
v4 Chapter 148: Flooded Sky Fire City

Chapter 148 Flooded Sky Fire City

In the distance, on the top of the mountain, Zhongshan saw a figure of Chinese robes appearing on the Dongcheng Tower, and comparing the collected information, he knew that it was the master of the Skyfire City.

With a slight smile, Zhong Shan waved.

"Stop ~~"

Shouted without trace of water.

"咚 ~~~"

The drum army knocked the final trembling drum.

"Tianhuo Lord ~~~" Zhong Shan cried with a smile.

"Zhongshan, why did you choose me Skyfire City?" Shouted the Lord of Skyfire.

"There is an order in the holy kingdom, and the emperor Daewoo committed the crime, and the sin cannot be forgiven. Tianwei was furious, and the soldiers of the dynasty moved south, passing the city, there were surrenders, no past blame. "The master of the city of fire, quickly opened the gate, everything in the past, no blame." Zhongshan sighed.

"Ha ha ha ha, everything in the past, never blame it? What crime do I have? On the contrary, you Zhongshan, invaded my country of Daewoo, and attacked me Tianhuo City. From today, I coexist and die with the people of Tianhuo city." The righteousness of Tianhuo city's main righteousness insisted .

"Joke ~~! Skyfire City will be my Daluo dynasty's city right away. Skyfire city dwellers will also be Daluo city dwellers. We won't hurt our city dwellers. How can we coexist and die?" Zhongshan shouted.

"Huangkou children, Tianhuo City and Tianxian City, only half a million troops are like ruined cities? You daydream!" Tianhuo City's owner was anxious by Zhong Shan.

"The audience on the tower will listen, now is the time for you to make achievements. Take down the Lord of the Skyfire, reward a million spirit stones, and rise to the third rank. Those who open the gates, appreciate the millions of spirit stones, rise to the third rank." Zhong Shanda cried.

Looking at Zhongshan in the distance, the owner of Tianhuo City was angry and angry. The heart of Zhongshan was so wild that he failed to buy me, so he bought up his soldiers around him?

However, the generals were elite, with only a few slight heartbeats, but most of them were indifferent.

"Ha ha ha, Zhong Shan, you have made such a poor plan?" Skyfire City laughed.

However, Zhong Shan was not angry. All this was expected. Looking at Tian Huo City in the distance, Zhong Shan smiled slightly.

"Zhou Shou will listen. Before Skyfire City broke, what I said just now has been valid!" Zhong Shan yelled again.

"Break? Look at it!" Said the owner of Skyfire proudly. This Zhongshan is too arrogant.

"Play the drums!" Zhong Shan waved.

"咚 ~~ 咚咚 ~~ 咚 ~~ 咚咚 ~~~”

The battle was tumultuous, and the sky shook again.

"City master, they really want to attack the city?" Asked a general frowning.

The city owner is frowning at the moment too, can't see through, really can't see through!

"Got it!" The city owner frowned.

"Yes!" Said the general.

"Zhongshan, how did you attack the city like this?"

Looking at the sky, Zhong Shan said, "It's going to rain!"

"Rain?" Nianyou looked up, rain? Where is the rain? Cloudless, how could it be raining?

"Wow ~~ wow ~~ wow ~~ wow ~~~"

Behind the crowd, the sound of a huge flood suddenly came. The armies turned their heads and didn't look at it. At a glance, everyone widened.

Tsunami? The monstrous tsunami?

How could there be a tsunami in this place? That big wave, why is there such a high wave?

Behind here are mountains and rivers, infinite mountains and mountains, how can there be a tsunami? Are we looking at the glare?

The troops rubbed their eyes in disbelief, but it was indeed a tsunami. It was really a tsunami.

This continent is sinking? Why is there so much seawater?

The tsunami was overwhelmingly heavy, and came madly towards Zhongshan from a distance, getting faster and faster. One after another infinity, so much water, so high waves!

"Ang ~~~"

On top of the waves, a huge golden dragon head suddenly burst out, and a huge sound of dragon chanting said the dragon was extremely excited.

Standing on the dragon's head was a 17-year-old woman, barefoot on the dragon's head, clutching the dragon's horns with both hands, a look of excitement.

"Ang ~~~"

"Ang ~~~"

"Ang ~~~"


There were a lot of dragon groaning sounds in the big waves, the sound was shocking, the sound was shocking.

Long? Howling Dragons? Water from the East China Sea?

On the East Tower.

"What's that?" The Master of Skyfire suddenly exclaimed.

"Water, a lot of water, and dragons, city owners, and dragons," said a general.

"Fast, from the other gates, transfer half of the troops. Come fast." Skyfire City Master said immediately.

"Yes!" The general turned around and flew away.

"Boom ~~"

The big waves came too fast, and the huge waves drowned all around Zhongshan's foot. Below the mountain peaks, there is a billowing water. The dragons were making waves and rushing towards Tianhuo City, the momentum was too great.

The huge tsunami is like breaking bamboo, everything is submerged, everything is washed away, this is the ability of the Dragons.

As long as there is water, they can make waves.

Especially by the sea?

Twelve cities of Linhai, if you change places, Zhongshan has not yet grasped it that way, but how much water is there on the East China Sea?

The dragons danced wildly and the raging waves soared into the sky.

For the first one, Zhongshan didn't want to spend too much time. What Zhongshan wanted was fast, strong, powerful, and mighty.

Zhongshan will use this first city to deter the remaining eleven cities and let them know that the so-called natural dangers just didn't find any flaws. Once the flaws were found out, the twelve cities of Linhai will be weak, and waved everything. Ashes fly out.

Skyfire? Today I am coming to the flooded sky city!

The dragons danced wildly, and a large amount of seawater rushed towards the city.

"How could this be? Why are there so many dragons?" Skyfire City Master said in panic.

The original calmness has long since disappeared.

Long? What? Xiaolong? Xiaolong? Why so many? Did the Dragon Palace and Da Luo Tianchao collude?

"City Lord, what should I do?" A general worried.

"Anyway, Tianhuo City, Tianxian City, there are more dragons, so they resisted." The master of the city calmly said.

"So much water?" The general worried.

"Tianhuo City has a height of 1,200 meters, and that little water will trap us for a few days at most, and we will be there for a few days," the main leader of Tianhuo City comforted immediately.

"Yes!" The generals answered immediately.

In the distance, above the peak where Zhongshan is.

Haolimei looked at Zhongshan with a stern face, very unfriendly. Others have long been told not to talk to later little girls.

"Zhongshan, what else should we do?" Haolimei looked at Zhongshan Road unfriendlyly.

"First of all, thank you for the beautiful beautiful girl Hao. Secondly, the other side is still connected to the East China Sea, isn't it?" Zhongshan laughed.

"Yeah! Why have I cursed you for three months and you're all right?" Hao Meimei was very upset.

Spell for three months? There was a trace of cold sweat on Zhong Shan's forehead. Fortunately, she didn't have any bad thoughts about her, otherwise she would die.

"This, I have been cursed from childhood to big, immune." Zhongshan Zhangkou said blindly.

Everyone had a black line.

"Master, he bullied me, you poisoned him and killed him." Hao Meili immediately said to the West drug emperor.

The West Drug Emperor was speechless, everyone was speechless, and Zhongshan was speechless.

"Poison me, things can't be obtained. Now, let's attack the city first, and let the dragons raise the water level in that city and flood the sky fire city." Zhong Shan immediately broke the topic.

"Huh!" Hao Mei looked angry.

"Xiao Jin, let them drown, flood the city." Hao Mei cried to Jin Long not far away.

"Ang ~~~"

Jinlong shouted.

"Ang ~~~"

"Ang ~~~"

The dragons echoed for a while.

The big wave finally hit the sky fire city.

Under the combined force of the dragons, waves of water went up the wall. The tsunami was more than one round in a round, and in just a few minutes, the sea in all directions was in front of the Dongcheng Gate, and it was rising wildly.

"Shoot, shoot, shoot ~~~" shouted the Master of the City of Fire.

A series of broken arrows blasted towards the dragons, but the dragons under the city are the most powerful group of dragons. It is not difficult to avoid the broken arrows, but they did not hide because the dragons are more important. One point is the physical abnormality. One broken arrow does not shoot through the dragon scales. In addition, in the water, the broken arrow is subject to resistance, its strength is reduced, and it is refracted, so it is easy to miss.

Zhonglong Yiran was not afraid of the attack of the broken arrow.

In the water, it is the world of dragons. The dragons are tossing, the waves are soaring, and they are constantly forced upward.

Some of the strongest dragons even rolled up a lot of seawater and soared into the sky, forming a black cloud of continuous black clouds. One end of the black cloud was connected to the seawater below, but the other side reached the sky and reached Wushuang City.

A slanting dark cloud.

Dark clouds covered the wind.

"Boom ~~~"

After a super thunder, the rain came. Under the dance of the strong dragon, a large amount of seawater turned into rain and cascaded down. The strong dragon tossed in the sky. The strong dragon did not dare to rush into the city because there was a large array of sky. It will stop.

The seawater is still rising at the gate of Dongcheng, and the city has started to pour heavy rain.

The west of the city is still sunny, the east of the city is overcast, and the water is flowing straight down. The most important point is that Zhongshan chose Tianhuo City, which is high in the east and low in the east. After the endless sea water floods the east of the city, it will rush towards the west of the city even more like a bamboo.

Water, a large amount of water, a steady stream of water from the East China Sea is still being drawn in orderly by the dragons from the East China Sea.