Imperial Beast Evolution (Fey Evolution Merchant)

v1 Chapter 1128: how? If you want to make trouble in the

Chapter 1129 If you want to make trouble in the battlefield?

Gu Han lowered his head and looked at the information submitted by the Sky City in silence.

The name of the third master who participated in the Blood Oath Extreme Fight only wrote the word "Shadow".

No ghost can guess from a shadow character that it is an imaginary shadow demon.

At the same time, Gu Han couldn't help secretly guessing about the city in the sky.

Could it be said that there is a certain relationship behind the Sky City?

The sixth-level abyss dimension cracks can connect the abyss world. It is not impossible to control the abyss demon and obtain the allegiance of the abyss demon to the main world.

But at this time the rift in the sixth-level abyss was still in a sealed state, and only thirteen people could freely enter and leave the abyss world.

This shows that the eleventh-level creation and eight-kilosis void shadow demon must have been brought out from the abyss world under a certain crown.

Guessing is guessing, but there are some questions that Gu Han, as a smart person, would not ask questions rashly.

At the same time, Gu Han secretly said.

"Miao's Di Animal Garden really kicked the iron plate this time."

After the death of two veteran imperial-level powerhouses, the Miao Family Di Beast Garden will be weaker in terms of imperial-level combat power compared to several other top forces that belong to the same competition.

The death of two veteran emperor-level powerhouses will make the Miao family send two veteran emperor-level powerhouses to help Zheng family and Sky City engage in a **** oath.

However, these negative discussions will eventually affect the Miao family.

Fortunately, Han Tianhe and Liu Yanshan are not creators, and the deaths of Han Tianhe and Liu Yanshan will not affect the foundation of the Miao Family Di Beast Garden in terms of creators.

From the moment when Han Tianhe and Liu Yanshan died, Lin Yuan kept his eyes fixed on the area where Miao He was in the audience.

Seeing Miao He picking up his mobile phone to make a call, Lin Yuan's mouth turned up.

Although this **** battle with the Zheng family is over.

But the dispute in the Extreme Arena is far from stopping.

Looking at the face on the opposite side of Jidouchang, Zheng Kaiyuan looked like he couldn't believe it.

Lin Yuan walked towards Zheng Kaiyuan's direction with everyone in the Sky City behind him.

Every step Lin Yuan steps on the ground is equivalent to stepping on the cusp of Zheng Kaiyuan's heart.

Because every step of Lin Yuan's approach makes Zheng Kaiyuan feel that his life disappears a bit faster.

Lin Yuan didn't walk fast, and while walking, Lin Yuan thought secretly in his heart.

The old house of Miao's Di Beast Garden was not far from the Extreme Arena. It must have been at the Extreme Arena with the strength of an emperor-level powerhouse.

Lin Yuan said to endless Xia who was standing beside him.

"Endless Xia, the Zheng family who are still alive now rewarded Xiazhi with a gun."

Lin Yuan didn't mean the slightest softness in dealing with the rest of the Zheng family.

Hearing Lin Yuan's words, endless summer waved immediately.

Hundreds of pink-purple flower **** appeared out of thin air in the rain curtain, scattered into the sky of flowers and rain.

One shot after another, Xia Zhi shot through the crowd where the Zheng family was.

Since Miao Zhi and Zheng Kaiyuan lost their legs and needed to be held, both Miao Qi and Zheng Kaiyuan were on the far left of the team.

Just when the rest of the Zheng family became the undead under Xia Zhi's gun, Xia Zhi shot the gun at Miao Zhi and Zheng Kaiyuan, and there was a sudden shout in the air.

"Keep people under the gun!"

Then, a golden barrier appeared in front of Miao Zhi and Zheng Kaiyuan.

Miao Zhenshan, with white beard and hair, stood in the air, standing beside him was an elegant man who looked about 30 years old.

There was a scar on the elegant man's brow, which split his eyebrow into a broken eyebrow.

Makes the man's elegant face stained with gangsterism.

Standing behind Miao Zhenshan and the elegant middle-aged man was an old woman, and the barrier just now was just released by the old woman.

Lin Yuan immediately used real data to check the old woman.

Lin Yuan discovered that this old woman was not a spiritual creature, but an S+ level aura professional.

Judging from the strength of the shield released by the old woman, the strength of the shield released at will can block the Xia Zhi's gun of Xia Zhi.

It shows that this old woman must also be a veteran imperial powerhouse.

As for the strength and the dead Liu Yanshan and Han Tianhe who is strong and which is weak, it is impossible to tell with a barrier alone.

Miao Zhenshan looked at Han Tianhe and Liu Yanshan's split body, the eye sockets immediately turned red, like weeping blood.

However, Miao Zhenshan was not the only one present with such violent mood swings.

After the elegant man with broken eyebrows appeared, Ji Feng, who was covered in black robe, suddenly clenched his fists and pressed his lips tightly.

Ji Feng's teeth had already cut his lips due to the force of pursing his mouth.

The blood dripped from the corners of the lips and into the blue cloud suit of the wide sky.

Ji Feng tried desperately to condense his breath, not letting the slightest leak of his breath.

Standing beside Ji Feng, Liu Jie keenly felt Ji Feng's changes, and immediately stretched out his hand to hold Ji Feng's arm.

As a companion, Liu Jie naturally knew Ji Feng's life experience.

At the same time, Liu Jie also recognized the elegant man with broken eyebrows standing beside Miao Zhenshan.

This elegant man with broken eyebrows is the second elder of the Jingyang Trade Presbyterian Association, and one of the three giants in the Wanqi trade line.

Lin Yuan looked at Miao He's action before, Liu Jie saw it.

Knowing that Lin Yuan did this to induce the principal of the Miao family.

But when Miao Zhenshan, the head of the Miao family, came, why would there be the second elder of the Whale Ocean Trade standing beside him?

Lin Yuan watched as the three people in the sky were not waiting to give instructions, and a majestic breath pierced the sky.

The monstrous coercion diffused from Gu Han.

Lin Yuan smelled the immortal smell in the pressure that diffused from Gu Han.

Gu Han looked up at Miao Zhenshan and the second elder of Jingyang Trading in the sky.

The immortal breath firmly locked the old woman who had just released the golden barrier, and said lightly.

"Why, is the Miao Family coming to Jidu Arena to make trouble?"

"The Extreme Arena has always invaded the blood of the forces, Miao Zhenshan, as the Patriarch of the Miao Family's Di Beast Garden, don't you know this common sense?"

At the same time that Gu Han released his aura, the edge of the UU Reading extremely battlefield was surrounded by twelve powerful men holding totem stone pillars.

From the moment these strong men appeared, the pressure on their bodies was released.

Twelve Daowei tightly covered the sky above the Extreme Arena.

Moreover, the coercion emitted by the twelve extreme fighting guards also carried obvious killing intent.

After feeling the pressure, Lin Yuan discovered that the strength of the twelve strong men holding totem poles was not weaker than Liu Yanshan just now.

I heard that there are Ji Dou Wei guarding the rules of the Ji Dou Arena.

Ji Douwei is responsible for maintaining the order of the Ji Dou arena, and he holds a stone pillar that officially portrays the totem of the forces executed for not complying with the rules of the Ji Dou arena.

Facing the pressure from Gu Han and the twelve Extreme Douwei, the cold sweat on Miao Zhenshan's forehead slipped down instantly.

(End of this chapter)