Imperial Beast Evolution (Fey Evolution Merchant)

v1 Chapter 1426: Squid mouse everywhere

Although the physical and spiritual injuries of the Sui people have faded away, the Holy Origin Thing Never Love Poppy has also been restored.

The Sui people are now in their heyday.

But dirt and blood scabs still remain on the Sui.

The wounds on the Sui people are being healed by life energy.

Infected cells will die quickly and eventually turn into concentrated water to be discharged from the body.

This makes the current Sui people sticky and sticky, as if their clothes are attached to them.

Adding to these filthy things exudes an unpleasant smell.

The Suyi couldn't help but frown.

The Sui moved uncomfortably, and subconsciously stepped back a few steps, pulling away from Lin Yuan.

It seemed that he was afraid that Lin Yuan would smell the smell on his body.

Lin Yuan raised his eyebrows when he saw it, and said.

"The most urgent thing for you now is to take a shower and clean up your body."

"It just so happened that we went to the main city together to find a tree fort, and you also helped these two little guys clean it."

"When you finish cleaning up, let's talk about it."

The Sui nodded quickly when he heard the words.

The Sui made the pledge of allegiance to Lin Yuan, and it was the Sui who recognized the reality.

I chose the best way to deal with it in the future.

It is not because the Sui people have been rubbed off their self-esteem during the time when the Sui people were struggling to survive in the Shenmu Federation.

If the Sui people are filthy here, talk to Lin Yuan face to face.

The Sui people are really embarrassed.

Lin Yuan was able to find out what was in his heart through some small actions.

And the behavior that took the initiative to consider for themselves made the Suy's heart warm.

It may not be unbearable to do things under such people.

Just when the Sui was about to thank him, a squeak came.

A mouse not as big as a slap came out of a pile of fallen leaves not far from the Sui and came to a broken branch.

Looking around, he looked very alert.

After confirming that Lin Yuan and his party were far enough away from him, the mouse lifted off the snag just picked up.

Lin Yuan saw the mouse's eyes light up.

This mouse is exactly the same as the one that Lin Yuan encountered when he first came to the Shenmu Federation.

The amber button-shaped Yuansha fell from Lin Yuan's cuff and slid into the ground.

Immediately afterwards, the silk thread formed from the gravel entangled the squid firmly.

Lin Yuan brought the squid rat in front of him, and watched the squid rat panicked.

Lin Yuan used his spiritual power, and a subtle aura appeared in his palm to soothe the panicked mouse.

This pure aura quickly calmed down the squid.

Even if Lin Yuan asked Yuansha to release his control of this squid.

This squid still rests in Lin Yuan's palm, unwilling to leave.

Lin Yuan is not in a hurry to strengthen this squid right now.

Although the Sui issued a pledge of allegiance to themselves, they became a person Lin Yuan could trust.

But there are some things Sui people don’t need to know.

Seeing that Lin Yuan was very interested in this squid, the Sui spoke quickly.

"My lord, there are many kinds of rats that are common in the abandoned city."

"This kind of rat with brown fur is a kind of rat that likes to live alone."

"Usually they will only act alone and feed on the leaves and fruits of plants."

"In the abandoned city, this kind of rat does not spread disease."

"During the time I came to the waste city, I have seen such a mouse at least twenty or thirty times."

The Sui people were a little strange, they didn't understand why Lin Yuan would be interested in this kind of mouse, which is not even a spiritual thing.

In the eyes of the Sui, such mice are worthless.

If it is really valuable, the native nobles of the Shenmu Federation will not allow this kind of mice, which will spread in the abandoned city.

Lin Yuan's eyes lit up when he heard what the Suyi said.

From the reactions of the spies from the robbery group, Lin Yuan guessed that this kind of squid should be very common.

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However, they did not expect that the scutellaria would actually be in the abandoned city, reaching the level of flooding.

It's no wonder that the spy showed a contemptuous expression on his face when he saw this chipmunk and stood on his shoulder.

However, the proliferation of chipmunks is good news for Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan waved his hand and summoned Xiao Hei, bringing Liu Jie, Ji Feng, Xiao Hua, Xiao Cao, and the Sui towards the main city.

Xiao Hei's flying speed was extremely fast, and within a few moments he reached a tree fort in the main city.

Ji Feng directly wrapped the entire tree fort.

Lin Yuan’s choice of tree castle is a luxurious family tree castle, and the whole tree castle is not layered.

Next to a huge living room in the tree castle are several bedrooms.

Mostly used for the rental of venues for banquets held by local nobles in the Shenmu Federation.

The Sui entered the tree fort and couldn't even drink the water.

I wanted to lead the little flowers and grasses into the bathroom.

At this moment, the Sui was stopped by Lin Yuan.

"Sui people, do you have any change of clothes?"

"If you don't have some fabric here, you can simply sew."

The Sui raised his wrist when he heard the words.

Lin Yuan saw only a coin-sized gold-colored disk on the Suy's wrist. UU reading

Lin Yuan was very familiar with the appearance of this golden disc.

It was basically the same pattern as the golden golden disc that he had seized in the third-level abyssal crack in the suburbs of Wangdu.

It's just that the golden golden disc attached to the Suyi's wrist was much smaller than the one that Lin Yuan captured at the time.

Also more refined.

At first, Lin Yuan thought he was from the Dark Continent, so he made up the idea of ​​the Huiyao Federation.

But later in the coastal and distant sea area of ​​Diancang City, in the upgraded water world dimension crack, Lin Yuan knew that all this was a seven-page conspiracy in the Tadian War.

According to the exploration of Sui's life experience when they joined the Celestial Council.

Lin Yuan knew that the Seven Nether States had been destroyed, and the Nether Continent had fallen into the hands of Seven Pages of War.

This can explain why there were so many people born in the dark continent in the rift of the upgraded water world.

The subordinates of War Seven Pages can assign aura professionals from the Underworld.

Wanting to come to the destruction of the Seven Dark Nation and the fall of the Dark Continent is not just due to the invasion of the Seven Pages of War by an external force.

Lin Yuan has not yet given birth to any plan for the Dark Continent in his heart.

Therefore, there is no need for Lin Yuan to inform the Sui about the information about the Tower Code and the Dark Continent.

Seeing Lin Yuan's gaze, the Suyi kept looking at the golden metal disc on his wrist and explained to Lin Yuan.

"This is our storage space equipment, dead and living things can be installed."

"The area is about the size of four training fields."

My spirit and soul were wounded before, and I couldn't open this space disk.

But now I can.

In this space disk, there are many clothes I wear every day.

Lin Yuan didn't say much when he heard what the Sui said.