
v7 Chapter 76: Resurrecting ancient magical powers?

Chapter 76: Resurrection of Ancient Supernatural Powers?

Is Zi Xun here? Zhong Shan frowned slightly, suddenly thinking of what Zi Xun said last time when he was leaving.

"Nu Qinghui wants to deal with you, don't die in her hands!"

At that time, did Zi Xun suggest that it was the blue light? Zi Xun already knew? Nu Qinghui was very shy and refused to say it. Perhaps from the mouth of Zi Xun, she could know what blue light was.

Turning his head to look at Nu Qinghui, sure enough, when he heard Zi Xun's arrival, Nu Qinghui frowned, bit his lip, and a panic flashed in her eyes.

Soon after, Zhongshan saw the Changsheng Hall outside, and suddenly a large array shrouded in and out, Zixun should come in.

Zhongshan didn't ask anyone to help check the blue light into the body. He didn't find Emperor Xuanzang, Mud Bodhisattva, Wang Skull, Nangong Sheng, etc. They are not absolutely impossible to find out. How can the body be searched casually? It is not a question of identity, but a question of the secrets of the emperor, as well as a question of the mind. Therefore, any problem with Zhongshan's body can only be solved by himself.

At the entrance of the Longevity Hall, Zi Xun stepped into the hall.

The moment she stepped into the hall, Zi Xun saw Nu Qinghui, the two women faced each other, and Zi Xun frowned. Angrily glanced at Nu Qinghui.

But Nu Qinghui looked like she was bowing her head in shame, but a little bit of shame just now was quickly replaced by a firmness, and she faced Zi Xun again.

"Did you really do that?" Zi Xun glared angrily.

Zhong Shan frowned, standing on the side without speaking, but looking at Nu Qinghui.


"Don't call me Xuner, my mother is dead, you have nothing to do with me!" Zi Xun exclaimed angrily. His face turned red.

Obviously Zi Xun is very impatient now, never before.

Nu Qinghui's eyes were resentful, which made people feel pity. Unfortunately, neither of the two in the hall was softened by her expression.

Nu Qinghui bit her lip, as if the bite was bleeding, her resentful eyes became extremely complicated, and then she suddenly shot a ray of madness.

"You should know what I'm doing. Don't you want him to live?" Nu Qinghui stubbornly called.

"The ancient magical power is dead. He is really dead. He is extinct. How could he survive?" Zi Xunqi exasperated.

Ancient magical power? Zhongshan's pupils shrink, reviving ancient magical powers? Zhongshan suddenly realized that the blue light was terrible.

"It will survive, as long as there is a trace of his thoughts, he will be able to recover!" Nu Qinghui shook his head.

"Remnant? You also know it is remnant. The ancient supernatural powers are gone, and what is the use of remnants. Even if you recreate an ancient supernatural power with remnants, is that still an ancient supernatural power?" Zi Xun said coldly.

"I don't care, I just want him to live!" Nu Qinghui suddenly shouted, her voice shouted, and her original timidity suddenly turned into a resentment.

After shouting, Nu Qinghui's eyes became red. A helplessness and stubbornness burst into his eyes.

"Crazy, you're crazy!" Zi Xuan angry.

At this time, Zhong Shan suddenly looked at Nu Qinghui and said, "What broke into me was the remnant of ancient magical power?"

Nu Qinghui suddenly looked at Zhongshan, her eyes changed a little, and a little crazy said: "Haha, yes, it is his remnant, you cannot find, you can't beat him, even if he only has one remnant, It ’s not something you can resist, you grow, he grows, and when you reach the extremes of heaven, he can grow to devour your God, devour your thoughts, and devour everything! At that time, you will become ancient Magical power, you are ancient magical power, ha ha ha ha! "

There was a bleakness in Nu Qinghui's laughter. If you also knew that the ancient magical power was dead, the new ancient magical power is certainly not the real ancient magical power, but the stubbornness in her heart kept her persuading herself. Ancient magic!

"You crazy woman!" Zi Xun shouted.

The purple smoked eyes turned red and became extremely heartbroken, and the eyes seemed to burst into tears at any time.

"Crazy? Am I crazy? Or the whole world is crazy? Ha ha!" Nu Qinghui's face showed a bleak smile.

"Why did you choose him? Shouldn't it be Gu Zhengyi, why did you suddenly choose Zhongshan? Why?" Zi Xun said anxiously.

"Gu Zhengyi? Gu Zhengyi?" Nu Qinghui frowned.

"Why? You say!" Zi Xun cried incomprehensible.

Shaking his head, Nu Qinghui smiled lightly: "Gu Zhengyi? It was originally that Gu Zhengyi, he is so like ancient magical power, so much like the imitation of ancient magical power, but unfortunately, I found that Zhongshan is more like Ancient magical power, this kind of image is not blood, looks, habits, and mentality, but a kind of inexplicable meaning in the bones, a kind of 'meaning', yes, it is 'meaning', they are the most similar, Only the ancient magical power he resurrected is the real ancient magical power! It's too much! "

"That's not ancient magic!" Zi Xun called anxiously.

Zhongshan kept listening silently, with a sullen gas in his heart, staring at Nu Qinghui coldly.

"He is the ancient magical power!" Nu Qing Hui hysterically called. At this moment, Nu Qinghui has to persuade herself that the person in front of her will be the ancient magical power, and he will be the ancient magical power.

"Enough!" Zhongshan roared.

The two women looked at Zhong Shan. Zhong Shan's eyes were angry, staring at Nu Qinghui and taking a deep breath. Zhong Shan pressed her anger and looked at Zi Xun.

"Is there any way to take out the ancient supernatural power?" Zhong Shan asked.

Zi Xun bit her lip and looked at Zhong Shan, and her heart became a mess. She turned her head and stared hard at Nu Qinghui.

"You take out the ancient magical thoughts, take them out!" Zi Xun's eyes were red and angrily, she cried.

"It is impossible, no one is possible, and no one can take it out. Even the immortals do n’t think about it. Ancient magical powers have taken root in Zhongshan. No one can take them. You know the power of ancient magical powers. He forced it out? Hahaha, impossible, impossible! "Nu Qinghui cried a little.

Nu Qinghui's whole person was hurt by emotion, and her mood became extremely unstable.

"You, you mad woman, mad woman, lunatic!" Zi Xun also called, her emotions became extremely unstable.

The two women are fighting for the beloved man. They are all fighting for the word 'love'. They were originally high above, looking down at the fairy-like characters of the world. At this moment, they are tired of love and become rivals.

"Zixun, don't think about it, it's impossible, there can be no more variables, unless the ancient magical power voluntarily annihilates, do you think it is possible? Have you met with Zhongshan only a few times? You can find another one, the world There are a lot of men, you don't need ... ………………! ”Nu Qinghui's mood changed soothingly, Zi Xun was soothed.

"You won't find it yourself?" Roared Zi Xun hysterically, his eyes became red, and a mist of water was hazy in his eyes.

"It's too late to say anything!" Nu Qinghui shouted.

"I hate you, I hate you!" Zi Xun growled again in hysterics.

After shouting, Zi Xun turned around and ran out of the hall, two drops of crystal tears dropped from the air.

Nu Qinghui's hand grabbed Zi Xun's tears falling from the air, frozen into ice beads, and held it in her hand. Looking at the back of Zi Xun's departure, Nu Qinghui's eyes flashed a deep loss. An expression of anticipation for Zi Xun's forgiveness flashed on his face.

At this moment, Zhong Shan was sitting on a dragon chair, eyes closed, his brows locked, two thumbs *** ing his temples. Voluntary annihilation of ancient magical powers? is it possible? Gu Shentong is so much like himself. Will he give up the opportunity with the hope of a lifetime? Impossible, absolutely impossible, even if the ancient magical power becomes a fool, it is impossible.

Nu Qinghui was deeply lost, carefully put away two tears of purple smoke, looked up stubbornly to Zhongshan.

"You have got what you want to know, enjoy the last time!" Nu Qinghui said lightly.

Zhong Shan opened his eyes, and a cold light shot in his eyes.

Seeing the cold light in Zhong Shan's eyes, somehow, Nu Qinghui's eyes panicked and forced to calm down: "You can't defeat the ancient magical power, it must be impossible, and no one can defeat him!"

"Really, how do you know that I am not good enough against the ancient magical power? It is still unknown who the deer is!" There was a sigh of gas in Zhong Shan's eyes.

"What do you want to do with me? Kill me?" Nu Qinghui laughed suddenly.

At this moment, if Nu Qinghui puts life and death aside, as long as ancient magical power can live, why not die?

Looking at Nu Qinghui, Zhong Shan raised his eyelids, looked up at the outside, and pointed to the outside with a finger. A blue light shot out suddenly, and the large hall outside the hall was suddenly withdrawn.

"Liu Wushuang!" Zhongshan cried.

"Officials!" Liu Wushuang rushed into the hall quickly.

"Put Nu Qinghui into the prison, and one of the prison cells in the sky, no one shall visit the prison, and the guard shall not approach the Baizhang!" Zhong Shan said in a voice.

Liu Wushuang looked at Nu Qinghui strangely. Nu Qinghui had picked up the scarf at this moment and put it on her face again.

"Yes!" Liu Wushuang answered immediately.

Everything is weird. Liu Wushuang does not know what happened, but this is a private matter of the emperor. Liu Wushuang did not dare to ask too much.

Nu Qinghui also seemed to cooperate very much, and as Liu Wushuang left, he was put into the prison.

Sitting on a dragon chair, Zhong Shan closed his eyes for a while, and then slowly got up to adjust his mood. Zhong Shan walked out of the Changsheng Hall and walked towards the harem Bao'er's palace. The three women are still waiting there.

"I just saw Zi Xun crying and flew away. What's wrong? Also, how did you get Nu Qinghui into the prison?" Bao'er asked worriedly.

"Yes, have you bullied Zi Xun?" Tian Linger asked.

But sad blue silk shows a smile, compared to other people's emotions, as long as Zhongshan is fine.

"Nothing, something happened. Don't you want to check if I was injured? Let's go and go to the palace to check!" Zhong Shan said with a smile.

Zhong Shan didn't want to worry the three women about it, so no one disclosed it.

"Hmm!" The three girls heard Zhongshan and agreed to embrace Zhongshan into the temple.

Hidden under the surface, Zhongshan flashed a little firmness in his heart: "Ancient magical power? Then we can compare it to see who is stronger!"