Imperial Beast Evolution (Fey Evolution Merchant)

v1 Chapter 1137: Want to join the Celestial Council? Prov

But Suyi reached out his palm to the South Mianzu seat, and heard the woman sitting on the Libra throne speak in a flat tone.

"Slow, you have to prove your worth if you want to join the Celestial Council."

Wen Yu's words stunned the Suyi.

In the memory of the Sui, Talay and the Leo seat were not required to prove their worth when signing the contract.

This immediately gave the Sui a sense of being treated differently.

Although the Suyes in the Shenmu Federation are not as good as dogs, they now appear in a dream council in the form of soul will.

The Sui people still have the pride of the Dark Envoy here.

If they were treated so differently last time, the Sui would definitely withdraw from the Celestial Assembly without hesitation.

But since the last time the Celestial Assembly ended, Lin Yuan passed the life energy of Lily and Lily to the Sui through the function of Protoss Top, and restored the Sui's injuries.

Let the Sui see the power of the Celestial Council.

It also allows the Suyes to understand that even if they are in the Shenmu Federation, the Celestial Assembly can also receive their help.

Coupled with Lin Yuan's saying that there is hope in life, the Suyis carried out a self-guided strategy for themselves for seven days.

So after entering the Celestial Assembly, the Sui immediately couldn't wait to sign a contract with the southern crown seat behind them.

The Sui people who had decided to join the Celestial Assembly a long time ago and regarded it as a hope of survival were naturally unwilling to give up their chance after being treated unfairly.

The Suyi asked Wen Yu with his gaze.

"How do I need to prove my worth?"

During the dialogue between the Sui and Wen Yu, Lin Yuan once again checked the memory of the Sui.

I know how the Sui people came here for these seven days.

Originally, when Lin Yuan saw that the Sui were about to sign a contract with the Nan Mianzu seat, he was already prepared to stop it.

As a result, Wen Yu got ahead of him and prevented the Sui from acting.

Now that Wen Yu had started, Lin Yuan planned to hand over the Sui to Wen Yu.

See what Wen Yu would say and do.

Wen Yu said straightforwardly when he saw the Suyi asking questions to himself.

"Proving the value of a person is not by what the person has, but by what the person can do."

"Can you cooperate with the Celestial Council 100% without hiding your mind?"

Hearing Wen Yu's question, the Suy became silent.

After a brief silence, the Sui did not directly answer Wen Yu's words.

But the conversation turned, pointing to Ta Lei, Yin Lin, and Bei Xu.

"Can they be 100% guaranteed to cooperate with the Celestial Council without hiding their hearts?"

"What does one think in his heart, and how can other people know?"

"This kind of promise seems to me like a child's play."

"Now I answer you, can you believe it?"

When the Suyi finished speaking, he was coldly interrupted by Yin Lin who was not far away.

"Don't forget why you entered the Celestial Council!"

"Before entering the Celestial Assembly, what kind of oath did you make?

"Libra's use of the word cooperation is enough to give you face."

"After the Celestial Council has fulfilled your wish, you should do everything you can for the Celestial Council."

When Yin Lin retorted the Sui, Bei Xu and Talei also frowned at the same Sui.

The Sui can clearly feel the disgust of Yinlin, Tale, and Bei Xu towards them.

Yin Lin's words suddenly awakened the Sui.

Because the Sui who entered the Celestial Assembly again thought about how to join it to live better and achieve their goals.

I really forgot how I entered the Celestial Council last time.

At this time, Yin Lin only listened to the woman sitting on the throne of Libra speaking flatly.

"The idea in your mind right now is thinking about how to get more rewards from the Celestial Council."

"After the wings become more abundant, you want to return to the Dark Continent and use your identity as the Dark Envoy to get a response from the members of the Seven Nether Kingdoms in the Central Plains of the Dark Continent. Am I right?"

Wen Yu's words made the Suyee's eyes widened.

Because what Wen Yu is talking about is the mind of the Sui people at this time.

It can be said that the minds of the Sui people have been fully understood by Wen Yu.

Last time the Suy wondered how the two sitting on the throne knew so many things about themselves.

Now it seems that either the party itself is weird.

Either the woman sitting on the throne of Libra has the omniscience and omnipotence ability to understand the heart.

Just as the Sui was thinking, Wen Yu continued.

"I always thought that someone who can become a dark envoy would not be someone who can't see the situation clearly."

"The most basic thing for revenge is to have the strength to defeat the seven pages of war."

"Without the strength of seven pages of war, coming forward with enthusiasm will only kill those close to you."

"You should have a deep understanding of this."

"Now I give you one last chance, let me know what you can do for the Celestial Council."

"Otherwise, you will continue to pick up the trash in the Shenmu Federation as a scavenger, and barely survive."

"Oak City is a giant city in the Shenmu Federation that has a four-star family, many three-star families and dozens of two-star families."

"In such a place where nobles are everywhere, the death of a refugee cannot splash any water."

"At that time, no one would know that Tangtang Gloom Envoy was buried like an ant in a corner of an alley in Shenmu Federal Oak City."

"You know that I am not saying these words to scare you, and you don't want to think about the contract with the Celestial Council as simple as that."

"Signing a contract with the Celestial Council is destined to fulfill the promise you made when you entered the Celestial Council, otherwise you will pay far more than you get."

Every word of Wen Yu was like a heavy hammer hitting the heart of the Sui.

Because every word Wen Yu said is the suffering that Sui people are actually suffering now.

Wen Yu's omniscience and omnipotence, as if he could see through the hearts of people, gave Su Yi a sense of fear.

But in the end the Sui gritted his teeth and said.

"There are many things I can do. Even if you give me a federation, I can help you run orderly."

"As for you want me to do other things, at least you have to recover from my injury."

"In addition, my holy source things are a bit special, and the abilities of my holy source things are bound to each of my spiritual things."

"If I don't recover my holy source thing from its dying state."

"Even if I recover my soul injury, I can't summon the spirit thing."

The Sui's words were very loud, but Wen Yu knew that the Sui's words were not false.

There are a total of seven federations in the Dark Continent, and one of the tests for the Sui to become a Dark Envoy is to dominate a federation for one year.

So as to prove their ability in strategy and overall view.

(End of this chapter)

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