Immortal Stars

Chapter 19: The Secret of Basic Flesh

The night was falling, and the bright moon was hanging high. On the open-air balcony on the top floor of an abandoned building, Wang Xu sat cross-legged on the ground and closed his eyes in silence.

After swallowing the corpse of the red snake worm beast, Wang Xu became the fourth-order late stage without any suspense, and his strength rose again.

"...Refining Qi into the body, circulating the meridians, attracting the spiritual energy of the heavens and the earth, transforming the essence of all things, and accommodating one's own body..." Sitting cross-legged under the starry sky with the stars above his head, Wang Xu kept reciting the formula of "Basic Flesh Body" in his heart.

After the "Basic Flesh" reaches the fourth layer, every pore of the skin can open to breathe, and the speed of absorbing energy is greatly accelerated. After reaching this level, you can even not breathe for a whole day!

The first three layers belong to the most basic physical body cultivation, from bones like jade, to steel bones, to soft bones, and from the fourth layer onwards, from the inside out to the skin, to maximize the function of the flesh body.

What Wang Xu muttered in his mouth was still the formula for the fourth level. The formula was obscure and difficult to understand. Wang Xu was able to cultivate to the fourth level by relying on paid teaching videos on the Internet. He had no concept of the formula.

In the middle of the night, Wang Xu took out the four-layer formula of "Basic Flesh" and recited it, with the mentality of giving it a try.

But when he read it for the third time, he suddenly found a subtle change in his body.

There is an invisible energy gathering between the heavens and the earth, like a transparent thread merging into his abdomen. If you don't completely calm down, it may be difficult to find the small changes.

"This is..." Wang Xu was stunned.

He had never heard of such a situation!

He has reread the "Fundamental Four Layers" by heart many times, and he knows almost every word by heart. He can understand and learn, all relying on online teaching videos and his own understanding of the physical body.

But he only now realizes that he may have missed the most essential things in "Basic Flesh"!

"Refining Qi into the body...inducing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth..." Wang Xu's eyes flickered, recalling the formula of "Basic Flesh" in his mind.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up!


Qi, this invisible energy is the so-called "Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi"!

Wang Xu can understand that in the eyes of ancient people, what they called "energy" was called "reiki" in ancient times!

A door quietly opened, and Wang Xu seemed to realize a lot at once, but he still hadn't grasped the crucial point.

"Then what does this sentence mean 'condensed gas into nuclei, after seven or seven tempering, it is low-grade, after eight or eight tempering, it is middle-grade, and after nine and nine tempering, it is high-grade'!" Wang Xu wondered, "Could it be that this is talking about gas? Can it be condensed into a nucleus? Seven, seven, forty-nine, eight, eight, sixty-four, nine, nine and eighty-one, the quality of the tempered by different processes is not the same?"

I have to say that although Wang Xu's talent in the cultivation realm is not high, his talent in ancient martial arts is extremely high, and it can even be said to be top-notch!

Wang Xu guessed the meaning, but he didn't immediately begin to temper the so-called "nuclear".

Among the powerhouses he has come into contact with, he has never heard of anyone who has tempered a "nucleus", and has never heard of such statements as refining gas into the body and condensing gas into nuclei.

Is he ignorant?

If there are any thin lines of energy that are still constantly transmitting a little bit of energy to Wang Xu, to Wang Xu, this energy is nothing, even swallowing second-order insects and beasts. The advantage is that it can be done all the time.

"Forget it, just relying on consuming insects for promotion is never the best way. Let's try this method to see if it can be successful." Wang Xu made a secret decision in his heart.

Afterwards, Wang Xu closed his eyes, his mind was as calm as water, as if the surrounding air had become thin and viscous, and the flow of time in the entire world gradually slowed down.

But in his body, the tiny energy is slowly forming an invisible vortex.

The vortex continuously attracts energy and gathers them together. Every time a piece of energy is incorporated into the body, Wang Xu controls the energy to move to the vortex, allowing the vortex to absorb the energy.

About two hours later, Wang Xu was already sweating profusely, and the mental fatigue was often more difficult than the physical one. Fortunately, after Wang Xu's adjustment, the vortex became much larger, and he was able to absorb and integrate into the body voluntarily. energy.

Wang Xu was very tired, but he didn't dare to be distracted. While letting his mind relax, he stared at the formation of the vortex, and didn't dare to slack off.

As the night passed by, the sky lit up, and the brilliance of the early sun cut through the thick fog and shone on Wang Xu's body.

"After a night of tempering, the energy vortex has formed and can absorb energy independently. As for how big it will be in the future, and whether it can condense a 'nucleus', it depends on fortune."

Standing up from the ground, Wang Xu's bones crackled. Apart from mental exhaustion, his body was still very strong.

"Let's go, it's time to hunt insects!"


In the dense jungle, a slender figure swiftly shuttled through the bushes. The slender figure was quite embarrassed. The clothes on his body had been torn, and even his armor had been shattered in several places, revealing his white and tender skin.

This slender figure is actually Tang Yan!

Tang Yan's lips were pale, her face was sweating profusely, and there was panic in her eyes.

Behind him, two figures, one blue and one yellow, approached quickly, many times faster than Tang Yan. It only took a moment before they caught up with Tang Yan and blocked her back and forth.

"Hey, Gary, I said it's more cost-effective to chase after this, looking at this beautiful face, just looking at me makes me urge, no, I'll have to go first later!" A blue-clothed man was standing in front of Tang Yan. The man, with blond hair and blue eyes, with a handsome face, looks like a full gentleman, but his eyes full of lewdness betrayed him.

"Bruns, don't worry about this problem, let's go together!"

The man in yellow called Gary was a black man with very white teeth. His eyes were hot, like a big bad wolf seeing a little sheep.

Tang Yan's face turned pale when she heard this: "You bastards, I am the daughter of the Tang family. If you touch me, I will make your life worse than death!"

"Tang family? What is that? Even a family in the seventh safety zone dares to use it to scare people. It's naive!" Bruns, the man in blue, said disdainfully.

"Stop talking nonsense with her, grab her quickly, and take her back after you get on!" Gary said impatiently.

"If you dare to approach me, I will die for you to see!"

Tang Yan was in despair, she drew out her soft sword and put it on her neck, ready to die.

Yesterday, Tang Yan followed the brothers and sisters in the inner courtyard all the way, hunting down a lot of insects and beasts, and also gained a lot. I thought that this graduation trial could be passed safely, but I didn't expect that a group of powerful enemies would suddenly be killed today!

The captain of the other party is called "Willens". This person is too strong, and he is also a fifth-order. Senior Brother Ying Xing is not his opponent at all.

Even his teammates are masters, killing the brothers and sisters without the ability to fight back!

In the end, Senior Brother Ying Xing shouted, "Let's go!" After that, he took a bottle of body strengthening agent and entangled Willens to buy them time to escape.

Tang Yan wanted to run away, but was targeted by the other two, and kept chasing after him. Li Ming was seriously injured in order to protect her, and in the end, she still couldn't escape!

Thinking of this, Tang Yan realized how naive he was in the past, delusional that he would be able to enter the genius battle group steadily at the fourth rank, and even boasted in front of the family.

But now she understands that the graduation trial is a dark area with no laws and no controls, and the only thing that can survive is only one thing—strength!

The strength is not enough, and the end is extremely miserable. Just like now, I can only choose humble suicide!

"Huh? Want to die?" Gary shook his hand, and a dagger appeared in his hand. With a wave of his hand, it shot out like a white beam.

Before the soft sword in Tang Yan's hand could pierce her neck, she was blown away by a strong shock.


Bruns licked his lips and quickly stretched out his big hand towards Tang Yan.

Tang Yan's eyes were full of despair and unwillingness, her tears fell unsatisfactorily, her body trembled uncontrollably, facing the big hand that quickly grabbed her, she couldn't raise any resistance.

The two people in front of them are both at the peak of the fourth-order, and she is only in the early stage. In front of them, she can't even commit suicide, so what else can she resist?

Phew! call!

Suddenly, a sound of breaking through the air roared, and Bruns' expression changed.

There is an enemy attack!

He just wanted to withdraw his hand, but it was too late. An incomparably fast blade swiped past his hand, cutting off his entire arm!

"Damn it!" Gary also reacted instantly, UU reading www. With a big wave of his hand, ten daggers were like white streamers, drawing bloodthirsty arcs, stabbing towards the black shadow that suddenly appeared!

The black shadow held a long knife in his hand and drew a circular arc. All ten daggers were shot down, and not a single one was lost.

Gary and Bruns were both shocked: "Who are you?!"

"I'm here to take your life!"

The black shadow fell on the ground, revealing a familiar face. It was Wang Xu who had just arrived. Wang Xu's face was gloomy, his eyes were cold, and he said with a cold snort.

"Wang Xu!" Tang Yan couldn't believe it, she stared at Wang Xu with wide eyes, the familiar face made her dazed for a while.

Is it a dream? Tang Yan squeezed herself hard.

It's not a dream, it's real!

Tang Yan burst into tears with joy, and plunged her head into Wang Xu's arms, tears streaming down uncontrollably.

At this time, Wang Xu did not have the joy of reunion, and his face was full of icy chills.

Just now, he was hunting insects and beasts, and when he heard the sound coming from here, he didn't want to pay attention, but he just heard Tang Yan's shouting: If you dare to approach me, I will die for you!

Wang Xu was all too familiar with Tang Yan's voice, so he rushed over at the fastest speed.

Wang Xu rejoiced in his heart. If he really turned around and left with an attitude of ignorance at that time, what would happen to Tang Yan?

He didn't dare to think about it, he only understood one thing, the two people in front of him—must die!