I’m the Second Young Master of the Qimu Family

v1 Chapter 196: You monkey

"I'm the second young master of the flagwood family(

The Zhongnin exams continued to be held, and Mizen, who had seen the Zhongnin exams once, had no intention of recollecting it again.

However, in this exam, the performance of the seventh class was very eye-catching. Naruto's Helix Maru, Sakura's Water Escape, Sasuke's Chidori, and a lot of ninjas, eliminated a lot of ninjas from other countries in the Death Forest.

Without Dashewan's troubles, the seventh class of the Death Forest exam passed by.

In addition to Konoha's seventh class, there is also a girl who is also very eye-catching, that is, Hinata Hyuga, stepping on an elegant posture, playing a game where everyone is wooden, no talking and no movement, and amazed the audience.

Don't look at Hinata's look weak, but the chakra of others is really not low, so far, no one can't help it.

At the end of the second round of the Zhongren exam, all of the seventh class passed, Kakashi specially organized a barbecue, as a reward for their promotion to the third round.

And this time, Kakashi was especially generous and invited Mi Blade to participate.

At the dinner table, Sasuke hesitated, and finally turned his mind and knelt in front of Mi Blade: "Senior Mi Blade, please accept me as a disciple!"


After Naruto and Sakura exchanged glances at each other, they also learned how to kneel on the ground as Sasuke.

"Please accept us as disciples!"

Mi Ren held the toothpick in his mouth and looked at the three little ones with a smile: "Sasuke, I can accept him as a disciple, but you two still forget it."

Sasuke raised his head for joy, but Naruto and Sakura were very sorry, especially Naruto, and asked very reluctantly: "Why?"

Mi Ren said faintly: "Because you are a super genius, I cannot accept you as a disciple."

"Why, since I'm a genius, why can't you accept me?"

What's the reason for this, don't teachers always want their students to be talented?

Mi Ren smiled and said, "Because you are a deciding genius, I can't teach you. I am low-powered, so I can only teach Sasuke. Your teacher is someone else."

Naruto turned his gaze to Kakashi, and Kakashi snorted and said proudly: "I won't accept what others don't want!"

"Huh?" Naruto felt abandoned.

Mi Blade looked at Sakura and said, "As for Sakura, as long as you study the water escape ninjutsu that I taught you thoroughly, you will surely become a super strong. You know, the second generation of Meme Hokage relies on water to escape the famous shock. Ninja world."

"is it?"

Sakura looked at Kakashi, and Kakashi nodded: "The Ninjutsu of Ninjutsu of the second generation has reached its peak, and more than that, the second generation of ninjutsu has also invented many ninjutsu."

Kozakura's eyes lit up, and Mi Blade continued to say to her: "Do you know the strange power?"

What's the blame, it sounds so ugly.

"what is that?"

"That was the signature ninjutsu of Tsunade, one of the first generation Naruto grandsons.

I think you are very suitable to worship Tsunade as a teacher and learn from her strange powers. "Mi-knife pretended to be a model.

I also want to worship Master Tsunade as a teacher, but Master Tsunade has never returned to the village!

Kozakura muttered, "Master Tsunade, where are you?"

After dinner, Naruto strolled on the street alone, not in a good mood.

Both Sakura and Sasuke have arranged, but no one cares about them and no one loves them.

Brother Mi Blade is a lie, I know he doesn't like me, think I am stupid, not as talented as Sakura and Sasuke.

Naruto kicked the stone and walked while kicking.

Suddenly, he saw outside a bathing hall, a wretched man was lying on the wall and peeping inward.

"Huh! I dare to spy on our Konoha lady, Helix Maru!"


After a while Ji Fei Gou jumped over, Jilai also rubbed his **** bombed by Helix Pill, and asked Naruto suspiciously, "Who taught you Helix Pill?"

"You old pervert, what about me?"

Zi Lai also beaten up a carp, and his hair flicked: "Old perverted ghost? I'm trying to collect materials, don't you understand! Also, I'll tell you, listen carefully, I am Miaomu Mountain Elf Sudao, Toad Fairy Comes So too!"


Naruto didn't bother to pay attention to him and turned to leave. He was in a bad mood now.

Jilai also looked at the back of Naruto leaving, very lonely. He sighed slightly, thinking of his disciple.

Watergate, don't worry, Naruto won't suffer anymore.

The next day, Sasuke came to Hagiki's house with a long sword early, before Kakashi got up, he knocked on the door of Miblade's house.

Mi Blade finished washing, and brought Sasuke to a quiet place.

"Sasuke, I have some ninjutsu, four sets of swordsmanship, and two kinds of physical skills. Which one do you want to learn?"

Sasuke said excitedly: "Teacher, my requirements are not high, as long as I can defeat Itachi!"

Grass, how did you say this sentence while licking your face?

This is not demanding?

"Cough, swordsmanship, you know Uchiha swordsmanship yourself, I will teach you another set of swordsmanship, flying swordsmanship."

"Okay, okay, have you ever beaten Uchiha Itachi?"

"Uh... maybe you can practice to a high level."

"Then when can I get to high depths?"

"You are extremely talented. It can take as short as five or six years, and as long as more than ten years, you will be able to achieve success."

"It's so slow, is it easier?"

"Then I have an S-rank ninjutsu Thunder Dunge, are you willing?"

"Can you beat Uchiha Itachi?"

"Haha, Lei Dun has practiced deep and deep, not to mention Itachi, you can rub casually with people in the Ninja world."

"Then when can I practice?"

"Leyton uprising consumes chakras very much. You have too few chakras now. Three or five years from now, when you become an adult, chakras will increase, and there may be small successes. If you want to use all of Leyton uprisings, you have to rely on thunderstorms. ~lightnovelpub.net~ Huh? For so long, you still need to watch the weather for a fight, which is very troublesome!"

"Then how can I teach you the profound meaning of physical skills?"

"Can you beat Uchiha Itachi?"

"Practice to a high level, let alone Uchiha Itachi, even if your ancestor Uchiha Madara is no problem."

"It's hard to practice this kind of physique, right?"

"Yes, this physical technique is the one used by that classmate named Xiao Li during the exam a few days ago. This profound meaning is called Bamen Dunjia Formation, and the eight doors correspond to the eight acupuncture points of the human body. Will multiply, open to the eighth gate, I am the peak in the world of Ninja!

However, this physical skill is the most difficult to practice, and there are very few who can reach the eighth. "

"Ah, so hard?"

Mi Ren looked at the hapless child, slapped him three times, and said in an aura: "You child, don't learn this or that, huh, if you don't learn, you have to learn, practice the same!"

Sasuke started with swordsmanship, practicing swordsmanship in the morning, ninjutsu in the afternoon, and physical training in the evening.

At the end of the day, tired like a dog, lying on the bed gritted his teeth and said, "Itachi Uchiha, I will definitely kill you!"

"Why do you have to kill Itachi?"

"Teacher, when did you come?"

It's horrible, OK, people have died in this clan field!

Mi Blade said leisurely: "I just arrived, and I saw you muttering Uchiha Itachi."

"What's the matter with you?" Sasuke asked.

Mi Ren shook his head and said, "It's okay, I just want to tell you, I know Itachi is there."

"Where is he?" Sasuke stood up, his eyes flashing with hatred.

"Are you really going to kill him?"

"The hatred of genocide is not shared!"

Alas, Mi Blade sighed: "Then you practice first, I'll take you to find him in a few days."