the head of the Asgardian king Odin and meets the check-in conditions. Do you check-in? 】

Han Shaoqing said silently: "Check in."

[During check-in, the countdown is 10 seconds, 10, 9, 8, 7... 3, 2, 1, and the check-in is successful. Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Omega Ray from DC World Darkside. 】

[Omega Ray: It is not a simple high temperature or destructive ray, but contains the power of the Omega effect, which can completely obliterate the existence of the opponent, or resurrect it. Characters below the Heavenly Father level can instantaneously kill, only multiple Only the strong of the universe can resist. 】

[Do you want to receive it? 】

[It turned out to be Uncle Da’s Omega ray, this time it is really developed! 】

With a thought, Han Shaoqing said silently: "Get it."

Then a mysterious energy was injected into Han Shaoqing's eyes, turning Han Shaoqing's eyes into blood red.

At the same time, information about [Omega Ray].

After Han Shaoqing obtains the [Omega Ray], he can control the direction of the [Omega Ray], use [Omega Ray] to travel through time and space, or use [Omega Ray] to destroy the world.

Launching the sanctions of [Omega Ray] can drive the opponent into endless parallel worlds, and these worlds are also worse than one.

[Omega Ray] includes effects such as lightning, flame, gravity, particle control, telepathy, tracking laser, traveling through time, space, creating life, and directly erasing enemies.

If calculated according to the level, a proper multiverse-level ability.

Not only can you kill with your eyes, but you can also stare at who is pregnant, just ask if you are afraid?

"I don't know if God's virtual vision meets Omega rays, can it be copied?"

Han Shaoqing thought of a proposition ~lightnovelpub.net~ and then shook her head, and took her feet away from Odin's head.

With a wave of hands, the unconscious Friega was placed next to Odin and sealed together, and Han Shaoqing stepped on Friega's head equally.

【Ding! The host is currently located on top of Tin Hau Friega and meets the check-in conditions. Will he check-in? 】

Han Shaoqing said silently: "Check in."

[During check-in, countdown for 10 seconds, 10, 9, 8, 7... 3, 2, 1, check-in is successful, congratulations to the host for gaining the **** of the DC world. 】

[Domination: It is the product of the Kryptonian scientist's "World Destroyer" project, and is the exclusive enemy of Supergirl (like Doomsday is the exclusive enemy of Superman). She is one of the five powerful characters with super powers to destroy the world. 】

[Do you want to receive it? 】


Han Shaoqing didn't understand this character very well, because he didn't watch "Superwoman" very often, and it was not the time to receive it. He didn't receive it for the time being. Instead, he said silently: "Receive the bronze gate of ten thousand worlds and ancient masks."