I’m The Aquaman In Marvel

Chapter 230: 8 Qi Oro snake

With a weight of more than 90,000 tons, every time Ibira falls, he will step on the ground with a pothole. The bright red shrimp tail is like a road roller. Both people and vehicles are squashed, and the eyes shoot out from time to time. The laser beam destroys the surrounding buildings, which is a disaster of movement.

Island country Tokyo, the prime minister's residence.

"Prime Minister, the situation is serious now. We have to make the worst plan. Not only South Island City, but the entire island nation will enter a state of emergency, the dispatch of the Unified Self-Defense Force, the refuge of citizens, and all other cabinets to take corresponding countermeasures."

"Prime Minister, it is almost impossible to complete the evacuation of citizens in a short time. Let the Self-Defense Forces be dispatched. If you have the consciousness of entering a state of war, sacrifice is inevitable."

"I think the U.S.-Japan Security Treaty should be activated to allow U.S. troops stationed in island countries to deal with Ibira."

"No, this is a matter for our country. The Self-Defense Force should be deployed first. Moreover, even if the U.S.-Japan Security Treaty is activated, whether the U.S. military will act is still unknown."

"Where is Yamazaki now, she is the person who knows Ibira best, and she is mainly responsible for this accident!"

"Now is not the time to be held accountable. I think the most important thing is to protect the people now."

"Prime Minister, I know you are in a difficult situation now, but in order to reduce the loss, you need to make a decision immediately."


Hearing the opinions expressed by the officials under him, Kurama returned to clasp his hands tightly: "I have sent the Great Onmyoji to the South Island. I believe that with the help of the power of the artifact, Ibira will be sealed again.

Just in case, Kurama Guiyi also ordered the integration of the forces of the land, sea and air forces to prepare for a decisive battle with Ibira.


Over South Island City.

Yamazaki boarded the plane and urged the captain to take off immediately.

Unfortunately, it was still a bit slow. When the plane flew up, Ibira smashed the airport building and blasted the plane's nose with a pincer.

Yamazaki on the plane died tragically on the spot.

And the island nation’s great onmyoji, Ampere Saburo, was also sitting in a military helicopter approaching the South Island Airport at this time.

Seeing that it was about to reach the casting range, a laser beam shot past, the helicopter exploded, Ampere Saburo, pawn!

Ibira's attack was sudden, and the island nation’s assassin was useless and died out.

The pilots on the accompanying six fighters were stunned.

After reacting, launch a counterattack.

Missiles ejected out, dragging a long smoke tail, and bombarding Ibira's body.

Of course!

Ibira’s carapace was able to resist even Godzilla’s atomic breath, and only a few missiles broke out countless flames on Ibira’s body, bringing up a thick smoke.

The smoke and dust dissipated, and none of the Ibira hairs fell.

In fact, after killing Yamazaki, Ibira’s anger was almost over. He planned to listen to Godzilla and return to deep-sea dormancy 1.

As a result, these people's attacks once again ignited Ibira's anger.

Most of the citizens of South Island City have been evacuated, and those passengers and staff who have escaped from the airport hate having two legs.

Some people looked back and waited.

"Whatever you look at, your life is almost gone, run!"

"Damn it, is this monster sent from heaven to punish us?"

"I blame the **** politicians for telling them not to discharge nuclear waste water into the sea. They just don't listen. They raise lobsters that are bigger than airplanes!"


The outside of the airport was relatively empty, and survivors fled desperately on the streets.

Some unlucky ones were trampled to death by the stones that Ibira flew first, or killed by stray bullets fired by fighter planes.

Ibira didn't care about the little things around him desperately fleeing, squinted his eyes, and scanned the flies-like warplanes.

The sturdy tail rolled, and the body was short, catching the ejection, and the flaming shrimp tongs waved, which immediately brought a fiery gust of wind, and slammed it toward the galloping fighter.

"Damn it!"

The pilot controlled the fighter to dodge. Although it avoided a frontal collision with the shrimp tongs, the fighter was still engulfed by the flames carried by the shrimp tongs. The resulting detonation caused the fighter to burst and explode in mid-air.


After Ibira fell to the ground, he smashed the ground into a big hole with a low whistle, making all the kilometer square a dead place. After hearing the sound, people a little further away were dizzy and weak.

The pilots of two fighter planes entered the sonic attack range and immediately lost consciousness, causing the fighter plane to crash and destroy people.

Ibira glanced coldly across the remaining three fighters, preparing to finish work.

"Launch air-to-air missiles and try to attack the eyes of the target."

Hearing the command of the headquarters commander, the pilots on the remaining three fighters began to steer the fighters to attack Ibira.

After only a few breaths, more than a dozen missiles were shot out from three fighters.

Ibira radiated a laser beam, destroying the flying missile, and then attacked the fighter plane unabated.

Ibira’s laser light may be slightly less powerful than laser light, but it is not enough to melt gold and iron, and it has both eyes, and the emission speed is still higher than the breath of atoms.

The laser beam’s firing speed is extremely fast. Although the pilot of the fighter plane avoided a frontal collision in time, the laser beam broke through the air at an extremely fast speed. The resulting airflow carried a suction force and the accompanying high temperature caused the two fighters to lose control and were exposed to the laser beam. Obliterate.

The remaining fighter fell out of control and crashed into the building. The pilot inside pressed the eject button and successfully parachuted.

But Ibira was waiting below, and the 30-meter-long shrimp whiskers on his head were like tentacles wrapped around the pilot.

"Elegant Butterfly~"

At this moment, the pilot was desperate and helpless.

At this time, the S.H.I.E.L.D. space carrier was still on its way.

But after losing the suppression of [Hachiji Qionggouyu] and feeling the existence of other Titan monsters, the sleeping Yaki Orochi who was sleeping under a shrine somewhere in Mt. Fuji opened the eyes of the Sixteen Snake.

Suddenly, the dragon and snake rose on land, turning the earth upside down.

Many huge snake heads broke through the ground~lightnovelpub.net~ and roared to the sky.

Titan behemoths are generally in a hostile relationship, and some will swallow each other.

As the saboteur among the Titan Giants, Yachi Orochi takes Ibira as a prey.

Can't clean up Godzilla, can't I still clean up you?

Unlike the guardian, the saboteur has an absolutely unfriendly attitude towards human beings. After the unearthed Yaqi Orochi is like a greedy snake, it eats when it sees people, and it is not too small to fill its stomach.

Appetizer at the time.

I saw the eight heads of the Yaqi Orochi dancing, and when they opened their mouths, the people on the ground flew up and fell into the mouth.

Some snake heads sprayed out flames, and some snake heads sprayed out poisonous water.

If Ibira is a targeted action, the Yachi Orochi is a wave of random killings, and everyone who sees it must die!