
v9 Chapter 140: Stormy

Chapter 140

On the second day, the DPRK will!

The report of defeat as usual still came, two officials were still missing as usual, and the troubles were still going on as usual, but the ministers all found that the three members of the Purple King, the Prime Minister, and the General were suddenly different.

The ministers couldn't understand the difference, but they all felt that the eyes of the three were sharper, as if they were more firm to Dasao.

Maybe it's just the feeling, but this feeling can infect all people, and change the original tragedy of the ministers into a firm meaning.

After the dynasty meeting, the king of purple magpies invited the prime minister and the general together for a banquet. In the past, Lin Xiao always ran between the embargoes. There would be no idle time, and he would hardly go to the banquet. Promise without hesitation. In the past, water mirrors were also busy with official duties. Generally, they would not go to the water without a banquet, mainly because they felt guilty in their hearts, but at this moment, they also agreed without hesitation.

The banquet of the big three giants showed a kind of momentum with the enemy and gave all the ministers more confidence.

The Ministry of Defense Shang Shulang really, and a group of people with a strange look at this scene slightly.

"Sir?" A soldier of the Ministry looked at Lang Zhen.

"Not right, not right!" Lang Zhen frowned.

Of the officials who can stand in the Palace of Eternal Life, which is a simple role? Regardless of the nature of the mind, Lang Zhen was able to force Lin Xiao upset and irritable, as can be seen.

Lang Zhen sniffed something wrong and passed the news that day.

Ling Xiao Tian Ting, a town not far from the south.

A manor in the town, a large number of strong guarded it. In the central hall, a group of people stood on both sides, and in the center, a man in a purple robe was looking at a huge map projection.

The area of ​​the projection is not elsewhere, it is Lingxiao Heavenly Court. All the buildings in the Ling Xiao Tian Ting were revealed in great detail. There were only a few places, which were blurred, because those places had always been the restricted area of ​​the Great Wall.

Such a detailed map can only be seen by Dasao ’s dignitaries. Obviously, there is a spy inside Dasao.

The man in the purple robe had a slightly yellow face and some wrinkles on his forehead, but his eyes were extremely sharp. After reading the map, the man in the purple robe exhaled a long breath.

"The Lingxiao Heavenly Court is really a killer everywhere. Never seen such a meticulous construction of the capital, even a series of houses are cascaded together, a great master of matrix formation!" The man in Zipao sighed.

The man in Zipao was utterly amazed, and suddenly his eyes brightened: "I decided, after this battle, I don't want any rewards, this is the sky heaven! It's perfect!"

"Master Wang, this Lingxiao Heavenly Court is really so good? If you like it, you can find someone to build from it!" One of the Tsing Yi men in the two columns came forward and said.

"You don't understand! Ling Xiao Tian Ting is unique and can't be created. Its complexity is not more than that of the ancient fairy." The man in the purple robe shook his head.

"Eh!" The people in Tsing Yi were slightly different.

"Even if this is the case, the grandfather of the battle does not need Wang Ye to take the horse himself. My Taiji Holy Tribe can countless people. The grandfather is dying and struggling, and it can be destroyed in no time. How can the grandfather of King Yi drive?" Tsing Yi said again.

Lord Zipa glanced at the Tsing Yi people and shook his head, "Do you know the current situation?"


"The entire Fengtzu Territory has been shuffled. The Three Avenues, the Four Holy Courts, the Snake Queen Dojo have been destroyed, and the Lantern Buddha has been in bad luck over the years. There is only one Zixiao dojo remaining, Taiyi Shengting, annihilation! Da'ao Shengting, soon dying, Taiying Shengting, and now there is constant civil strife and wars are furious, and only my Taiji Shengting is still stable! "

"The shrine in Kazuka is shuffled. The King is rushing for time. Once Qingqiu has stabilized, it will be difficult for us to seize Daozhang, and Daozhang is my battleground, because Daozhang can be used as a springboard for the beginning of the battle. As long as you get this springboard, you can choke on the throat of the court in the early days. "Lord Zipa affirmed with a look of certainty.

"Holy King wants to plan the whole territory of the wind mound?" Tsing Yi eyes brightened.

But is n’t it, after getting the Dalai Lama, no matter what the internal disturbances are, the Taichung court will certainly have great vitality. It is not difficult to destroy Taichung with the strong Taiji court. However, once Taichuk is destroyed, there is no luck in the entire Fengzuo territory. When the dynasty is facing, can Taiji rule the territory of the wind mound?

"However, this aunt is not easy!" Prince Zipa frowned.

"A group of heavens!" Tsing Yi people were not convinced.

"A group of celestial beings? Without luck, without Zhongshan, Dasao can still persist for five years! Can you do it, can you?" Prince Zipa glared in the eyes.

"This!" Tsing Yi artificially.

"Daxiong Sanxiong, you can't keep up. Such talents are just trapped in Daxiong. As long as they can enter Taiji, they will be the public officials on the day!" Said Prince Zipao.

Everyone drew a breath, these three were so strong?

"That's why Lord Wang deliberately stopped the expedition and showed them well?" The Tsing Yi sighed.

"Yes, Ma'am is going to win, these three are even more important! I have given enough sincerity that they can't escape!" Lord Zipa said to himself.


A detective rushed in suddenly.

"what's up?"

"An urgent report came from Ling Xiaotianting, please see Wang Ye!" The sentry said immediately.

Lord Zipa grabbed Jade Jane and read it carefully, but after reading for a while, Lord Zipa's face changed.

"Master, what's wrong?"

"It's not right, what's wrong, why is this?" Lord Zipa frowned.

"Master, did something happen?" Tsing Yi asked again.

"A major event has taken place, and the minds of the three have changed greatly. Why is this happening? I have played this game for a long time. It is simply an undefeated game. Which link is wrong? Who is so capable and able to break this game, and will All people's minds have changed? "Prince Zipa wondered.

Jade Jane handed it to everyone, but everyone still couldn't see anything.

banquet? What's the big three big party for? it's common!

Lord Zipa did not listen to the crowd, but walked back and forth in the hall, constantly thinking about it.

"It actually broke my plan. Who is it? No, it won't work. How could the three of them be firm? Zhong Shan is dead. The most unlikely thing for them to be firm is their faith in Zhong Shan. No reason! "

"Three people gather together, it is no longer good to differentiate them, and it is difficult to conquer!"

"Is there a master? Auntie still has such a master. Is this a demon?"

The word Chuan formed by frowning of the Lord Purple Robe. Everyone has never seen Lord Ye so dignified. In everyone ’s mind, Lord Ye made a plan, and no one could compare to the Tai Chi court except the King. What happened to him?

For an entire hour, Lord Zipa settled down, sat in a chair, *** *** the temple, and looked at the crowd: "It seems that my plan is completely shattered, it seems that I can only use strong!"

"Master Wang is finally ready to forcibly attack the Sky Heaven?"

"It's not an offense, it's forbidden!" Lord Zipa closed his eyes with a narrow eye.


"The Lingxiao heaven can't be broken. Once broken, the dynasty must be scattered sand. The dynasties vie for it. I have limited Taiji's victory. What I want is dynasty's most territory.

"What do you do then?"

Lord Zipa looked faintly at the group of people in front of him. This group of people was far worse than the Big Three. But they still told them, lest they fail to understand what they meant when they executed.

"Dazhong Zhongshan is indeed an eternal stranger. He once had a classic battle in the underworld of the Xiaoqian world. Through that battle, the foundation was laid without loss in one fell swoop, and it was something I would do immediately!"


"Stop the emperor to order the princes!"

"Stop the emperor to order the princes?"

"We are‘ forbidden Lingxiao heaven, so that the world ’s grandmother! '”


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A few days later, Ling Xiao Tian Ting! Before the meeting.

The book of the Ministry of Defense, Long Zhen House. In a side hall, Langzhen nodded and said, "Please send a messenger to reassure Master Qi Ming. I will complete the task when I wait today!"

Lord Qi Ming is the Prince of Tai Chi Holy Court purple robe that is not far from Ling Xiao Tian Ting.

Obviously, the plan has officially started.

Lang Zhen left the house, entered the palace again with the ministers, and entered the palace of eternal life for a new morning.

In the early days, the ministers stood on both sides.

Lin Xiao and the water mirror are listed at the top of the two columns. At this moment, they look at the water without any trace.

The knot was untied, and the big brother Sanxiong naturally worked harder.

"Very well, today, I can see all my colleagues from yesterday. I am very pleased. Please rest assured that today's waiting, today's stubbornness, will be rewarded, waiting for the return of the Holy King. "Water without trace said immediately.

This is a routine business. Every day, the water has no trace to appease the ministers! For Dalai Lama, stabilize this center of rights, because only if the Xiaoxiao Heavenly Court is not chaotic, the major cities in Dalai Lama's territory can persist.

Although the loss report keeps coming, the cities that have not yet faced still support Grandma, and no one has gone out!

"Great general!" Shui insignificantly said.

"Here!" Lin Xiao nodded.

"How is the Quartet's battle report today?" Shui Wuji said.

This is something that needs to be reported daily. Although all reports are defeated, it will shake the heart of the court. However, if you deliberately conceal it, it will even cause panic. Although all the reports are defeated, the ministers will feel that they are still in control.

"As of today's ugly day, the gates of the Wushuang City in the south have been broken, and now it is in a fierce battle. It is impossible to redeem it! Up to three days, Wushuang City will be lost!" Lin Xiao sighed slightly.

The water nodded without a trace. The chapel became extremely silent for a moment. Wushuang City, the Holy King started from this city, and show off his head in Shenzhou! It was still a fortress in the south. Wushuang City was lost, and at least five cities would lose their support and be isolated.

"General, are you still obsessed?"

Just then, Lang Zhen suddenly jumped out. Eyes stared at Lin Xiao.

***: Suddenly found three things, first, "Longevity" has just 3 million words, a big jump! Thank you for your support so far. Second, I read it wrong yesterday. It was dozens of votes smaller than the first six of Xianxia, ​​and I was dizzy. As long as I rushed, there was no problem with the first six of Xianxia. Brothers with votes, smash it! The third point, 400 votes, it ’s time to explode again. Khan. I was in the field for the past two days, and I will be able to go home the day after tomorrow. When I get home, there will definitely be an outbreak. Finally, ask everyone to vote for 500 votes.