I’m The Aquaman In Marvel

Chapter 256: Light and Shadow Society

The huge lighthouse floats in the sky and looks quite spectacular.

This is the last refuge of mankind, at least the people above the lighthouse always think so.

In the hall of light and shadow.

"Light conceives all beings, and all beings follow the shadows."

"Light purifies my soul, shadow protects my body."

"Taking the way to control desire, pleasure but not lewdness."

"I'd rather be savage and don't abandon light and shadow."

In the hall, a group of believers wearing red cloaks of light and shadow recite in unison, making the atmosphere of the hall quite contagious.

Charles, dressed in Chinese clothes and with long golden hair, walks on the red carpet. He is the spokesperson of the faith in light and shadow. He is handsome and aristocratic in appearance.

As the head of the Light and Shadow Society, Charles's bizarre experience when he met the Lord of Light and Shadow as a child convinced him that he was the chosen son of heaven and a man destined to become a new generation of City Lord.

Charles used the Light and Shadow Society to create the faith in the end times and stabilize the people's hearts.

The Light and Shadow Society is responsible for the formulation, supervision and implementation of the law of the lighthouse, the planning of human reproduction in the doomsday, and the long journey.

In the cataclysm decades ago, the old and new worlds changed, and the social system ushered in a major reshuffle.

The lighthouse did not originally exist in the form of a refuge. The so-called last refuge for mankind does not exist. The original prototype of the lighthouse was an aerial prison. There were all vicious prisoners and prison guards. After the devastating beast disaster broke out In order to survive, the people in the prison reached a peace agreement with the prison guards, turning the air prison into a lighthouse and a refuge in the sky.

When all the refuges on the ground were captured, the lighthouse accepted a part of the surviving humans and became the last hope of human reproduction.

Of course, only a small number of elderly people and those who are exposed to the core of rights know this truth.

The main reason why the lighthouse can obtain long-term peace and stability is the extremely strict management system of the lighthouse itself. This management system can be said to be almost ruthless.

Three rules of survival.

Genetic optimization system.

Hierarchy system.

Ban family relations.

The three are interlocking and endless.

Since then, there will be no parents, brothers and children, and we are all beacon people.

Light and shadow will despise the social relations of the old world and use actions to welcome a better world.

Exchange dedication points for different food grades and medical levels;

The combination of genes in Dawn Hall to optimize reproduction;

Life formula and long journey;

Aerial farm technology;


Even feelings can be quantified, and the level of shadow value reflects the characteristics of inner emotions.

But in this apocalypse, the first thing to consider is survival.

To live is the greatest hope.

Charles walked up the steps step by step, stood on a high place, raised his right hand, as if welcoming the light, and then made a special gesture of the Light and Shadow Society. The other members of the Light and Shadow Society also followed neatly and looked solemn.

Looking at the various suffering statues in front of him that were bound by chains and with pain on their faces, Charles said in a deep voice: "A long time ago we thought we could surpass the gods, but we brought the disaster of ruining the sky and the earth, and it was the Lord of Light and Shadow that saved it. We, take us to the lighthouse."

"Under the protection of the Lord of Light and Shadow, we can survive in this devastated and monster-ridden world."

"Without the help of the Lord, everything is vain."

Charles has the potential to be a god-stick, and talks eloquently: "The cold equipment will not allow the hunters to completely eliminate the ferocious monsters, let alone bring us hope of victory."

"We can only sincerely ask the supreme Lord of Light and Shadow to bring the living material to us intact!"

Charles said impassionedly, but completely denied the efforts of the hunters.

But such shameless remarks would be unreasonable to a normal person, but those who were brainwashed by the Light and Shadow Church believers are convinced, and they drink together sincerely.

"Light conceives all beings, and all beings follow the shadows!!!"

Charles nodded with satisfaction, and then flickered: "The Lord of Light and Shadow tells us that everyone in the world is the suffering person nailed to the wall in the cave."

Congregation: "Therefore, I am here!!!"

Charles: "Everything we see is a shadow projected from the wall."

Congregation: "Therefore, I am here!!!"

Charles: "You can only see the truth if you break free and get out of the cave."

Congregation: "Therefore, I am here."


Just when Charles lied to death and didn't pay for his life.

Han Shaoqing opened the space channel and led the hunters out of the dim cabin and into the desert.

The outside world was not peaceful at this time. Snakes and dogs belonged to social creatures just like thorn eels. When Ran Bing used the art of fireball, the movement was relatively loud, and all the snakes and dogs around had been awakened.

The second team in charge of defense on the periphery has already encountered a snake dog attack, and is desperately shooting a snake dog that ran out.

Snake dog skin is rough and thick, and it is difficult to break its skin with ordinary firearms.


The snake dog roared, his head stretched out like lightning, and directly bit at a member of the hunter who was shooting, and snapped the opponent's neck with one bite.

Then with a flick of his tail, the three dust folks swept away and hit the wall, breaking bones and vomiting blood on the spot.

"Start the gravity body!"

Seeing snakes and dogs entering the flock like tigers, the commander of the second team immediately ordered several pilots to put on gravity mechas and prepare fighter jets.

The gravity body is the mech equipment used by the hunters in battle.

The effect is very huge, it can increase the power of the person driving it dozens or even hundreds of times. The mech is also armed with many advanced weapons. It is the super equipment for the hunters to gather materials and fight the polar beast.

Just when the snake dog threw down a duster and was about to take her mouth, Erica, the youngest member of the lighthouse hunter team, had already put on the gravity body.

"Monster, let you see how good this lady is."

Erica is a self-confident and somewhat conceited genius girl. With a well-behaved and serious appearance, she is a little clever ghost. She is petite but enjoys the battlefield. She thinks that fighting is like a game of life and death, and she is the player who is most engaged.

Her gravity body was equipped with six Vulcan cannons, and the moment the trigger was pulled, dense bullets flew out, smashing the skin of the snake and dog, and roaring again and again.

But even if the gravitational body can hurt the snake-dog, the snake-dog's self-healing power is comparable to Wolverine, and it can quickly recover.

All she can do is to buy more time.

And over time, more and more snakes and dogs and backbones crawled out of the spacecraft.

With the combat effectiveness of the second team, if they cannot break through the encirclement in time, the entire army will be wiped out waiting for them.

Just when Erica shot the snake dog ~lightnovelpub.net~ so that it could not move for a short time, two snake dogs had quietly approached.

"Erica, be careful behind you!"

It was reminded that Erika controlled the gravity body and turned around, and two snakes and dogs flew up.

"Get out of here!"

With a roar, Ran Bing rushed out at an amazing speed, bringing up a wave of sand, and then a handsome knight kicked, one through two, kicking two snakes and dogs 100 meters away, hitting a broken car and bus. On the road, the strong impact force even the bus rolled over.

With the optimized [inter-pillar cells], Ran Bing is equivalent to having the weird power of Tsunade Ji, and one step is enough to shock the world.

"That's... Ran Bing?"

"She actually kicked the Extreme Devouring Beast with one kick, what a terrifying power!"

"It's incredible, it's unscientific!"

"Sister Ran Bing."