Immortal Stars

Chapter 302: Blade Fragment

"You mean, the alien king wants me to deal with his enemies?"

In the broken inner universe, Wang Xu and Fen You were flying. After hearing what Fen You said, Wang Xu was thoughtful.

"The king of the alien race has suffered heavy losses. I can clearly feel that his vitality is weakening a little bit. If I am not wrong, there are already strong aliens who have discovered this and want to take the throne of the alien race." Burning You Road.

"who is it?"

"Do you still need to ask me?" Fen You looked at Wang Xu, Wang Xu rolled his eyes, thought for a moment, and immediately understood.

"It's him! That's right, it must be the **** Irshwina!"

After Fen You's reminder, Wang Xu suddenly realized a lot. The king of aliens was injured and his strength was weakening day by day. At this time, he asked Wang Xu to marry the princess and inherit the throne. Obviously, this was not the original intention of the king of aliens. His real intention was to borrow Wang Xu's hand. to deal with his true enemy.

In the palace, there are only the other three kings who can keep pace with the king of alien races.

But among the three kings, only Erxiwei, the son of the second king, made a move on Wang Xu, who was ambitiously competing for the throne, and the result could not be more obvious.

"Er Xiwei is just an ordinary **** realm, his strength is lower than yours, but he dared to assassinate you who was designated as the successor by the king of aliens. It can be seen that there must be a stronger person behind him." Fen You A burst of blood.

"It's the second king. I have heard some things about the four kings over the years. It is said that the strength of the second king can vaguely be side by side with the king of the alien race. But he lost to the king of the alien race in the battle for the throne, and the entire alien race palace. Only he has such ambition and commensurate strength." Wang Xu said.

The two guessed the ins and outs of the whole thing.

The king of the alien race was severely injured for some reason, and his strength was greatly damaged. The second king took this opportunity to seize the throne. Whether it was the three alien geniuses in front, or Wang Xu, they were all stumbling blocks for the second king. Naturally, all should be removed.

"I see it! It's an abyss!"

The two flew for a long time, and finally saw a huge abyss that was filled with blood and bottomless between heaven and earth.

Stopping on the cliff, Wang Xu and Fen You looked down and released their spiritual consciousness, but they still couldn't see what was under the abyss.

"I can feel it. The creatures are below this abyss." Wang Xu said, he didn't know how he felt it, but it seemed that someone was guiding him.

"Go down." Fen You said, taking a step forward and flying directly under the abyss, Wang Xu was still worried about what danger would be under the abyss. But seeing that Fen You was so decisive, he could only follow him closely.

The wind whistled, the abyss was gloomy and cold, and the thick dark red mist filled the air.

The speed of their descent has slowed down a lot, and they are afraid of the danger that will appear at any time in the abyss.

Through the layers of fog. The two finally reached the bottom of the abyss, and at the same time they saw a magnificent blood-colored altar in front of them.

Wang Xu's eyes were solemn. A strong smell of blood permeated from the blood-colored altar. When the light lit up, it reflected the skeletons stacked like mountains, and the pupils couldn't help but tremble.

"This altar... At least tens of billions of beings have been slaughtered here." Wang Xu finally knew where the soaring sin and blood light came from. The monstrous sin of blood light covered the entire altar and penetrated into every Among the skeletons, they were all dyed blood red, and this blood altar was cast.

"One, two, three, four... Seven altars in total!" One altar wiped out tens of billions of life, and seven altars, that is, hundreds of billions of life were slaughtered here!

And these are just the creatures who died on the altar, and the ones who died in other parts of the island are countless, and they have reached a terrifying level!

What exactly happened here? Why are so many souls buried here?

"There seems to be something on the altar." A ray of light reflected in Wang Xu's eyes, and his spiritual consciousness couldn't spread much here. He flew up, crossed the altar several kilometers high, and landed on the top of the altar.

On the top of the altar is a broken stone disc, which is also made of decayed blue and white stone, but the whole disc cracked and was hit by a terrifying attack.

The disc was inscribed with mysterious words, which Wang Xu couldn't understand, but he could see a half-submerged blood-colored fragment inserted in the center of the disc.

"Shards of a soldier?" Wang Xu was curious, how come there is only one piece of a soldier, if it is a soldier that is broken in general battles, there should be many pieces scattered together.

He walked over gently, leaned down, and reached out to the blood-colored shard.

"Don't touch it!" Fen You's voice suddenly sounded behind Wang Xu, Wang Xu was startled, and quickly retracted his hand.

"What's wrong?" Wang Xu asked.

Fen You frowned, looking at the **** shard, a bad feeling arose in his heart: "This is a shard of the sword body, you are not qualified to pick it up and touch it at will, you will only seek death."

Wang Xu was surprised, this blood-colored shard was so powerful, what was the origin?

"Fen You, do you recognize this **** shard?" Wang Xu asked.

"This island is called Fallen Sword Abyss. This piece of sword body should be scattered from the sword that fell into the abyss after it shattered." Fen You stretched out his hand, "You didn't realize that this piece of Sword God's shard is located. Place, unbiased, right in the center of the disc?"

"This is someone who is using the blood of countless living beings to sacrifice this sword body fragment. Some people want to wake it up, use it to find other sword body fragments, and try to reassemble into that sword."

What? !

Use the blood of tens of billions of living beings to sacrifice a piece of sword body?

Crazy, just crazy!

Wang Xu took a deep breath, what a crazy person did this, use the blood of tens of billions, hundreds of billions of souls, to sacrifice a sword body fragment!

"What kind of fierce sword is it worth sacrificing the lives of so many souls." Wang Xu wondered.

"I don't know either." Fen You shook his head, "Qu Yao didn't pay too much attention to it at the beginning, so he left here, and only occasionally heard about the sword that fell into the abyss, but it didn't say what happened to the sword that fell into the abyss. what is."

"There are seven altars here, representing the seven pieces of the sword body... It seems that someone did it on purpose, but I don't know why it was abandoned later, and the sacrifice was never performed again."

Wang Xu swept over the seven altars, and on each altar was a blood-colored fragment of different sizes and shapes, and some of them had obvious gaps.

"Wang Xu!" Fen You shouted loudly.

"Try it with your spiritual sense, touch them, and enter these blade fragments."

Wang Xu heard it, and didn't ask much. He came to one of the altars, and his spiritual consciousness spread out and infiltrated toward the blood-colored fragments.


For a moment, Wang Xu felt as if his brain was about to explode, causing him to snort and grit his teeth.

"Save me...Save me!!"

"Die! Die all, kill me!"

"Haha...your blood is so sweet, haha..."

"I'm not reconciled, I'm not reconciled!"

Resentment, pain, anger... Countless voices resounded in Wang Xu's mind, blurred faces, twisted voices, tearing at Wang Xu's nerves, making him pale, and the whole person seemed to be in great pain. .

"This is the impact of consciousness, you have to resist these negative emotions and go deeper!" Fen You's voice sounded, Wang Xu's spiritual consciousness resisted the impact of all consciousness and moved forward.

After a while.


All the sounds disappeared, and the pressure suddenly faded.

What appeared in front of Wang Xu was densely packed, innumerable patterns composed of gold, black, white, and three-color lines.

what is this?

Wang Xu's consciousness shuttled through the veins, and these criss-crossing, messy veins made him puzzled.

"Remember the positions of these lines, as well as all their directions, to build the pattern, you only have ten minutes!" Fen You's voice came again.

Immediately, Wang Xu didn't care so much, and according to Fen You's hints, the location, construction pattern, and even the thickness of these patterns were all imprinted in his memory exactly.

This kind of rote memorization does not require much skill, and it only took eight minutes for Wang Xu to memorize all the lines.

It seemed that he remembered a lot, and had some insight into this pattern, Wang Xu stayed for two more minutes.

"Come out!" Fen You's urgent voice sounded, and Wang Xu exited. When he was about to leave, a surging spiritual consciousness slammed down. Almost instantly, half of Wang Xu's spiritual consciousness was crushed. Pressed into powder!

what happened? !

Fortunately, the other half of Wang Xu's spiritual sense escaped this catastrophe and took it back directly.

"Ten minutes is the time you can exist in the sword body fragments. Once it exceeds ten minutes, the spiritual consciousness contained in the sword body fragments will find you, and then grind you into powder!" Fen You looked unhappy. Said, he had warned Wang Xu, but Wang Xu did not take this as a thing.

Wang Xu was shocked, it seemed that he was too I almost forgot that these sword body fragments were sacrificed by the blood of tens of billions of living beings, the strength of spiritual consciousness can definitely kill instantly he!

"Now, use your spiritual sense to simulate those lines according to the positions of the lines you just recorded." Fen You continued.

Wang Xu did not suspect him, and when his spiritual consciousness moved, he immediately began to construct the lines in his memory.

"Isn't this the sword body fragment?" Simulated molding, Wang Xu was surprised to find that after the lines were constructed, it was exactly the same as the sword body fragment in front of him!

His mind moved, and the fragments of spiritual consciousness swept across the disc. Although there was still no trace left, Wang Xu could clearly feel that the power of this soldier of spiritual consciousness was almost the same as that of the double-headed dragon slash. !

"I found it, this is the 'spiritual mark', every treasure has a core spiritual mark, you are the 'universal spirit god', spiritual consciousness is your only weapon, if you want this weapon to become stronger, You have to copy the spirit pattern brand at the core of the treasure, so that the power of the simulated soldiers of spirit consciousness will be very powerful!" Fen You said. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please read it.)