Imperfect Entertainer

Chapter 583: This thigh 1 must be hugged tightly!

Zhou Na took out a task card and said, "Let me introduce to you the romantic snow house that Ye Shen arranged for us. He said that the most important thing in the trip is to live comfortably. Only when you live comfortably can you have fun, beautiful snow scenery. Courtyard, warm quality home, outdoor hot spring with high privacy, wow! There is also a hot spring!”

Zhang Xinyi already covered her mouth and cried, "Wow~~~! This is also great!"

at this time.

Jiang Qian, who was sitting beside Shen Lu, had already hugged Shen Lu tightly, "No, this thigh must be hugged tightly, and no one will grab it from me."

Shen Lu was embarrassed and didn't know what to say.

"I hope to leave beautiful memories of the Northland in the hearts of the young ladies and sisters. It's so romantic."

"Just thinking about it makes me feel comfortable." Zhang Xinyi looked so grateful, worthy of being a talented actor, and her acting skills were nothing to say, her eyes seemed to be full of admiration, "Lulu, is your family Ye Ye usually so romantic? ?"

"Romantic? It doesn't exist."


Shen Lu shook her head, "He is obviously in his early twenties, but he has been living like an old man. I just knew what kind of hot spring was that, it must be a spa type, super healthy..."

"Then will he do maintenance? Like putting on a mask, but you are so young, shouldn't you?"

The embarrassment I had just now seems to have completely disappeared. When I talked about my boyfriend and husband, the topic came up immediately, "Yes, but he doesn't like to put on a mask very much. I forced him to put it on, and I used the rest. ,whee."

Jiang Qian looked very approving, "Yes, yes, so does my husband."

"Then she should use it more, right? After all, he uses it here." Zhou Na gestured over her head. Jiang Qian's husband is a famous actor who has played a lot of comedies, but his acting skills are really good.

The most important thing is that he is bald, double the dosage, and double the brightness.

"He's been very entangled. He doesn't know whether to wash his hair with shower gel or shampoo. After all, he's bald~~"

Zhou Na continued to ask, "Is he bald?"

Jiang Qian replied subconsciously, "His father is... it's over."

After she finished speaking, she realized that she seemed to have said the wrong thing. After she said it, she was afraid that she would have to be educated by her husband when she went home. The people in the back row were almost laughing. This revelation was really a bit violent.

"This part must be cut..." But when she thought of the urination of the general program group, Jiang Qian quickly said to the camera in front of her that there was no silver 300 taels here, "Husband, this is not what I said."

"By the way, let's order food first? Is there anything you want to eat?"

It is indeed convenient to travel with Zhixun. On the app, you can not only rent a car, book a hotel, but also order various surrounding delicacies, and even mark some high-quality high-quality specialties. With the power of big data, Zhixun now travels. It is indeed a good travel aid.


The premise is that there is a small amount of money.

If you don't need a small amount of money, no matter what you use, it's impossible to travel easily.

Arrived at the hotel.

The house they just saw on the app was completely and truly displayed in front of them. The interior was much more shocking than what was seen on the app. There were a post-80s generation and a new one on Shen Lu's thigh. 90's pendant.

The accommodation conditions are really not too good. It's something that other show crews can't even think about!

Tell the truth.

If it wasn't for Ye Zhi's money, they obviously wouldn't be able to stay in such a good hotel.

The show team will probably choose a lower hotel for them. Of course, it is worthy of their brand name. Otherwise, if the show is launched, I am afraid it will be smeared by their fans.

This is no joke!

"Lulu, are you still saying that your family treats you badly?"

"He's been very good to me."

"Then you said that about him before?"

Shen Lu didn't think so. "He does have these problems. If he has any shortcomings, he has to say. This is actually what he taught me. Anyway, if there is something, just say it directly. Anyway, don't hold it back.

Zhou Na nodded in agreement, she had also been married for some years, and expressed her approval of Ye Zhi's point of view, "I really have to say it, but Lulu, compared with the advantages, I think I can accept it completely. "

Just when everyone thought she was going to have a big time to win her husband...

"Lulu, does your leaf... still lack leg hair? I think I can."


Immediately afterwards, the room allocation will begin.

In fact, one person can have one room. Ye Zhiding's villa has four rooms. Each room is very large and spacious.

But here comes the problem.

Some people like to sleep alone, while others are not used to sleeping alone. Some people even snore. How to separate rooms has become a very serious problem.

Sister Liangliang was the first to raise her hand and was very frank, "I'll still have a room by myself. I snort when I sleep."

"Ah? Sister Liangliang, do you snore when you sleep?"

"Yes, I snore."

Jiang Qian, who originally wanted to share a room with her, immediately changed her mind, expressing that she wanted a room of her own, "I'm a light sleeper and easily woken up, so I won't share a room with you,

You don't snore when you sleep, do you? "

Sister Liangliang: "The person who snores doesn't know it, you have to ask Ye Ye."

Shen Lu: "..."


Shen Lu said that she really didn't know, and Ye Zhi had never told her about it, so she sent him a message to confirm it, of course, from the bottom of her heart , she still felt that she should not.

"Pig's head, do I sleep and snore?"



"Have you ever felt the desperation of an electric drill that is constantly working when you are sleeping? I have felt it."


Shen Lu glanced at everyone who was eagerly discussing the issue of room separation, and swallowed, "I'm serious, I'm going to be separated, don't you joke with me, okay? If I share a room with someone else at night... I'll be ashamed. It's gone!"

"Then you'd better not share a room with others. Isn't there four rooms in that house?"

"Sister Liangliang is also snoring."

"That's right, you and her share a room, you can compete, who's voice is louder, come on, I believe in your strength!"

Who wants you to believe in this kind of power!

Shen Lu pursed her lips and was about to cry. No one had ever told her about this before, but thinking about it, it seemed that she had been sleeping in a bed by herself since she became sensible, so she followed Ye After wisdom...

Hearing this news, Shen Lu felt that her outlook on life had collapsed.