Immortal Stars

Chapter 301: Broken inner universe


A huge blood-colored light beam shot up into the sky, interrupting Fen You's voice and awakening the two of them from the conversation.

"I'll talk to you about the rest later, come with me now." Fen You flew to the ground below, Wang Xu put away the holy statue, and followed closely.

Hundreds of thousands of miles deep into the ground, the blood-colored light beam still existed, constantly approaching the two of them, Fen You didn't say a word, and frantically headed deeper into the ground with Wang Xu.

"The beam is getting closer." Wang Xu frowned.

"I can sense that there is a special space below that even I can't penetrate. If I guessed correctly, it should be the eye of this forbidden magic circle." Fen You said.

"Fen You, you used to follow Emperor Qing Pu. Logically speaking, your strength is already very strong, why..."

"Why is my strength not strong?" Fen You laughed, "I'm just a group of fire spirits born from the Ganges River that cannot be extinguished. Although I have the ability to devour all things, I can't cultivate on my own to make myself stronger— Because I'm just a real spirit, without a real body, that's why I use your life body to devour and transform."

Wang Xu nodded. Indeed, the first master that Fen You followed was Emperor Qing Pu. Although he did not know how strong he was, he was definitely not weak in being able to create an existence like Fen You.

If Fen You really possessed some of the strength of Emperor Qingpu, I am afraid that his second master, Holy Venerable Qu Yao, would not die with Saint Venerable Darkness for the sake of Gu Luo Universe.

"Originally, I helped you shape the icon so that I could take the house. Let the icon become my body, but I found that the body of the icon is too limited. It is not suitable for me if I prefer first-class spiritual knowledge." Fen You Shaking his head.

"Of course, there is another important point. The soul of the icon is independent, but it still obeys you. You are closely connected. If I take away the icon, I still have to obey you. Although I am a fire spirit, I yearn for freedom even more. , do not want to be tied to anyone."

Wang Xu had already noticed this. As a fire spirit, Fen You, whether it was Emperor Qing Pu or Holy Venerable Qu Yao, never said the word "master" to them. It can be seen that Fen You's heart is arrogant and unwilling to become anyone's accessory.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

In the blink of an eye, the two of them had already penetrated tens of millions of kilometers underground.

"It's here!" Fen You's figure stopped, and when he clicked his finger, a ray of red and white flame overflowed from his fingertips, and a raging fire ignited in an instant. It burned hundreds of kilometers around it into a vacuum.

"This is..." Wang Xu exclaimed.

The earth and stone were burnt to ashes, revealing a giant door buried in the earth and stone. This giant door was poured from some special material, and it glowed copper-blue. Wang Xu stepped forward and pressed it lightly. Couldn't shake the slightest bit.

It should be noted that the current Wang Xu has the strength of the gods. This pressing force is definitely not weak, but when it falls on this door, there is not even a trace of it left.

"If I'm not mistaken, the casting material for this door is 'rotten blue-and-white stone'. In this small inner universe, the preciousness of corrupted blue-and-white stone is incomparable, and the size of a fingernail can be made comparable to The treasure of the 'Acquired God's Treasure', to be able to search for such a huge amount of rotten blue and white stones, it seems that behind this door, there must be a huge secret hidden."

Fen You had lived for a long time, and there was almost nothing he didn't know.

"Even if I know that there is a huge secret behind this door, it's useless. My double-headed dragon slash can't shake it at all." Wang Xu swung his knife and slammed the giant door, but he couldn't even leave a light mark. .

"Don't waste your efforts. The hardness of the rotten blue-and-white stone can only leave traces with the existence of the gods above Baiji. If such a huge amount of rotten blue-and-white stone is combined to build things, even the gods of Wanji can't do anything about it." Fen You said. .

"Give your icon a try, and use your spiritual sense to open it up."

Wang Xu nodded, and the figure of the icon appeared in the wave.


The powerful spiritual consciousness radiates out, and the life level jumps to the icon of the gods, and the power of the spiritual consciousness also skyrockets.

"It's loose!" The spiritual sense easily grabbed the gap in the door and slowly opened it.

"Fen You, this little gap, as long as I shrink the body of the gods, I should be able to enter it." The body of the gods can be reduced to the size of a cell, and this thread exposed in the crack of the door is completely enough.

"No, it's not enough, you need to fully open this door." Fen You said.

Wang Xu was puzzled, but Fen You's words would never go wrong. The two of them were now bound together for life and death, and Fen You would never joke with him at this juncture.

Immediately, the spiritual consciousness again exerted force, turning into two invisible giant hands, and opened the door little by little.

At the same time, the blood-colored light beams around them are still approaching. I believe that if Wang Xu and the two are still unable to enter this door, they will be swallowed up by the blood-colored light beams, and not even the scum will be left.


This giant door has been opened!

Before Wang Xu was happy, he saw the truth behind this door at a glance, his face changed drastically, and he shouted, "Fen You, let's go!"

I saw that the door was opened, and a sinister blood that was richer and purer than the outside world was roaring. From the wriggling flesh and blood, struggling bodies and heads emerged, their painful howls, tragic screams, soaring to the sky. Sins spread.

Bloody hands stretched out from the flesh and blood. Each of these **** hands was extremely powerful.

"Don't panic." In the face of such a situation, Fen You was as elegant as water, only to see his finger, not a trace of fire, fell on the **** hand...


Suddenly, all the **** hands were ignited, and the devouring ability that did not extinguish the horror engulfed these sins, resentment, blood and flesh.

That wall of flesh and blood sin, under the unextinguished burning, issued a sharp whine, and finally was unwillingly wrapped in flames and completely swallowed.

This wall of flesh and blood is very powerful, and its real strength is at least above Wang Xu. If other people from the **** realm come, I am afraid they will be hit hard by surprise, but the terrifying swallowing ability that does not extinguish the fire will kill it death suppression,

"The index of life... is rising crazily!" Do not put out the fire directly into Wang Xu's belly, and suddenly a vast force of life came, and the life index of the two main statues was skyrocketing.

"If you don't put out the fire and burn up all the sins in the world, it happened to be completely restrained by me, and these flesh and blood have a strong vitality and contain a strong vitality index, which is of great benefit to you." Fen You said.

The wall of flesh and blood has all turned into Wang Xu's life index, revealing a dark and empty area behind the door.

"The road is clear, let's go in!"

The two entered it. In this open area, as soon as they entered, the blood-colored beams outside dissipated, and the life breath that triggered the taboo circle disappeared. Naturally, these blood-colored beams could no longer continue to track.

The light came on, illuminating the surroundings.

This is a vast area, boundless as far as the eye can see, like a small inner world, but there is no sun, no stars, no clouds, only the rich blood that permeates the air.

Wang Xu and Fen You flew in it, and found that the area was very large, except for the increasingly strong **** smell, surrounded by blood, soil and red sand, and there was no change.

"Where is this place?" Wang Xu asked.

"The inner universe in the Fallen Sword Abyss is a incomplete inner universe. It lacks many laws, making the entire universe unable to continue to expand. Its diameter is only half a light-year." Fen You said, "Qu Yao was traveling in the universe back then. , I have been to this Wumeng Holy Universe, and even to the Fallen Sword Abyss, but I have not found such a small inner universe in this Fallen Sword Abyss."

"It stands to reason that this inner universe cannot exist, because there is no breath of life here... Who does this inner universe belong to?"

Fen You couldn't understand either.

Whether it is a mixed universe, a kingdom of gods, or an inner universe, they all belong to the inner world derived from the body of a cosmic warrior. If you want to maintain the existence of the inner world, you must have a living body to nurture it... Even if there is no, at least there must be an inner universe. The most important prokaryotes exist.

The original nucleus of Wumeng Holy Universe has always stayed in the Holy Universe and has never left, but in this small inner universe, there is not even a single life form, and it can be seen that even the original nucleus is long gone.

However, such an inner universe can still exist, which is incredible.

"Huh?" Suddenly, Wang Xu raised his head, "No, there are creatures here, I feel it!"

Fen You looked at Wang Xu curiously. His perception was very powerful, and he didn't even feel it. Even if Wang Xu had endless life, it couldn't be stronger than his perception. How did he find out that there was life?

However, since the existence of the living creature has been discovered, the two naturally speed up and rush in the direction of the living creature.


At the same time, in the alien palace outside.

"Er Xiwei is back, the Umon defector disappeared... Did he fail again?" As soon as Er Xiwei came back, the alien king in the small palace had already noticed it, and could not help but let out a low, inaudible sound. sigh.

He looked at the figure in the ice with tenderness in his eyes, but mixed with deep helplessness.

This is the fourth time he has failed.

Before Wang Xu, the king of alien races used different means to promote the top geniuses among the three alien races, making them shine.

However, the death of these three geniuses, the disappearance of the disappearance, completely evaporated from the world.

Wang Xu is the fourth and the one with the most high hopes for the king of aliens.

He is more powerful than the top three geniuses, and is even a magician.

Therefore, the king of aliens used the most direct promotion method - marrying the princess to him and letting him directly inherit the throne, but he still could not escape the fate of death.

"Even if the strength is stronger than Xiwei, I still can't fight them. Is this my fate? Li Ji, your fate, my fate, and the fate of our daughter, will not escape this disaster in the end..." (Unfinished To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation. Mobile users, please read it.)