Imperial Beast Evolution (Fey Evolution Merchant)

v1 Chapter 1685: What a shame!

   Chapter 1685 What a shame!

  The high wind at this time made it clear that I would not attack other people.

  The rest of you don’t fight me.

   Standing in the middle of the assessment, the high wind in the most central area is like an origin.

  Four members of the Hundred Sons sequence take this place as the center and entrust their backs to each other.

  Everyone faces one side, and the emissary will defend.

  At this time, the spirit creatures of the four former members of the Baizi sequence all drew a line not far in front.

The meaning of    is obvious!

  If anyone crosses this line, they will be attacked by four members of the top 100 sequence.

  In these three days of fighting, the only remaining members of the Hundreds Sequence showed their full strength.

  Everyone has a platinum-level fantasy creature.

  And there is not only one.

  It can be said that these top hundred sub-sequence members.

   itself is the ceiling of combat power among candidates.

  Now he is fully defending by the ambassador, and no one dared to cross that line for a while.

  Because once you cross this line, you will be attacked fiercely by the platinum-level fantasy creatures.

  If everyone went together, it would be fine.

  A person stepped forward and was hit.

  Basically, you can say goodbye to the assessment of Baizi sequence.

  At the moment, for the remaining more than one hundred people, everyone feels that they have a chance to be selected for the Baizi sequence.

  Once you become a member of the Baizi Sequence, it will not only bring glory to the family, but also make the family proud.

   can also bring an excellent future for yourself.

  Once you become a member of the Baizi Sequence, the resources you get will be completely different as before.

  According to management, he became a member of Huiyao Baizi sequence for one year.

  Huiyao Temple will devote at least 50 million Glory coins to resources.

  This resource can be used to obtain an epic-quality Bronze artifact at the same time.

   And upgrade this bronze-level epic-quality spiritual creature to the level of a platinum-level fantasy species.

  Of course, this also has a premise.

  That is oneself, one needs to comprehend a rune of will.

  To comprehend the will rune is a difficult problem for most people.

  It is not difficult for the more than one hundred and forty people present.

  There are even many people who already have a well-understood will rune in their minds.

  It's just that there is no suitable Bronze-level high-quality artifact.

  Becoming a member of the Huiyao Baizi sequence is an ascending channel that can fly directly into the sky.

   has been spelled up to now, no one wants to give up.

  Li Nao had finished changing clothes at this time and walked out of the fitting room piled with yellow sand.

   came to Lin Yuan.

  I saw Lin Yuanzheng watching the dispute in the position through the window opened by Huangsha Castle.

  Li Nao simply walked to Lin Yuan and stood side by side with Lin Yuan.

  Lin Yuan long before he took Li Nao into Huangsha Castle.

   has already retracted the red thorn into the spirit lock space.

  Otherwise, Li Nao should be shocked to see the myth of not being promoted, but there are three pairs of wings of red thorns in a daze.

Instead of going to analyze the situation in the position with Lin Yuan.

   "It's dark, no one can break through the wind wall where the high winds let the spirits display in the central area."

   "So Gao Fengwen can win a spot."

   "The strength of Zhang Zihao, Du Xu and others should be higher than the others."

   "The four of them have taken up the land again."

  “Therefore, you should be able to get four places too. If you count you and me, there are only three places left for the entire assessment.”

The viewers on   Star Net and Li Nao at this time are the same.

[Three to five years: In this assessment, except for Heihe Gaofeng, Li Nao, Zhang Zihao, Du Xu and other five former Huiyao Baizi sequence members, they should all be able to grab a seat, and the remaining three seats, what should the others do? Fight! This kind of competition is too fierce! 】

[A year of Sao with dreams: I also think that in terms of personal strength alone, Gao Feng, Zhang Zihao, and Du Xu are in the core area. They can be regarded as the strongest five on the scene, and there are a few of them. Similar to Du Xu and Zhang Zihao, but these people want to rush to the central area and are targeted by the four people and they will be eliminated immediately! Zhang Zihao and Du Xu were the first to join forces in the core area. What a good strategy! 】

  【The source of happy water: Du Xu and Feng Cong’s psychic abilities are too limited! Feng Cong’s poison-type spirit possesses chronic toxins, which have a range of lethality, but the effect is too slow, and they are not good at defense. Du Xu’s main battle spirit, the Broken Armoured Crocodile, has too low agility and enters a violent rage. After the state, he would not listen to Du Xu's command. Compared to others, I think Du Xu and Feng Cong are not quite qualified. 】

  Lin Yuan's discussion with Xingwang is completely different from Li Nao's thoughts.

  Lin Yuan took the red thorn back into the spirit lock space.

  The eight long strips of sea of ​​flowers in the insect tide have now become rootless sources.

  Although the sea of ​​flowers can be regulated by swallowing Zerg.

  But without the energy supply, the sea of ​​flowers will soon be washed away by the insect tide.

When   , the pressure in the central area doubles.

  Everyone will be desperate and want to occupy the core area.

  At that time, let alone Zhang Zihao, Du Xu, and other four members of the top 100 sequence.

   Even if Lin Yuan goes down by himself, he will definitely be targeted by everyone.

  You may not even have to wait for the eight flowers to collapse.

  The four-person defense will be targeted and attacked by other candidates.

  In less than ten minutes, a voice suddenly sounded in the battlefield.

   "The monster wave is now more ferocious than before!"

  "According to my spiritual observation, the eight sea of ​​flowers have been eaten by the zergs, and our pressure will soon increase."

   "If you don't go to the core area, everyone will have to be eliminated!"

   "Instead of being eliminated like this, everyone should fight for it!"

  This sentence directly aroused the emotions of the candidates present.

  There are only more than 80 people left.

  Instead of just grabbing those three positions, it is better to pull the four top 100 members into the water.

  Everyone fights for seven places together.

  At this time, I don’t know who shouted again.

   "In the previous several hundred sub-sequence selections, in the end, a total of three or four members of the top hundred sub-sequence were selected."

   "But this time, if five people are returned to the ranks of the hundred sub-sequence, doesn't it mean that our newcomers are not strong enough!?"

   "What a shame this is!"

   With these two voices, UU reading made Zhang Zihao, Du Xu, Feng Cong and others' complexions deep.

   Obviously, some people want to target themselves and others.

   and know how to win people's hearts.

   Seconded the power of the group.

  Before they could speak, there were already quite a few candidates, and the imperial emissary had crossed the originally drawn line.

   attacked himself and others.

  Among them, the top 100 sons are ranked 96th, and the 100 poison Feng Cong is the worst.

  The main battle spirit, the blood poisonous dragon viper, sprayed all the poisonous mist out.

  However, these candidates are not afraid of themselves at all.

  The venom of the blood poisonous dragon viper acts on the blood.

  After being infected with the toxin for a period of time, the blood will coagulate.

  The creature will clot and die.

  (End of this chapter)