Imperial Beast Evolution (Fey Evolution Merchant)

v1 Chapter 1138: Omniscience and the fear of the Sui

Lin Yuan said to the Sui after hearing Wen Yu's words.

"If you choose to become a member of the Celestial Council, the Celestial Council will naturally not let you down."

"Your soul trauma can be healed easily. There is no need to worry about this."

"What we should discuss now is how to heal your holy source?"

Sui people's eyes lit up when they heard Lin Yuan's words.

From Lin Yuan's words, the Suy knew that the Celestial Body Council had the ability to heal the wounds on his soul.

And has the heart to heal the damage to his own origin, the holy source thing that is currently in a desperate state.

In fact, the Sui people are not very clear about the injury of the Holy Origin Thing Never Love Poppy.

Who let the flowers and leaf stems of the first love poppy be crushed into flower mud directly by the seven pages of the war?

Then Jue Lian Poppy fell asleep deep in the soul of the Sui.

To communicate with the things of the holy source, the situation of the things of the holy source must be stimulated by the soul.

In the case of soul trauma, the Sui people have no way to explore the situation of Never Love Poppy.

But Jue Lian Poppy is still alive and the Suis can be sure.

In fact, under normal circumstances, as long as the root system of a plant is still there.

It should be able to absorb nutrients for self-recovery.

It's just that the absolute love poppy now is too weak.

In the dying state, Jue Lian Poppy did not dare to absorb nutrients at will.

Because once the Jue Lian poppy starts to absorb nutrients, it will let the stubble exit the dormant state.

After exiting the dormant state, the deadly love poppy will quickly lose its vitality from the broken stem.

Once the vitality generated by the absorbed nutrients does not reach the elapsed level, the absolute love poppy will die completely.

Sui people subconsciously did not want to let their dying love Poppy take any risk.

So the Sui Lion said with a big mouth.

"It's difficult to heal my Absolute Love Poppy. So far I only think of two ways."

"One is to plant my Never Love Poppy on the top marsh soil forever."

"The second is to burn my unrequited love poppy with the fire of life."

"Other methods may have a recovery effect, but only these two methods are the safest."

"Otherwise, once the operation is improper, my absolute love poppy will most likely die completely."

"I don't want to let Never Love Poppy take the risk."

When the Sui people talked about the top marsh soil forever, Lin Yuan frowned.

The total number of times that the five-level swamp dimension cracks were opened on the Huiyao continent was so many times.

There are even more top marsh soils produced in these five-level marsh dimensional cracks.

At present, some of the top marsh soil masters in the Huiyao Federation have mentioned it to himself after Yuehou.

There is no such thing as an everlasting soil.

That is to say, the way to find the top marsh soil in the Glory Federation to live forever does not work.

Although Lin Yuan now has a territory in the swamp world, he has extremely convenient conditions to find the soil.

But to find a specific marsh soil in the vast swamp world is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

The vicinity of the top marsh soil is often protected by powerful dimensional creatures.

Those dimensional creatures that guard the top marsh soil may not be able to provoke Lin Yuan's current strength.

Later, when the Suyes mentioned the silence of life, Lin Yuan's brows suddenly stretched out.

Because if the Sui needed life and silence, it would save Lin Yuan's troubles.

There is a ready-made fire of creatures in the locked spirit space.

During this period of time, the Twin Fire Festival has been consuming the pure aura and fire-attribute elemental pearls in the spirit lock space.

A large number of pure aura and fire-attribute goddess-level elemental pearls allow the creatures bred by the twin fire sacrifices to grow rapidly.

Has reached a semi-mature state.

Even though the strain of life bred by the Twin Fire Sacrifice is far less mature than the strain that Endless Summer devours.

However, it should be more than enough to promote the growth of plant-like holy source objects by burning.

Since the sacred source thing Jue Lian Poppy for the treatment of the Suyis only needs to be burned with the fire of life, not the fire of life.

Lin Yuan naturally has nothing to be stingy.

After the Sui had finished speaking, he immediately felt that he was a bit gaffe.

The top marsh soil that lives forever and the seven dark kingdoms once got a piece.

This top-level marsh soil is an eternal life-bearing soil in the entire gloomy seven states.

The Sui, the legendary fire-attribute spiritual material Sui, had only heard of its effects, and had never seen it before.

Sui people feel that their requirements are really difficult for others.

He is no longer in the Seven Dark Nation, and the Dark Continent has also fallen.

I should no longer use the vision of the Dark Envoy to communicate with others.

However, what Sui didn't expect was that he only finished making the request.

The man on the Leo throne spoke naturally.

"In this case, you can sign a contract with Nan Mianzuo seat."

"After that, I will go to treat your holy source thing, Never Love Poppy."

Lin Yuan's words surprised the Sui people inexplicably.

At the same time, he was surprised at the resources Lin Yuan had in his hands.

The Sui, who had received Lin Yuan's assurance, were busy signing a contract with the Nan Mianzu seat.

From the perspective of the Sui, the more resources Lin Yuan had in his hands, the more beneficial it would be for him in the future.

Just when the Sui people signed a contract with the Corona South seat, the Nebula South Nebula brightened above the head.

The Suy suddenly remembered the phone he found while digging through the trash.

The Suyi was about to ask Lin Yuan for his phone number, when he heard that Lin Yuan had already reported a phone number to himself.

"Call this number in five days, and this number will make the next arrangement for you."

What Lin Yuan reported to the Suyis was exactly the phone numbers of the two mobile phones selected from the five spies of the Kuya Bandit Group.

The members of the Kuya Pirate Group are all small in the Shenmu Federation, and there is no complicated interpersonal relationship.

And with the destruction of the Kuya Pirate Group, no one will call these two mobile phone numbers anymore.

Originally, the Sui wanted to ask Lin Yuan's words on the Lin Yuan's unexplored prophecy once again made the Sui's pupils suddenly shrink.

As a superior, the Suy can see through the terrible aspects of a person's thoughts most clearly.

The omniscience and omnipotence of Lin Yuan and Wen Yu buried a deep mark in the hearts of the Sui people.

Let the Sui know that he will never lie to Lin Yuan in the future.

Because even lying is useless, the other party already knows everything before he speaks.

If Lin Yuan knew what the Sui people were thinking now, he would definitely praise his behavior of just reporting his phone number.

In fact, at the moment when the Sui and the Southern Coronation seat signed a contract.

Lin Yuan and Wen Yu have already lost their ability to perceive Sui memories.

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