Immortal Young Man on Campus

Chapter 1188: captivity

"Ice Prison." Yu Mo's heart was awe-inspiring, remembering the name, it seemed to be a dangerous place.

"Take me to the ice prison immediately." Yu Mo urged.

"Yes!" Yuan Hong answered honestly.

As he walked forward, Yu Mo asked again, "What is your purpose, what conspiracy and tricks do you have in inviting the people from all over the world to come here from Lingshan?"

Yuan Hong answered truthfully: "Qingcheng is trying to compete for the position of the mountain master, and the mountain master pushes the boat along the river, and decides to see who supports her in doing so, and whether there are other foreign aids besides the people in Lingshan, so I invite heroes from all over the world."

Yu Mo's heart was stunned, the mountain master wanted to wipe out the people behind Qingcheng.

Isn't there Yu Mo behind Qingcheng?

It seems that she did not confess to Yu Mo, otherwise, why would Lingshan not invite Yu Mo, the mastermind behind the scenes.

"Apart from that, what other plans does Lingshan have?" Yu Mo asked.

"Everything is a plan made by the mountain owner. I am only responsible for the implementation, and I don't know the whole plan."

Yuan Hong's answer disappointed Yu Mo.

The mountain master was very cunning, and he did not reveal his plans and details to his subordinates.

"Where's Liang Jingze? Where did he go?" Yu Mo asked again. At the beginning, Liang Jingze swore that he would succeed, but now it has become this situation.

He was to blame.

Yuan Hong looked suspicious, shook his head and said, "I don't know this person."

"You don't know Liang Jingze?"

Yu Mo was taken aback, Yuan Hong, as the mountain master's apprentice, didn't know Liang Jingze, which was very strange.

He stared at Yuan Hong scorchingly, Yuan Hong was immersed in the effect of the True Heart Mantra, and there was nothing abnormal, so it was impossible to hide anything from Yu Mo.

"I have never heard of this person." Yuan Hong denied again.

"Yuan Hong doesn't know much. We can only find out when he sees Qingcheng." Yu Mo was helpless and decided not to ask further.

Because they have come to the ice prison.

The ice cell was heavily guarded, and several Lingshan disciples stood at the gate as if they were on guard, and an iron gate was firmly embedded in the crevice of the rock.

"Fortunately, Yuan Hong led the way, otherwise, it would certainly not be easy for me to pass through this iron gate without a sound." Yu Mo secretly rejoiced, whispering in Yuan Hong's ear and giving the order.

Yuan Hong, like a marionette, shouted, "Open the door!"

"Senior Brother Yuan." The guards saluted Yuan Hong one after another, with worried expressions on their faces, and said, "Senior Brother Yuan, she just escaped and was arrested again. The mountain master ordered that no one be allowed to visit."

Yuan Hong said indifferently: "I just came back from the mountain master. I'm not worried about the situation here. I want to go down to the ice prison to have a look. Just take a look and leave."

The guards looked at each other in dismay, and finally compromised, saying, "Then you go quickly."


The big iron gate opened slowly, Yuan Hong swaggered in, Yu Mo followed him like a shadow, and naturally followed.

Behind the iron gate is a world of ice and snow. The four walls are covered with ice, forming a corridor leading to the depths of the mountain.

The temperature dropped a little bit, the temperature of Lingshan was already very low, and the temperature of the ice cell was even lower, as if the craftsman had to freeze it directly into a popsicle.

Both Yu Mo and Yuan Hong were equipped with martial arts, but they also felt the cold entering their bodies, and they seemed to freeze their blood.

Finally, when the passage came to an end, Yu Mo felt that he had penetrated into the hinterland of Lingshan Mountain, because this place was extremely unsuitable for human survival.

The ice prison is really powerful, even a warrior will become a waste after staying here for a long time.

Several cages gradually came into view, and two of them had people in them, but they looked very strange.

They were covered in white frost, unable to move, like wooden men, standing there dumbfounded.

But the eyeballs can move, the first is to turn the eyeballs slowly, looking around, and finally, it is fixed on Yuan Hong.

There seems to be a chill in his eyes, and just by looking at it, you can feel the monstrous anger and cold killing intent.


Yu Mo recognized at a glance that one of the two imprisoned was Qingcheng.

"How did she become like this?"

Yu Mo was suspicious, looked around, and finally saw a clue that the temperature in the cage was lower than outside.

She was tortured by low temperature to become like this.

As for the other person in the cage, his appearance was even more miserable than Qingcheng. He had already turned into a big ice block, and the thick ice covered his whole body, and even his facial features could not be seen clearly.

This is because Qingcheng escaped and was caught back, but there is a layer of frost on the surface of her body. Although she can't move, she can still speak.

"Yuan Hong, you lackey, you still have the face!" Qingcheng gritted his teeth and roared angrily.

Yuan Hong didn't say a word, as if he didn't hear anything.

This was far beyond Qingcheng's expectations. He looked at him incredulously, but didn't see any clues. He asked, "Yuan Hong, are you dumb?"

Yuan Hong glanced at Qingcheng calmly, turned around and left, as if he didn't want to pay attention to her at all.

Qingcheng was incredulous and screamed: "Yuan Hong, you come back to me, I will do the work alone, this matter has nothing to do with my master, you have wronged her, you should let her go!"

Yu Mo looked at the other person in surprise. It turned out that she was a Qingyou scattered person, but now she has become a big popsicle, but she can't recognize it.

The mountain master even put Qingyou Sanren into the ice prison.

Qingcheng should not lie. She did not conspire with Qingyou Sanren. With Qingyou Sanren's loyalty to Lingshan, Qingcheng would not take this risk.

But the mountain master still angered her.

Qingcheng was unable to protect himself, and he did not forget to save his master.

Qingcheng roared a few times, and the voice echoed in the ice prison, but there was no way to get it out.

Qingcheng closed his mouth in despair.

Yu Mo didn't show up, and didn't appear in a hurry, but looked around, checked the ice cell carefully, and was relieved after confirming that there was no one in this place.


He called out in a low voice, but it sounded like thunder on the ground in Qingcheng. Qingcheng rolled his eyes, as if he wanted to find Yu Mo, and also wanted to confirm whether he heard it wrong.

Someone called his name, could it be an illusion?

However, the call sounded again, this time it seemed to be calling in her ear, very clear.

Qingcheng finally came to her senses, this was not an illusion, someone was really calling her, and the voice seemed to be Yu Mo.

She was startled.

"Yu Mo came to Lingshan, and he came to the ice prison? Why didn't he even see a ghost." Qingcheng muttered to himself, his eyes full of doubts.

"I'm right next to you, don't worry, I will find a way to save you out." Yu Mo was born again, which made Qingcheng believe it.

Yu Mo really came to save her.

She was very excited and said, "How did you come to Lingshan? Isn't this a self-inflicted trap? The mountain owner has been looking for the backing behind me, and I have always avoided talking about it. Now you are completely exposed, what will you do?"

Yu Mo laughed dumbly and said, "I have my own way. I will rescue you first, and then we will dismantle the mountain master's conspiracy."

Qingcheng's eyes fluctuated violently, and he became excited. He said, "The Mountain Master's plan is very vicious and grand. All the people in the world will be wiped out in one go, and he must not be allowed to succeed."


Yu Mo was taken aback, the mountain owner was not just to deal with the backers behind Qingcheng, but to target everyone along the way.