Immortals Dump Waste In My Home

Chapter 140: Business talk

After hanging up with Xia Yanyu, Xu Fan found his car parked near the pier and set off for Xiahe Village.

I spent these days on the deserted island with Xiao Qiang. Although it was warm and fragrant, the island was unable to contact the outside. Regarding the situation in Xiahe Village, Xu Fan could say that his eyes were blackened.

I don't know what the progress of the chicken farm is. Xu Fan will feel like an arrow. He will rush all the way, and finally rush back to Xiahe Village before dark.

Having disappeared for several days, now returning home, it can be said that a group of people have been anxious.

Even my sister and parents almost thought that now Xu Fan has made a fortune, whether he has kidnapped someone.

The reason for this is not easy to explain to everyone. Xu Fan couldn't laugh or cry, and he casually said a few words before letting everyone feel relieved.

After strolling around the village and saying hello to everyone, Xu Fan went to the chicken farm on the mountain alone.

It has been a while since the chicken farm opened. This meeting is up to the mountain. Under the leadership of Qiu Su'e, Xu Fan visited the results of these days.

The effect of Celestial Grass is already many times stronger than that of ordinary feed. Coupled with advanced chicken raising technology, it can be seen that the first batch of native chickens in the chicken farm are about to mature soon.

The next step is to consider the market for these native chickens. How to make the first batch of native chickens get the most benefits is a question worth pondering.

Xu Fan's ambition is not just to sell these native chickens at a price several times higher.

These days can be regarded as hard work. After returning from the chicken farm, Xu Fan immediately slept until ten o'clock the next morning.

Stretching very contentedly, after Xu Fan got up, he called Hong Fei directly.

Today, Hong Fei is the one who has the most extensive relationship in his own network.

After socializing all the year round, Xu Fan felt that he might be able to provide himself with a good partner to sell local chickens.

Hong Fei has been looking forward to this call from Xu Fan for a long time.

As early as when Xu Fan's chicken farm was built, he was waiting for this day.

For physical problems, he can only eat the food provided by Xu Fan. For this native chicken, he has been coveting it for a long time. Naturally, he is very concerned about this problem.

This will invite Xu Fan to meet in the county seat, and when the time comes, he will take himself to see the partner.

After Xu Fan hung up the phone, Qiu Su'e sent himself more than a dozen mature chickens, and drove over to the county seat alone.

These local chickens, firstly, will let the partners check the quality, and secondly, they will give Hong Fei an early taste.

The road from Xiahe Village to the county seat has now been completed, and it is galloping on the newly built road. Xu Fan did not spend much time before he arrived at the meeting place agreed upon with Hong Fei.

"Haha, brother, you want to kill me, brother!"

This would jump out of the car, Hong Fei hugged Xu Fan with a look of enthusiasm.

"Brother Fei, let's stop getting involved, let's talk about business first."

After chatting with Hong Fei for a few words, Xu Fan asked about the business. He was very curious, who would be the partner Hong Fei would bring to meet today.

"Haha, it's easy to say, let's go, just follow me."

Hong Fei smiled, he would jump into the car and lead Xu Fan the way.

Xu Fan drove the car, following Hong Fei all the way, and soon realized that today, he would take himself to meet someone.

Qin Lan from Huafu Hotel.

Thinking about it carefully, this candidate is indeed good.

The popularity of Huafu Hotel in the county town is not low. Although I am not familiar with that beautiful boss Qin Lan, if we can negotiate later, she is indeed a good partner.

The two drove the car to the gate of the Huafu Hotel. After getting off the car, Hong Fei led Xu Fan directly into the gate.

Hong Fei said a few words to the lobby manager. Soon, the lobby manager led the two directly into a box and waited.

"President Fei, what wind is today that brought you here."

Soon, Qin Lan, dressed as an OL beauty, opened the door and walked in.

After chatting with Hong Fei at this meeting, Qin Lan nodded at Xu Fan. Xu Fan and her classmates had been to Washington for dinner before, and they were considered to have met. Xu Fan also smiled and nodded when she saw it in her eyes.

"Qin Lan, I'm here this time, it's actually for business."

"My brother specializes in agricultural product development. Recently, he was looking for a partner. I think you are a good candidate, so I brought him over and talked with you..."

Regarding this matter, Hong Fei was very concerned, and Hong Fei would have a conversation with Qin Lan, and directly talked about the business.


Qin Lan didn't expect the two people's intentions. As soon as they raised their eyebrows, they asked Hong Fei to say carefully.

"Xu Fan, can you let me take a look at your agricultural products?"

After listening to this meeting, Qin Lan looked at Xu Fan. Obviously, she was still a little interested in what Xu Fan was holding.

"Wait a minute, I'll go out and get it first."

Xu Fan nodded at this time. Right now, he left the box, planning to go to the trunk of the car and bring the native chickens that he brought this time.

After trotting out of the hotel door, Xu Fan carried the cage of the native chicken in the trunk and returned to the box.


Qin Lan couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed when Xu Fan came back with a native chicken.

But after thinking about it carefully, I quickly understood it.

As the owner of Washington D.C., Qin Lan knows a lot about some of the ingredients. She will be a little surprised when she carefully observes the local chicken Xu Fan is holding in her hand.

It can be seen that the native chicken Xu Fan holds in his hand is far more energetic than the native chicken purchased in his own restaurant!

The head is high and energetic, not to mention, the meat on his body is very firm, far exceeding the quality of ordinary native chickens.

Qin Lan's reaction did not surprise Xu Fan too much. She was a person who knew the goods, and there was no reason why she could not see the advantages of her own native chicken.

This will smile and say: "Sister Lan, let's do this, now you go and ask the chef to stew the chicken, it's just noon, just like I'll treat you to lunch.

"Okay, it's better to be respectful than fate."

After working all morning, Qin Lan was also a little hungry at this meeting, and she was also curious about the meat quality of Xu Fan's native chicken, so she agreed without thinking about it.

I want to see what kind of chicken Xu Fan sells in this gourd!

After Qin Lan got up, Xu Fan picked up the chicken on the ground and followed the other side to the kitchen.

The back kitchen of the Huafu Hotel is not small, and there are a row of chefs cooking in full swing.

Qin Lan led Xu Fan to a pot belly cook.

"Master Wang, help me make this native chicken later."

Master Wang is one of the best chefs in the Washington Hotel. Like other chefs, he has a big belly under the nourishment of oil and water.

Hearing the boss's order, he smiled and nodded, then called his apprentice over and said, "Go and kill this chicken!"

After ordering the chef, Qin Lan led Xu Fan back to the box.