Imperial Beast Evolution (Fey Evolution Merchant)

v1 Chapter 1139: 4 top different waters!

Lin Yuan will directly burst out the number. On the one hand, based on the memory of the Sui, he knew that the Sui had found the mobile phone and planned to ask his own phone number.

On the other hand, it is because the communication between myself and the Sui people has been too long.

The time for the celestial assembly is limited, and it is impossible to leave the entire celestial assembly time to the Sui.

Always take Yinlin, Tale, and Bei Xu into consideration.

That's why Lin Yuan reported the phone number to the Sui without waiting for the Sui to ask questions.

After arranging the Sui, Lin Yuan turned his head to Wen Yu.

Seeing Lin Yuan looking at him, Wen Yu's lips moved slightly.

According to Wen Yu's mouth, Lin Yuan knew that the Celestial Body Council could last up to seven minutes.

So Lin Yuan directly asked Yin Lin.

"Yin Lin, tell me in advance about the demand for the heavenly female elemental pearls on your side. I'll make preparations early."

Yin Lin is in the Azure Federation and wants to develop rare coral resources.

The demand for the water-attribute celestial element pearls must be the greatest.

And now the Azure and Floating Island Whales in the Spirit Locking Space want to grow, they also need to constantly consume the water attribute celestial element pearl.

Therefore, Lin Yuan planned to find out Yin Lin's needs first.

Otherwise, the transaction will not be good because of the influence of the celestial elemental pearls because of the water consumption attribute of the blue belly.

In fact, since the last time the Celestial Assembly ended, Yin Lin had calculated how many Celestial Elemental Pearls he could trade.

Entering the Celestial Assembly this time, Yin Lin herself also had a plan to talk to Lin Yuan about this.

"Lion, the water-attribute celestial element pearls, the more the better."

"For other attributes, I want to guarantee 300 pieces of each attribute."

Hearing Yin Lin's words, Lin Yuan was immediately shocked by the huge resources Yin Lin held.

There are four series of element shells, in the case of uncertain trading quantity of water attribute celestial element pearls.

Yin Lin was ready to trade 900 heavenly female elemental pearls from her own hands.

Bilan wanted to comprehend his will, what he lacked most was the different water.

After completing this transaction with Yin Lin, Lin Yuan will be able to obtain a large amount of different water.

With these different waters, Bilan's strength will get a qualitative leap.

However, Lin Yuan was not satisfied with Yin Lin's answer that the more the better.

It was still a while before Yin Lin came to the Huiyao Federation.

Lin Yuanruo suspends the consumption of the water elemental pearl by Azure.

With the current output of the sea blue elemental shells in the Suo Ling space, Lin Yuan wanted to stock up to five thousand water-attribute celestial pearls more than enough.

If he really took out five thousand water-attribute heavenly female-level elemental pearls, could Yin Lin be able to change it?

"I have a lot of water-attribute elemental pearls."

"You say a number, I will save the water attribute celestial element pearl of this number."

"In this way, I can use other water-attribute elemental pearls freely, and I don’t have to wait for a deal with you to hold other water-attributed elemental pearls in my hands."

Yin Lin immediately understood what Lin Yuan meant.

So Yin Lin lowered his head and carefully estimated the supplies he was carrying to the Huiyao Federation before speaking.

"Lion, I would like to exchange two thousand pearls of the goddess-level element of water."

"This time I only got four top different waters from the family, but I got a lot of high-level different waters and intermediate different waters."

"After calculating these different waters, according to the price of the Huiyao Federation, it should be possible to receive 2,900 celestial element pearls at a premium of 12%."

Yin Lin's words caused Lin Yuan's brows to jump wildly.

The Azure Federation is indeed one of the three major federations!

Yin Lin deserves to be the fourth azure blue envoy!

The Yin family is worthy of being one of the twelve great azure blue families, and it is indeed rich.

You can get four top different waters at once!

Not to mention letting Lin Yuan go to get the top-level different water, even if it is to relax the scope, let Lin Yuan go to the top-level marsh soil, the different fire and other materials.

As long as Lin Yuan doesn't reach out to Master Yuehhou, he can't get it easily.

Once materials such as top different fires, different waters, and marsh soil are obtained with power, they will never be used again until they are alive or dead.

Yin Lin's ability to produce four top different types of water at one time can prove Yin Lin's status in the family.

On the one hand, it shows that Yin Lin attaches great importance to this transaction with himself.

Although Lin Yuan was a little uncomfortable with Yin Lin's premium in exchange.

But Lin Yuan didn't need to take out 12% of the heavenly female element pearls to make up for the premium.

If it does. It would make Yin Lin embarrassed.

But what Yin Lin thought was trading ordinary heavenly girl-level elemental pearls with him.

And what Lin Yuan gave to Yin Lin was all celestial-level elemental pearls with Yunmengze and Dingfusheng.

The difference is far from a market premium of 12%.

Thinking of the few days of effort, the elemental pearl hills piled up in the Soul Locking Space.

Lin Yuan's heart was abnormally full, and the feeling of holding a deposit in his hand was really good.

Also listening to Lin Yuan and Yin Lin discussing a deal, Ta Lei and Bei Xu were fine.

Lin Yuan and Yin Lin have no idea about the top different waters and the heavenly elemental pearls.

With the identities of Bei Xu and Ta Lei, they still don't have the ability to access resources at this level.

But the Suis are different.

The Sui people have completely entered a state of bewilderment.

This material exchange involving four top different waters and 2,900 elemental pearls of the celestial woman shook the hearts of the Sui people.

Even the exchange of materials between the seven federations in the Underdark Continent rarely involves such a huge resource replacement at one time.

There is only one idea in the Sui's mind now.

What is the origin of the people in this celestial council?

The last time they came in, the Sui realized that this gathering was essentially the function of a holy source.

Even if the party convened by the Celestial Assembly is powerful, it is impossible to possess the holy source thing if it is not powerful.

But shouldn't all the members who enter the Celestial Council want to sell themselves to the poor people of the Celestial Council?

How could such a person get four top different waters!

Under the deterrence of the huge resource transaction, the heart of UU reading Sui people kept beating.

This transaction between Lin Yuan and Yin Lin made the Suyi suddenly see the hope of recovering the dark seven states.

After communicating with Yin Lin, Lin Yuan asked Ta Lei.

"Tare, what's the situation of your tribe now?"

Hearing the words, Ta Lei knelt on the ground and said to Lin Yuan, arching his hands.

"Thank you, Master, for teaching me to be a one-star creator. Everything is fine for our Ironhoof Tribe."

"According to the master's proposal, the Ironhoof Tribe has now moved towards the junction of the Shenmu Federation."

Hearing Ta Lei calling his master, Lin Yuan showed a strange expression on his face.

To be honest, Ta Lei's master is not himself, and smart.

If he wants to be called, Talay should also call Smart as his master.

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