Imperfect Entertainer

Chapter 105: Those things about that rabbit

"The quality of the picture is beautiful..."

"Let's take a look first, maybe there will be some surprises."

"Wow, what a cute little rabbit."

" this a dragon next to it? Is it so cute?"

"This... is it telling us about history? A flower gardener? A Chinese family?"

Ye Zhi released this super-short animation on Douyin: Those things about that rabbit that year.

The first episode.

In fact, the quality of this picture can't be said to be so bad. After two days of fine-tuning the details, it's already pretty good, but after all, I'm not a professional animation producer, and it's normal for a novice to have a slot.

At least this style...

It's really cute, and it makes people want to watch it.

Ye Zhi doesn't actually have many Douyin fans. He usually only swipes and does not post. Although the previous Douyin are not bad, they only have a million fans, almost only one-twentieth of An Yijing's. It may even be less than one-twentieth, but...

it does not matter.

He... he can force it to the top.

The actual content is only five minutes long. It is not long, and it is quickly finished. At the end of the first episode, Ye Zhi left a few large characters written by himself.

I have no regrets in entering China in this life, and I will be like a flower gardener in the next life.

The power of forcing the top is powerful.

Every person who opens Douyin, the first Douyin that they swipe, is that Rabbit (abbreviated as the Rabbit that year), and it can only be it. People who are swiping Douyin will definitely not be doing it for a long time. It will be swiped, and it will also be directly labeled as a boutique.

Under normal circumstances, such forced propaganda of Hongguoguo will definitely cause a backlash.

But this time, it seems to be different.

"You will be beaten if you fall behind. It's so embarrassing."

"MD, when I stamped the seal three times, my heart ached. Nanjing, Maguan, Xin Chou, shame!"

"The sound of the seal... my heart is trembling..."


"Weak countries don't have diplomacy, Qingdog misunderstood me!"

"Hans, are you referring to Germany? It's interesting, and guerrilla warfare."

"This nuclear bomb is so cute, hahaha, when it blows up, it's so cool!"

"Using our own hands to create a flower grower that is well fed, warmly dressed, and not looked down upon by others, I cried."

"Suddenly burst into tears."

"When ED opened my mouth, I collapsed. Brother Ye Zi can always sing me to tears easily. Is it a new song? This singing with a crying voice is extremely praised."

"Cry! Why are you crying for me!"

"Those who commit me to plant flowers will be punished even if they are far away! How come it is so windy with the windows closed at home, and my eyes are sweating."


"Why do I always have tears in my eyes, just because I love this land deeply, and today I have become a fan of Ye Zhihei!"

"I've become a fan. Just with this ED, I've been a fan of you for the rest of my life!"

"Why is your nose sore?"

Just like that sentence: I grew up in this land, and I love this country.

This love may be so deep that you don't even realize it. This kind of feeling is like: My parents, no matter how many shortcomings, I can complain and complain, but others, so sorry... Absolutely! right! Do not! Can! by!

My country, too!

Ye Zhi's Douyin has no surprises, only positive reviews. In just a few hours, the number of likes has exceeded one million, and the number of views has exceeded 10 million, and it is still rising.

There are even many history teachers who have downloaded the video and played it during class.

"Yes, you can play it during class, it's very vivid, very interesting, and very profound..."

"A new way of studying modern history, haha."

"Classmates, let me do some summer history homework, and I'll brush up on that rabbit for me."

"It's very interesting, every detail is in line with the details of history... But, Ye Zhi, how can you be a science student?"

"Zhuang Yuan's self-made animation is thought-provoking."

Even Ye Zhi's black fans, as long as they have brains, would not dare to be black this time, this wave is really black.

Nowadays, many so-called angry youths have no experience or understand anything, so they participate in politics, start wars, and seize islands according to their own ideas. I think I have a lot of research on the military and say that China is weak, if the country is really in the hands of such people...

How long can you survive?

Although the rabbit is suspected of being a 'simulcast', it is indeed an excellent nationalist propaganda work.


The praise is only for most people in the country.

For some internationalists, the Rabbit is a bit too nationalistic and its values ​​are incompatible. After all, the Rabbit is just a cartoon, and it certainly cannot be absolutely objective.

Not to mention that rabbit, no one in this world can do it, that rabbit is indeed suspected of some right-wing ideology. After all, the dark side of the nation exists everywhere. Isn't Ye Zhi's grandfather one of the victims?


The main theme of the rabbit is not to promote love D, but those great people, dedicated people, thanks to them, there is today Ye Zhi is not the original author of the rabbit.

He also has his own opinions. He doesn't skip over some things with a swipe of a pen. For some history that should be remembered, no matter whether it is good or bad, he thinks it is worth recording.

"The Rabbit" is just the door, it doesn't represent everything behind the door, it's just Ye Zhi's own point of view to...

Tell historical stories.

If you want to have a deeper understanding of the world, you need to read more materials, watch more documentaries, and think more, instead of just taking that door as the whole of the world, which will make people narrow-minded and paranoia.

Ye Zhizai updated the second episode of The Rabbit with the text:

I have cried and laughed, but life has to go on, and history continues to turn page by page. Our predecessors have created a great history that makes us laugh with tears, but if we want to inherit the aspirations of our ancestors and fulfill the dream of "the sea of ​​stars", we need not only a few minutes of moving and passion, but also us Stay grounded in every step of the job at hand. Share with you.

In Bluestar's China, there is greater freedom in speech.

He also has a greater tolerance for animation works, so Ye Zhi's "The Rabbit" is different from the original version, and he can talk about more things.

However, after all, "The Rabbit" is not a perfect anime.

Nor can it be perfect.

In this world, no matter what the work is, it is impossible for everyone to like it, and the rabbit is the same.

Ye Zhi's purpose is very simple, he is using his own way, through animation, to show the correct three views that he recognizes, and to publicize it.

His original intention was simple.

Just like Dad Ye, I simply wanted the post-90s and post-00s to remember more history.